Back to the residence of Sebastian, Brandon's biological father. Sebastian was devastated to hear Brandon died, he had just lost his youngest son Ramond, now his eldest son also died quickly, Brandon is Sebastian's proud son, now Sebastian has no one else.

"Brandon why do you have to leave me son, who will help take care of all of our companies. Ramond has already left now you are the one who left father, oh my God why did you take Brandon's life, you should just call me I am already old, Brandon still has to live, I can't live without Brandon, Brandon why must you leave dad, son." Sebastian muttered"

After changing clothes, Sebastian immediately went to Agreyta's house to see Brandon one last time, because the plan was that Brandon's funeral would be held tomorrow afternoon Jakarta time, Indonesia. While elsewhere, Queen and Agreyta tried to contact all of Brandon's relations, both domestic and overseas.