A few weeks later,

It doesn't feel like the day has passed so quickly, my wedding day is also almost close, only 10 days left. All preparations have almost reached 70 percent . Flight tickets for some of my family who were invited are also ready.

Some of my family have come to participate in my wedding later, there are approximately 15 people who join plus 2 people from Brandon's family and 3 people from Joana, yes, even though Joana hates me, we still invite her.

My uncle and aunt who have come to stay with my cousin are also happy because soon I will marry a handsome man and also a successful businessman. Mikaelo also feels happy to have many families now all thanks to Agreyta and her family who also love Mikaelo very much.

The day after tomorrow we and all of our invited family and relatives have to leave for Italy because if we don't go now we might be exhausted later. We departed using Mikaelo's own private plane. Yes, Mikaelo also owns Euro Airlines, he has ordered his private plane to take us as a family. Dozens of household assistants who were already at Mikaelo's palace had also been assigned to each of us in preparation for our wedding later.

The journey takes a dozen hours from Indonesia to Italy. Finally we arrived in Italy, precisely in the city of Milan, several private drivers belonging to Mikaelo were ready to take us to Mikaelo's palace. Yes, Mikaelo's magnificent palace, which covers more than 10 hectares or 1 million meters in area, is a luxurious four-story building that has 30 bedrooms and is equipped with an elevator, dance floor, library reading room, two swimming pools and a multi-purpose building for events. Now imagine the luxury of Mikaelo's palace.

Flashback 1000 years ago

The magnificent palace owned by Mikaelo today is a relic of the King Dracula Mr. Cleon Davito after he raised Mikaelo as his son and saved Mikaelo to become an immortal human he once gave a message that if he died all the assets of the house will gave to Mikaelo.

Mr. Cleon Davito died during his fight with the Reverend who knew his true identity because Priest Arso had wanted to kill Mr. Cleon Davito for a long time. But at that time Mikaelo was hidden by Mr. Cleon in the basement so as not to be killed too. Mikaelo's whereabouts at that time no one knew they only knew that Mikaelo the businessman who bought Dracula's palace until now.

The Reverend also died not long after the death of Mr. Cleon Davito 1000 years ago. The priest died of a heart attack at that time. While some new assistants in Mikaelo's palace and some employees in his company do not know that the leader is also the Dracula.

One week later

Finally the day we have been waiting for has come, this morning me and all the invited guests have arrived at the Transylvania castle. Mikaelo and I wanted a unique wedding, because it was held in a historic place, namely Castil Dracula in Transylvania, eastern Europe. The wedding blessing ceremony will be held at Dracula's castle after which it will be followed by a family meal at Mikaelo's own palace residence.

But in between our happiness during the blessing there was a little incident at our wedding. Brandon and Joana screw things up. Surprised all the guests. When the priest begins the blessing to the bride and groom this is what happens.

Brandon : Stop ... Pastor, this marriage cannot be continued. Because their relationship is forbidden, the groom is Dracula, the priest.

Hearing this Mikaelo immediately turned to Brandon to teach him a lesson for messing up the wedding. But Agreyta held Mikaelo's hand so that Mikaelo's identity would not be exposed. Mikaelo had used a special ring so neither the sun nor any prayer could destroy him except for a steel blade which could destroy him.

All the invited guests glanced at Brandon, they were not angry but laughed thinking Brandon was out of his mind because he had just told a fairy tale.

From the other side Joana ran towards Agreyta with hard water in her hand, but failed because Mikaelo had a quick look at it, and the hard water only hit the blessing table. Seeing this Mikaelo immediately taught Joana a lesson to put her in prison.

Mikaelo : I said never to disturb Agreyta , and what you did was against the law . You want to ruin your best friend's face. While Agreyta has been good to you all this time. You forget that the kidney you have is Agreyta's gift. If Agreyta didn't help you at that time, you died because almost both of your kidneys were badly damaged in an accident. You're so bad you're a bad woman, that's the reason I could never even like you one bit. Your heart is rotten and evil Joana.

Joana's parents pleaded with Mikaelo not to imprison Joana but Mikaelo ignored it, Joana was still arrested for intending to harm her true love Agreyta.

Agreyta and the whole family were shocked to see Joana who had been blinded by love became evil and almost ruined Agreyta's face.

Agreyta : What's my fault Jo, I already consider you family, I have given my life so I have to live with one kidney. You are blinded by love so your eyes are closed and you want to hurt me.

When the police took Joana, she did not answer Agreyta's questions and it seemed that Joana's mental state was also disturbed.

After the incident ended, then the wedding ceremony between Mikaelo and I was resumed. Brandon also failed to reveal Mikaelo's identity. Brandon lost because it turned out that Mikaelo Dracula was strong and not easy to beat.

After finishing the blessing at Dracula's castle, we immediately headed back to Mikaelo's house for a family meal. When we arrived at Mikaelo's majestic house, we also changed our clothes. Mikaelo and I headed to the dressing room and we discussed the incident earlier during the blessing.

Agreyta : Oh my God Mike I didn't expect Joana to be like that, I'm so sad that she had the heart to me.

Mikaelo : Never mind it does not matter , she has been imprisoned according to his sentence . Don't cry because this is our happy day my dear.

Agreyta : Then what about Brandon if he manages to reveal who you are .

Mikaelo : Hahaha Brandon's business, let it be mine. I'll take care of him tomorrow.

Agreyta : But don't hurt him okay.

Mikaelo : No, my princess, don't worry, I'll just warn him.

Agreyta : Then do you want to make me immortal that will not age and die like you. I don't want when I get older you will still look handsome when you are looking for another woman.

Mikaelo : Hahaha I'm the loyal type dear, but if you really want to live forever like me you have to be ready with all the risks. Because the new vampire isn't as easy as you think I don't want any victims. Let's just say after the birth of our new child I will give you immortality..and as long as you become a new Dracula maybe you need fresh blood, I will help you learn to control everything like I am now. And you have to be ready okay.

Agreyta : Ready .. I'm willing to take any risks. Then how about our children?

Mikaelo : Our child will be half immortal, our child form is a real human but his growth and advantages will inherit mine, life and face will also be eternal but not as long as mine.

Agreyta : Alright..