A few days later

After the incident, I haven't heard from Joana anymore. She still has to be in prison for the next 2 years for attempted murder. All my family, mom and dad have also returned to Indonesia. Meanwhile I didn't go because I wanted to be a citizen in Italy. I also stopped my studies, I planned to continue my studies here after my son was born.

Back to Brandon

Arriving at Brandon's house, Mikaelo came to him in the form of a plume of black smoke and solidified into Mikaelo. Mikaelo came with a steel knife. The night wind was very cold piercing and it was a little drizzle outside..Then Mikaelo came closer to Brandon in his room.

Brandon : Hey Dracula the devil let go of Agreyta?

Mikaelo : Hahhaha You want to challenge me, yes I am Dracula but never the slightest intention of hurting my princess Agreyta. Surprised I couldn't be detected yesterday when you wanted to dismantle me. Now I give you a choice, here is a steel blade only with this I can perish. Then kill me but remember for the rest of your life Agreyta will hate you. And you think that by you annihilating me Agreyta will love you. You are wrong, she will hate you because you have killed her true love. And Agreyta will suffer all her life because you exterminated me. And you know in Agreyta's body there is already Agreyta's junior now. Hmmm, you still have the heart that the child was born without a father. Think back to Agreyta's heart.

Brandon : Okay ... okay well if it's true you really love her take good care of her but if you hurt her a bit I swear I will kill you with my own hands.

Mikaelo didn't answer anything but just looked at me smiling then disappeared into black smoke like dust.

Brandon : Oh my God maybe now I have to get up and forget Agreyta, I don't want to ruin her happiness let alone hurt her. If that were to happen then I wouldn't be able to see her sweet smile again and my whole life would be filled with guilt. I had to give up Agreyta because she wasn't mine anymore.

Back to Joana (Milan Prison,Italy)

Joana will serve a sentence for her actions for two years, she has also hired a lawyer to lighten her sentence but Mikaelo's demands still win this case. Apart from recording evidence, there were also many witnesses who saw the incident when Joana wanted to pour hard water on Agreyta's face.

Joana : Dad please file an appeal to the court, so that my sentence will be reduced, dad. Hire the best lawyer again. Help me dad.

Father: Never mind you are patient, you must be responsible for your actions. I don't think that just because of your blind love you have embarrassed dad. I don't have the money anymore to hire the best lawyer because what's the reason you spent your money. Your glamorous lifestyle is out of control. And one thing Mikaelo is the richest man in Italy we can never fight him. Come on, accept your fate, this is all your fault. I will never defend the wrong even if it is my daughter. Dare to do must dare to take responsibility.

oana : Bad dad is really bad hik hik hik ( Joana's crying )

Visiting hours were over, Joana's father went straight home, ignoring Joana's cries.

It didn't feel like it was almost dark, Joana still had one more visit, which was at 8 pm. This time, she has a guest of his old friend, who is also a former Agreyta when she was in high school, which is clearly not Brandon but Willy.

Willy : Hey Jo, how are you. Hmmm sorry I just had time to see you because you have a lot of work. Why are you so mean to Agreyta, I can't help but think you've changed a lot now. Whatever the reason, you are still wrong.

Joana : You never understand my feelings Will, Agreyta has taken my lover Mikaelo.

Willy : Never mind, don't make up lies, since when and what time did Mikaelo become your lover. Agreyta told me everything and I'm a cop so don't ever lie to me. Agreyta is a woman with an angelic heart who gave you one kidney. She's willing to live with one kidney but you've already rewarded her with evil. What kind of friend are you and sorry I can't help you with a reduced sentence. You must take responsibility for your actions so that you can make yourself aware of the mistakes you have made. Yes, please be patient, tomorrow I will come to see you again. Pray and read the word of God.

Joana : Well I know it's my fault so if i have free from here, I will come to Agreyta's house to apologize.

Willy : Okay you have to change your attitude don't repeat your mistakes anymore, Jo I love you I want you to change for the better. There's no point in being a bad person with bitterness you won't get any happiness. Come closer to me. It's never too late to change Jo.

Joana : What do you mean dear, I have never heard you say that word as long as we are friends.

Willy : Ssttt (Willy kisses Joana's lips) the answer is that after you are free there will be a surprise for you later. So change into a better person.

Joana : Are you embarrassed to be seen by a policewoman? (my cheeks are red, why is my heart racing)

Willy : Hehee, that's it. I Love You .

Willy's attitude, which turned out to have liked me all this time, made my cheeks flush and my heart fluttered. I now seem to have the zest for life again thanks to Willy. Yes, hopefully he will be my soul mate in the future.

I'm really sorry for being mean to Agreyta, because of my carelessness that I made. I lost an angelic brother like Agreyta. I promise once my sentence is over and I'm free I will apologize to Agreyta.

The days went by so fast, while in the detention house, Joana showed a lot of changes in attitude. He truly regretted what he did to Agreyta. As usual in his spare time Willy often visited Agreyta in prison. The feeling of love between them is growing, they even plan to get married someday after Joana is released from prison.

Willy never stops guiding Joana in a better direction. Willy is the one who always faithfully accompanies Joana when she slumps in prison. Yes, it's called a mate if God wills no one can refuse it.

Meanwhile, in another place, Brandon plans to move his family to the United States, apart from managing a new branch of the company, he also wants to forget all of Agreyta's memories in Indonesia. Brandon only has a father and one younger brother while his mother has died of blood cancer that he suffered recently.