Chapter 14: Greetings From The Palace

"She is the first one who is never present as if she doesn't care about the casting. She seems very unstable, I never see her eat anything, I hope she is not anorexic. All the marks and bruises on her body worry me, someone like that can't be a queen. I mean no one would want to be ruled by a four, how ridiculous, I'd rather put a bullet in my head," was it my imagination or did Lulu speak from behind my door. Take it back, she's just shy, who can blame her," a soft voice replied. No, I wasn't dreaming, the only person Lulu was talking to was Jane. Jane was always an appendage to everyone, she tried to impress people but failed miserably. Ladies, why aren't you downstairs yet, we want to get started," Madame Orangerinne's voice echoed across the hall. We were just wondering where Maybelle was, the little rascal must still be asleep," I could so well imagine this goat making an innocent face. "That's very honourable, but this is not your job, go, I will take care of her." They clattered away, the next moment the door was opened and Madame stepped into my room. She looked around as if she had not seen this room for the Xth time in her life. Her eyes rested on me: "Please get dressed and I will meet you in the recording centre." Without another word, she closed the door behind her. I spotted a button on the wall, "Ring if needed!". I pressed the button and five minutes later my maids came and dressed me. I didn't know what hit me, I was already wearing a pompous dress with tulle, which was the colour rosé. I know you mean well, but won't it make me stand out too much?" I asked anxiously and noticed again that I was biting my nails. Beatrice said: "You're going to be on live television for the first time, we want you to be remembered by the viewers." She tugged at the hem. The thread came loose, she had to re-sew the seam. Did anyone ever ask me if I wanted all this? No, it was always decided over my head. "Please may I wear something else?", I pleaded. "No, you will thank us for this."

You would have thought I was the last one, but Nicolas was the last one. I walked through the studio and tried to follow the instructions of the assistant director. There were still many of us, with the word on still, Maybe it would hit me today, then not only would my life be snuffed out, but my family's as well. I think I completely pissed Nicolas off, I chewed my fingers tensely. I sat down where I could be easily overlooked if possible. I didn't want any more attention than I was already attracting with my robe. Thunderous applause rang out and Nicolas came on stage, followed by a man I had never seen before. From a side corner, I heard the camera is switched on. The lights came on and we were on air: "Good afternoon my dear viewers and ladies, I hope you had another pleasant week at the palace," the man in the green suit asked. Mixed feelings came from us. Yes, perhaps you were right in your feelings, perhaps you will have to go home today? You'll find out all about it, and the audience will find out too, of course." Everyone giggled as it sounded so rehearsed but convincing. "But before we get to the selection, we will look at the highlights of the last two weeks." A picture was thrown on the wall behind them and Nicolas and the man in the green suit I was beginning to have an idea who it might be. They took a seat at the front by a seating area and watched the short film with us. "It's been two weeks since these girls pulled the big one, two weeks in which a lot has happened." A shot appeared on the day we arrived. I froze, looking at myself in the mirror every day was bad enough, but so huge it was sheer madness! I was seen standing there and then taken inside by Nicolas. I slid down lower in my chair. Who is this girl that Crown Prince Nicolas had so enchanted that he took her right inside? They were now showing the scene where I accidentally went wrong and got stuck on the picture. I couldn't believe they had filmed us doing it. I slid even lower. "Is she perhaps the chosen one?" They had cut together a few pictures of me smiling. I buried my face in my hands, could it get any more uncomfortable for me? I peeked through and was relieved to see the other girls in front of my eyes. "But Cathrinne also gave the prince great eyes." Scenes of Cath and Nicolas were shown. It stung me to see him with someone else, I knew it was a competition but I couldn't help feeling it didn't suit me. "So did Harmony and Britney." Scenes were playing here as well. "Which of these girls is your favourite of the week? You can vote at home now and the winner is guaranteed to go through to the next round." Once again little films of us were shown with a phone number underneath. The video disappeared and the spotlight flew on Ralph, that was the name of the man in the green suit. Now we would like to know more about these candidates. Come down and join us, ladies." There was music, fast but classical. The spotlights went out and we had to rise. I reluctantly joined the others downstairs, but what choice did I have. The lights came back on. "Good afternoon ladies, I'm sure the audience would like to know what makes you tick." The giggles rang out, I found this anything but amusing. Britney, you had a date with the prince last night, how did you find him, was he charming?" Ralph smiled playfully and was curious to hear her answer. Britney spoke as if shot from a gun: "Yes, yes he was." She turned red in the face and played with her dress sleeve. You were very nice to her, my prince," Ralph turned to Nicolas and smiled mischievously at him. There was another laugh. Yes, it was very interesting, we became closer," he had that way about him again, I hated his arrogance, it was unbearable. He was probably deliberately keeping himself diva so that the press could produce new headlines. "Let's have a look then." All eyes were back on the screen. Britney and Nicolas were in a stable. Britney was petting the horses. "Do you love horses?" asked Nicolas to start a conversation, his smile was priceless. "Yes, I would love to be with them all day," Britney confessed to him. "Even if you became my queen?" he grinned. She seemed horrified: "What, no, well, I, I appreciate the office of queen but....". Nicolas opened the box: "Just kidding Lady Banks, we're going riding now." He led the horse into the paddock, Britney came trotting after her. And they swung onto the horse. The video ended and the spotlight shone on us again. You've had a lot of fun, Lady Britney Banks, what would you do if you were Queen? The lady didn't have to think long: "I would reign, of course." Everyone in the room laughed. She looked down in shame, I felt sorry for Britney, she was just trying to say the right thing. I put my hand on hers and squeezed it briefly. "But there was another one who had a date with the prince this week." A new player. My date. The crew had done a good job, we looked like a couple in love. "Porridge." "No, please, neat." I heard myself laughing, I never want to do that again. The last scene is the one where I refused the kiss and ran away. I was left with a disappointed prince. Everyone made a deep sigh. I felt myself turning red in the face and hoped no one would notice. They had filmed these too without my knowledge, I don't want to know what else had come under their lens. "Maybelle, why didn't you kiss the prince, it was so romantic at that moment." I had to swallow and turned to Ralph: "I don't kiss strangers. It hadn't felt right at that moment." "How sweet, but do you think the prince is a stranger to you?" I replied: "Two weeks is not a long time." Ralph nodded at my words: "You're right, especially since you spent them in hospital. We and the entire audience are glad that you're back in good health and one piece." I was outraged now, nobody had known about that: "Excuse me. What?!" There was a short silence, then the presenter explained: "You poor thing fell down the stairs and was in the hospital for a week, but whether you know it or not Nicolas always visited you." Before I could stop it the scene was shown of me lying on the hospital bed tied to tubes. I looked at Nicolas, he seemed to have known about it, I could see it in his eyes because he couldn't look me in the face. He had lied to me, he had lied to me all the time. Everything was filmed, all our conversations, everything. Some things just shouldn't be out in the open, for good reason. I thought he was different, but in reality, he was an arrogant ass. I couldn't see myself lying there defenceless, I was blown to bits. The lights came on. , After a short commercial break we will continue, then we will find out about the other candidates and which girl will be the child of the week.", the man in the belted suit spoke looking into the camera. The red light went out. I rose and stormed out of the studio, tears streaming down my face.