Back to Joana again

After finishing changing her appearance to the salon, Joana went straight to Mikaelo's house. He intends to influence Mikaelo to leave Agreyta and he can get Mikaelo. When Joana arrived at Mikaelo's house, she pressed the bell of Mikaelo's house.

"Ting Tong" (the sound of Mikaelo's doorbell), Mikaelo opened the door.

Mikaelo : Hey Joana...what's wrong? You're so shiny, where are you going hehehee...what's the party?

Joana : Mike, Why did you say I wanted to go to a party, it's beautiful like this. Hmm, I want to say something Mike.

Mikaelo : Yes, but it doesn't have to be too much, what do you want to talk about, Jo? If it's not important , I'm busy right now.

Joana : Hmmm Mike I like you but why did you choose Agreyta. What am I lacking? (while hugging Mikaelo) break up Agreyta you are better and more worthy of me. She is already there Brandon her childhood love.

Mikaelo : I'm sorry Joana please let go of your hug I'm not comfortable. I love Agreyta because she is the one who deserves to be with me. Agreyta can make me happy. And the Brandon thing I know much better than you so don't ever try to badmouth Agreyta in front of me. Sorry, Joana, I have to do a report, I'm very busy. If there's nothing else you'd better go home.

Joana : Just a moment Mike saw my face .. what I lack.

Mikaelo : Sorry have no shortcomings, this is a matter of the heart that cannot be forced. Sorry I still have work yes, you go home.

Joana : Alright Mike...(You'll see, you two won't be together)

With an annoyed face, Joana walked back to her house. Meanwhile Mikaelo returns to work at his house. Joana still doesn't want Mikaelo to choose Agreyta over herself. And Joana is looking for any way to end Agreyta and Mikaelo's relationship.

Back to Agreyta

It was already 8 o'clock in the evening , Agreyta had come home from campus . Arriving at Agreyta's house, she talked about important things with her mother, about her wedding plans and Joana's problems too. They were talking in the living room with dad there too.

Father : Gray dear, what are you talking about?

Agreyta : Yes dad , my mom, me and Mikaelo will soon get married and even then if daddy and mom do not mind.

Father : Ohh it's good that you are planning to get married, I'm happy that means Mikaelo is not messing with you. What are your plans, what have you prepared?

Agreyta : Planned location in Europe dad, but we don't know the exact date yet, Dad's just looking for a good date. But there's a problem dad.

Father : what do you mean any problem, what's wrong dear, lack of funds, what's the matter?

Agreyta : My funds are not lacking at all dad, we even want to make a festive one. The problem is that Joana likes Mikaelo, she's angry with me because I've been with Mikaelo. So my friendship is tenuous dad.

Father : Oh my God , hmmm but you are not wrong because heart problems cannot be forced. Never mind, don't be a burden, just think about the relationship between the two of you.

Mother : Yes dear, you are not wrong, Mikaelo chose you. Never mind, just let Joana concentrate on your relationship with Mikaelo. Mother is happy Mikaelo is a good boy.

Father : Yes, call Mikaelo tomorrow, I wants to talk with him.

Agreyta : Okay dad, tomorrow I'll call Mikaelo to come here, okay. Thank you dad, mom.

1 day later still at Agreyta's residence

After I contacted Mikaelo he agreed to come over to discuss our marriage with my mom and dad. Meanwhile, in another place, Joana and Brandon are still plotting to thwart Mikaelo and Agreyta's marriage.

It's already 12 noon today. Mikaelo's plan is to come during lunch time. Mom and I have prepared a special meal for this afternoon's event. After everything was ready I also immediately tidied myself up to welcome my prince to come. When I finished tidying up, my doorbell rang. I opened the door , Mikaelo already in his casual clothes looks very handsome like a god . I am a very lucky woman to be loved by Mikaelo.

Agreyta : Hi honey come on in.. (we hugged and gave each other a soft kiss)

Mikaelo : Hi My princess hmm I miss you so much, where are mom and dad?

Agreyta : They are already waiting for you in the dining room. Come in honey.

Mikaelo : Okay

Arriving at the dining room we finished our lunch first. After that father, mother, Mikaelo and I talked to each other and discussed our wedding plans.

Dad : Okay Mike, how are your wedding plans, if there are any shortcomings, tell me.

Mikaelo : There is no shortage of dad , everything is well planned. Only dad and mom good date matters. Because Agreyta planned to get married in the city of Transylvania Dracula's palace hehehe.

Dad : Hahaha that's right... yes, I know that place, hmmm, so you mean want made it there the party and the blessing.

Mikaelo : Yes, Dad, later from dad and mom's family, just invite everyone, I will give the funds. Because I don't have a family anymore. And Agreyta plans to become the color of the Italian state. If dad and mom also want to stay forever later I will help take care of it too.

Father : Hmm, later dad and mom have to talk first, if Agreyta wants it like that dad and mom don't mind the most important thing is that you and Agreyta are happy.

Mikaelo : Yes dad, take it easy, I will definitely make Agreyta happy.

At Joana's residence, she and Brandon are plotting to destroy Mikaelo and Agreyta's relationship. They both intend to cancel their wedding ceremony. Joana and Brandon communicate with each other via cellphone discussing their plan to destroy Agreyta and Mikaelo.

Joana : How is Bran, what are your plans?

Brandon : We just fail their marriage in our own way.

Joana : Okay fine I have also prepared a plan

Brandon : Okay, I also have a plan. When will their wedding take place?

Joana : three weeks later Bran

Brandon : Well, let's make a surprise at their wedding. For now leave them alone.

Joana : Alright ready.

Back to Agreyta

It was already 8 o'clock in the evening , after Mikaelo finished discussing our marriage with my dad and mom . Mikaelo and I said goodbye to go out for a while to take a walk to release our longing in our usual place, namely a simple house that I bought with my savings.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Joana is plotting an evil plan where she wants to ruin Agreyta's face with hard water. Joana had already bought her hard water to splash Agreyta's face during the wedding.

Joana : Sorry Gray maybe we used to be close friends, you are like my family. But after you took Mikaelo from me you have made me evil like this. If you want give Mikaelo for me none of this would have happened.