Six months later, still at Brandon's residence in Indonesia. After the stabbing incident of Ramond six months ago, Brandon decided to temporarily stay in Indonesia because Gemilang Sakti company needed Brandon at this time. Currently Brandon is back in charge of the Gemilang Sakti company because Brandon's father is getting old so he can't really go back and forth to the office. This morning the weather in Indonesia is quite sunny with the morning sun that is so fresh shining on the world. It was already 8:00 a.m. it was time for Brandon to get ready to go to work.

"Hmm, morning Brandon, are you sure you want to stay in Indonesia again?

"Good morning father, yes, I will temporarily stay here, father, but still once a year I visit Milan to monitor our branch company. The plan is to change the composition of positions that already exist, father, I monitor according to their achievements.