Chapter 13: The Song Of Rats

I avoided Nicolas for the rest of the week and spent a lot of time in the Ladies' Room. Classes were held every other day, revolving around the origin story of Little England, the great fall of an enormous island nation. Once, it was said, our empire consisted of Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. All this was called Great Britain. Over the centuries Scotland and Wales demanded their independence, which they got in 2023. Northern Ireland always felt that it belonged to England and wanted to join us, there was a popular vote, the majority were against this union and so Northern Ireland was also detached. In 2115, after years of conflict in Ireland, the Irish King Edmund decided to form an alliance with the royal line of Mehr so that peace could finally reign. From that day on, Northern Ireland was fully part of England and the royal state of Little England was born.

Sissley and Abgail kept me company, they had somehow become my friends. While they drank their tea we talked about all sorts of things, they were very different from the rest of the girls, almost normal. Partly there were still class differences, they took more for granted and had never really worked. Everything was harmonious between us until they brought up the subject of Nicolas, which I wanted to avoid. I shouldn't have been surprised that it came up once, after all, and finally, they were both here for the reason, they wanted his heart. "You were so lucky to be chosen for a date with the prince," Abgail said after a sip, with a smirk. "Mmm... yes insanely lucky, you're really from Mententown?", I hoped she would swallow it. Yes, but that's not important, tell me," she ordered me and demonstratively put the cup down on the glass table. Here we had the difference again, I was used to not getting something, whereas she was not. They both looked at me so insistently, demanding, I felt the blush rise in me, may it be from charm or suppression. I had to act now, otherwise, the heart in my chest would start beating faster again, hiding feelings was as big an undertaking for me as I imagined being a princess one day. If you'll excuse me, I have to go to the little girls' room," I rose slightly awkwardly and dashed out of the room. Ok, today I would probably stay in my room. I heard footsteps approaching, they became clearer. What if it was Nicolas, he shouldn't see me like this. Oh, what were the chances it was him? Just as low as pulling me out from under all that pile, thinking he must have cheated. I froze when he actually walked past me. Either he was skilfully ignoring me or he didn't see me, I could sense his scent. My mouth opened and I wanted to call his name, but I stopped myself. A pain ran through me, but I wanted it that way, I wanted to be despised, overlooked and not loved, it was better for him and me. I would have reacted the same way in his place, it sure isn't very tingly to be left out in the rain. I clenched my hand into a fist, my heart felt like it was racing deeper and deeper into a devil's hole.

I heard music from a distance. It was melodic and classical, I followed it and eventually stopped in front of a room I had never noticed before. Perhaps because I was not musical, it had to be the music room. The door was open a crack, I stepped closer and recognised Nicolas on the other side. He was playing the piano, concentrating on the keys and playing a melodic song. It was a children's song, I recognised it as the Rats of the Night. The rats meant the foursome, they are creatures of the night, we bring sickness and death. Once again a tribute to our scum. Why was he playing it? Was he trying to provoke me, what was his purpose to humiliate me? He seemed to have noticed me and smiled at me: "Come closer, I won't bite you, dear." Should I or shouldn't I? He no longer sounded angry, but I should not use this as an excuse to make things harmonious again. I stepped back slightly and turned away for a moment, I couldn't risk it after all. My head turned back to the rift and I decided to enter, far away from any problems. The decision was taken from me in the next second when a silhouette appeared on the wall. It was that of a girl. You play beautifully, my love, I'm sorry, may I call you that?", Catherine led the way over to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. She wore her hair in long waves that fell gently over her shoulders and touched his shirt. She was pretty, had red hair, pale skin and beautiful blue eyes. He stopped playing: "You may call me what you like." This affection he gave Catherine and nothing more, made me kind of jealous. I was thrown out of my mind, it was all an act, he was doing it to me, everyone, I couldn't believe it. I had been taken in by him, and I had expected myself to have a little intelligence. Since I've been stuck here in this castle, I've become far too soft and stupid, I should stop this immediately, I wasn't allowed to waste away here. What piece did you play there?" she tilted her head in his direction. "For Elise, by Beethoven, supposedly he had written this piece for his lover." He was lying, why wasn't I surprised? "Do you want me to be your mistress?" His look was the same as the one he had given me, it hurt that it didn't seem to mean anything to him. But wasn't that actually my advantage, wasn't that exactly what I wanted to achieve? Deep down I knew that I felt something for him, probably not entirely voluntarily. But this was yet another proof that he was playing with everyone, just like his father. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, how right the author was. They kissed and before it became too immoral for me, I disappeared and tears came to my eyes.

It was quite a coincidence that there were two seats free at the table that very evening, secretly I had nothing against Catherine, she couldn't help it, the Prince's advances were hard to resist. I ate frustrated and lost in thought, afterwards I didn't even know what had been served, just as I couldn't remember the rest of the evening. I lay awake in my bed tossing and turning, it was terribly hot and I decided to open the balcony door. I had never been on it before, I had heard from the others that it was great to look out over the city, but all that jumped out at me was a big fir tree. "Great view, isn't it, he gave you a good one." I turned jerkily in Leopold's direction: "I don't want to know why you're here again." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I could ask you the same, it's bedtime, or does the little bear still want to count the stars?" Annoyed, I rolled my eyes: "Stop sending spies after me, the time will come, I'm working on it." "You're so ironic Belle," he jumped off the railing and took my face in his hands, I didn't back away, "But that's what I love about you." He placed his lips on mine, I let it happen. What Nicolas could do, I was capable of doing too. I didn't need him. Leo stopped and raised an eyebrow: "What's wrong with you Belle, why are you so submissive?" I replied greedily: "Shut up, you've always wanted it, now you're going to get it." I put my lips to him, but he pulled back: "No, not like that." "What are you talking about?" I scolded him. "You want to get back at him, I'm not your replacement." I rolled my eyes: "I don't understand you, you really are an idiot. You could have had me now, but you know what. Now I don't feel like you myself, get out." I went and locked the balcony door with a golden key, then drew the curtains in front of it. Belle, open the door at once, we won't part in a quarrel," I only heard his voice in a muffled tone. I wasn't his girlfriend, I could do what I wanted, if I refrained from blackmailing him, of course. I will finish my task and then get out of this country once and for all. Even if the four of us were barred from leaving the country, I would find a loophole. I might even make it to the mainland. After a while he disappeared, I lay back in bed and miraculously my eyes fell shut.