capter 12 popcorn oh popcorn

Happy reading



While waiting for Aletta to change clothes, Aksa busied himself with his handphone. He saw the latest news on his headphones.

Even though he is a businessman, the news he sees is not always about stocks and the like. But, Aksa prefers to see sports and fashion.

Aksa also visits women's fashion sites. The goal is to see the latest models and trends. So that she doesn't have a hard time when she wants to surprise or give Aletta a gift like before.

Aksa also often visits male fashion sites that are appropriate for her age. Fashion that displays the effect of being younger than his age. Well, Aksa's current age is in the hot position of a man, is 36.

He needs to pay attention to his own fashion. Because he started to feel embarrassed when he was with Aletta. That girl looks so beautiful and still young. How about himself? , Aksa didn't want to look too far from Aletta. At least not too far.

He was afraid that people would think that Aletta was a Sugar Baby or something. Only that? Perhaps, there's a reason that can't be stated, but it can be felt. Don't know what that feeling is, what is certain is that the feeling is there and is getting more and more felt.

"Dad, let's go, and don't forget to pay!" Aletta chuckled, pulling Aksa hand with enthusiasm.

The mature and handsome man got up from his sitting position while saying, "Okay, okay," Aksa replied.

Without even looking, he knew who it was he was talking to. It was her daughter's voice. Aletta.

That spoiled and adorable voice is only suitable for Aletta to use, and Aletta can only do that to him.

Selfish indeed, but that's the fact. He believes that every father wants his daughter to always be spoiled and only depend on him. Really? Or is there something else?.

Aksa responded to Aletta. While getting up from his position, Aksa put her headphones back into her trouser pocket. When she was standing in the right position, Aksa turned to Aletta who was smiling widely as if to ask, 'Am I pretty?'.

Aksa was impressed with Aletta's appearance. In Aksa's eyes, Aletta looks so beautiful and charming.

Aletta, her daughter looks a bit more mature at almost 18 years old, maybe 1 or 2 years older than her age. Without leaving the impression of packing it. His daughter is absolutely dazzling, and nothing beats her.

'Of course' he thought to himself.Aksa turned to Aletta with a smile, then she rubbed Aletta's head for a while. He admired Aletta's current appearance, befitting her student title. Very elegant and charming.

"Don't tell me you're fascinated by me?!" Aletta chuckled teasing Aksa with her loose jokes.

The employees who saw the father-daughter interaction smiled.

"Of course I'm fascinated by you!, because you are very charming, your beauty distracts my world!" Aksa teased Aletta back.

His hand gently caressed Aletta's chubby cheek lovingly.

Aska's hand stroke on Aletta's face was very soft, even as goose down or as fine as a powder brush. He didn't want to spoil the makeup that already looked so perfect on Aletta's face.

Cause of the makeup used by Aletta, Aletta's chubby face looks thinner. Cause on Aletta's cheeks there is shading that gives the impression of being thinner. Aletta looks more mature.

Adults that Aksa means are not naughty adults, but elegant and authoritative adults.

Aksa brought Aletta away from the cashier's desk after receiving her credit card back.

They walked out of the shop like a couple.

Aksa's hand, was on Aletta's waist, hugging the girl's hip possessive. And his eyes stared at every man who tried to seduce Aletta.

"Why did you hug my waist too tight?" Aletta asked when they were in the car.

Aletta let Aksa fasten her seat belt for her.

After fastening the seat belt on Aletta and herself Aksa raised her head. He sat at the wheel, then turned to Aletta with a bright smile on his lips.

"Honey, you are too beautiful, I don't want any mischievous eyes to steal glances at my princess." Aksa explained seriously.

He wasn't lying, he doesn't want anyone to tease Aletta. and a possessive hug on Aletta's waist, very powerful to ward off those who want to tease Aletta. No one dared to tease Aletta.

The car they were using left the parking lot. To the Cinemaxx cinema, which is at a crossroads, not far from the mall where Aletta changes clothes.

Well, you're right, no one dares tease me when you hug me like that." Aletta nodded in understanding. "It turned out that there was a lion who was hugging me, ha ha ha!" Aletta joked while laughing.

Of course, daddy will bite anyone who dares to disturb my daughter, roar..."

They laughed along the way, so they arrived at the Cinemaxx II building.

Aksa opened the front passenger door, then extended his hand to Aletta while saying. "Please princess,"

Aletta chuckled because of her father's behavior, but she didn't reject it. With a smooth motion, she welcomed the outstretched hand with her tiny hand.

Aletta got out of the car, like a princess from the other Kingdom. Beauty and elegance.

Also, the outline of her face also depicts the silhouette of a European face, so she looks so charming."What does the princess want to watch?" Asked Aksa, hugging Aletta's waist.

"Hmm... how about After?" Asked Aletta pointing to the poster that said After.

"Not a baby, that's too mature," Aksa shook her head.

"Okay... Then Avenger!" Point to Aletta on the Avenger poster."Mine is the princess should look over there!" Aksa pointed to a black and white poster.

"Horror!" Aletta shouted happily.

"You are the best dad!" Aletta said peck Aksa's cheek, then smiled.

'I wish I could keep her smile every day! '-, Aksa said to himself.

"Come on, we gotta buy some popcorn!!" Aletta pulled Aksa's hand towards the bar where she ordered snacks.

"Can you give me a serving of sweet corn, popcorn?" Aletta said.

The bar counter employee looked at Aksa, then turned to Aletta. She looks compared the appearance of Aletta and Aksa.

Of course! Although it was helped by makeup to look mature, it still doesn't help much. Because their age difference is too big. Aletta is still 17 years old, of course, much different from Aksa who is thirty-five years old. And that is an unavoidable fact.

"I'm sorry, it's only for couples," replied the bar counter clerk rudely.

Aksa could see the impoliteness. The bar counter clerk looked at Aletta with a low-judgment look. Looked at Aletta as if she was a mistress. Or worse, Aletta was looked at as if Aletta was a rich man's pet. Aka Aksa itself.

Aksa did not accept the humiliation of the bar counter. Aletta has just been harassed non-verbally.

"What happened?" Aksa asked, hugging Aletta's hips possessively. As if to show that they are a real couple.

"Are you thinking badly of my lover?" Aksa continued to intimidate the impudent bar counter clerk.

"I'm sorry, sir, but_"




NB:I apologize if there are many shortcomings in my work. I'm just learning to use English. I will try harder for my dear readers.

from the author,
