One week later

After the events of the war between Vlad III Dracula's troops against Mikaelo's troops assisted by the Gods of Ares, Brandon finally woke up from his consciousness, and he called Queen, Mikaelo and Agreyta. Dave called Queen, Mikaelo and Agreyta. When they all gathered in the guest room, they were happy that Brandon had finally awakened from his critical period.

"Hey my handsome uncle, thanks God uncle finally woke up too, how do you feel uncle?

"Hmm sssshhhh it still hurts so bad it hurts so bad, uhuukkkk (Brandon coughed hard and bleeds from his mouth), Grey, Mike, can I reveal the secret to Queen now, maybe sshhhh my life won't be long.

"Hikkksss hikksss (Queen, Agreyta was crying and approaching aragh Brandon gripped Brandon's hand tightly. Yes Brandon please open it now Queen must know the truth.

"Queen, please open this envelope and read it.

"Hikss hiksss yes uncle.