Now we return to Zurich, Switzerland. It doesn't feel like four years have passed, right today Queen graduated from medical school and got the best graduated. Agreyta and Mikaelo had stayed overnight in Switzerland, because today was Queen's graduation ceremony. Agreyta and Mikaelo are proud to see Queen graduate with the best grades. Brandon has also arrived in Switzerland the other day and is currently on his way to Queen's house to attend the Graduation of his beloved daughter. After a few minutes Brandon finally arrived at the Queen's house and soon they all rushed to the building to attend the Queen's Graduation event.

"Hey Brandon, you're finally here.

"Hahahaha sorry I forgot to set the alarm, so it's a bit late Grey.

"Wow, since when did Dracula use the alarm to wake up from his sleep hahaha, come on, let's go now, in an hour the event of graduated will begin, don't let us be late.

"Ready oh yes, who brought this car me or Mikaelo.