capter 13, unkiss

Happy reading



"But sir" protested the waiter, surprised when Aksa picked Aletta's lips for a while. The servant's face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

"Isn't that enough?" Aksa asked the waitress in an annoyed tone.

Right now, Aksa was in an unfriendly mode because of what the maid in front of her had just said. For Aksa, Aletta was the limit of her patience, and that maid had crossed the line.

Aletta was silent without protesting Aksa's behavior. She knew that what Aksa was doing was to defend herself, and it was just a peck, not a kiss. It has become a normal thing for Aksa since Aletta was a child.

However, when Aletta turned 16 the intensity of the peck decreased. it's not that Aksa doesn't want to do it, but Aletta refused with excuses.

' I'm not a kid dad! ' Aletta protested when Aksa pecked her lips carelessly, and this time she didn't protest because Aksa did it for her own good.

Moreover, currently they were in a public place, if Aletta protested and sulked, her father's lie would be exposed. And even worse, people will think badly of them.

Silence is the best option.

"Y-yes sir.. I-I'm sorry!" The waitress stammered in embarrassment and fear at the same time.

"You, call your manager!" Aksa said to the barista who was making coffee.

Today, the snack counter attendants were all female, and they weren't having any luck.

The barista nodded, quickly left his current place to quickly call their manager, as Aksa ordered.

"Sir.. I'm sorry," said the waiter anxiously.

How not to worry, the person in front of him is currently calling his manager, which he will surely get mad at by the manager, or worse?.

While Aksa remained silent with a face as flat as a plastered house wall. Not responding to the worried waitress.

"That's enough dad, no need to extend it!" Aletta whispered reminding Aksa.

"Not baby, I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE WHO HURT YOU!" Aksa said, deliberately pressing the sentence sharply so that the waiter looked down in fear.

"What's going on here?" A friendly voice came from the side, along with a knock on his loafers that matched the arrival of a well-dressed man.

"Uncle Agung!" Aletta suddenly said enthusiastically and her face brightened.

The next second, suddenly Aletta hugged the person who greeted them. That person is the manager who was called by the barista according to Aksa's wish.

The waiter's face instantly turned pale when she saw Aletta familiar with their manager. Instantly her hopes of surviving the manager's direction were destroyed.

Some passersby decided to pause for a moment out of curiosity, then left when they saw Aksa glaring at them.

"Hey... honey, you're getting prettier," said the manager to Aletta, the manager's hand rubbed Aletta's head gently with a smile.

People who only watched from a distance chose to continue their activities because they felt the drama was over.

"Aksa, long time no see you," The manager greeted Aksa who was standing not far away. "What's wrong if I may know?" continued the manager after shaking Aksa's hand.

Aletta has returned to Aksa's side with a sweet smile that is always on the girl's lips.

"Ah, you're the manager here,"

"Yeah, like that, what's wrong?" Agung repeated his question.

"Your employee, she is not polite. Aletta just wants to buy popcorn for a couple, instead of giving it, she looks at Aletta with a condescending look!" Aksa explained calmly.

This time, Aksa managed to restrain his emotions from exploding and losing his sense of authority.

The manager or who is familiarly called Agung raised his eyebrows when he heard Aksa's statement.

"You guys came as a couple?" asked the Great.

"As usual!" Reply Aksa.

"Yeah, as usual, you guys always look romantic!" Kekeh Agung is no stranger to seeing Aletta and Aksa as a couple.

"That is not true!" cried Aletta annoyed.

"It's right Letta! So, what you want? You want me to fire him?" Ask the manager casually.

But not for the servant when he heard Agung's question, he was like being struck by lightning on a sunny day.



The father and son answered in unison with opposite answers.

"No need uncle, she's just doing her job!" Protesting Aletta pinched Aksa's hand so she wouldn't join the protest.

"We don't tell our servants to judge to the point of demeaning respectable customers. We just tell them to see if those who ordered the couples package have a partner." Obviously very soft.

All the servants present there realized, the beautiful girl in front of them was no ordinary person. Their manager, who is known to be the fiercest in the universe, is very gentle with the girl named Aletta.

This time they had to remember the faces of Aletta and Aksa, lest they make mistakes like their friends.

"Everyone can make mistakes, as long as he promises not to repeat the same mistakes. Not only to me, but to everyone," explained Aletta, touching the hearts of anyone who heard it.

" And as usual, you have a very good heart, dear " Praise the manager.

"You hear? Lucky this time the customer will forgive you, I don't want another time!" The manager said firmly.

"Okay, sir... miss, I'm sorry... And thank you!" The maid bowed slightly.

"Well, today your order is free," the manager said to Aletta and immediately got Aletta's sweetest smile.


"Dad, how about we have lunch downstairs?" Aletta asked after they sat down on the seats that matched the numbers on their tickets.

Have you thought about lunch? We haven't even watched the baby," Aksa giggled rubbing Aletta's face.

"Yeah dad, I know that, but I'm just telling you, because later after watching I'll be hungry! " Aletta exclaimed, answering Aksa.

"okay, okay!" Aksa exclaimed giving up.

After that, the cinema room lights went out. the opening of paranormal activity next chapter starts moving on the big screen. at first, the film still looks so normal, the scene is still where the actors talk to each other.

"I love you dad," Aletta whispered, then pecked Aksa's cheek.

while people are smoking for the shocking scenes that often appear out of the blue in horror stories. they just stared at each other, like lovers in love.

"I love you too baby," Aksa replied wholeheartedly then pecked Aletta's lips.

Aletta was surprised when Aksa's peck was a little longer, and Aletta could feel Aksa's lower lip moving slightly about to suck her lips. Instantly Aletta slightly pushed Aksa, so that their lips separated.

"This film has reached an important point," exclaimed Aletta, breaking away from Aksa.

While Aksa became shocked by the action she had just done to Aletta.

"Huh?... sorry, daddy, sorry for getting carried away, papi just..."

"Shh.. never mind dad, I don't mind it. Now let's continue watching it," said Aletta interrupting Aksa's words, the girl didn't want Aksa to blame herself.

Aletta knows her father's character very well.

