capter 14 fecando

Happy reading



At this time, Aksa thoughts were drifting, while Aletta seemed to really enjoy the movie that was being shown.

The girl really enjoyed the film, so, when Aletta gasped in surprise the girl gripped Aksa's hand tightly. Their fingers had been intertwined since the first time the film was shown, but only to the extent of touching each other.when she starts to feel anxious about a movie scene or when a ghost appears on the screen, Aletta will squeeze Aksa's palm tightly

Aletta, who was busy watching the film with 3D glasses, didn't realize that Aksa was watching her face carefully. Aksa's eyes have been staring at Aletta since 1 hour ago, even though her mind is currently in turmoil. He looks very comfortable and doesn't look bored when she looks at Aletta's face.

Aksa's gaze was more often focused on Aletta's lips, which were covered with lip gloss. Small but full lips. If you pay attention, Aletta's lips are very kissable. Maybe that's what made Aksa's natural instinct to want to lick Aletta's lips earlier.

I suddenly remembered the incident a few moments ago, when he pecked Aletta on the lips for the second time in 1 day. Even for the second time, he did it in a slightly longer duration and almost crushed Aletta's lips.

If Aletta didn't quickly protest what he did earlier, it was possible that he would end up kissing his daughter. Meaning adopted daughter.

When he remembers about the status of Aletta who is an adopted child, Aksa immediately remembers old memories, memories when his late wife was still alive.

Aksa's memory is still fresh when he proposed to his late wife at the cinema. In the midst of the darkness, the cinema had just finished showing an old film at that time.

Of course the cinema 18 years ago was not as grand as the cinema now, but it was Aksa's choice to propose to his late wife Melia.

Accompanied by classical music from the cover of the film they were watching, Aksa took out a ring from her pocket and whispered to Melia. "Will you marry me?".

Aksa shows the ring in her palm. There is no box or the like as a container for the ring, only the palm of Aksa's hand.The ring that Aksa bought with her hard work. A silver ring that some people think is worthless, but very valuable, because at that time Aksa was still 18 years old, and still in the experimental stage at her parents' office, so Aksa's salary was still the MSME standard.

It was really an uphill battle, but those memories meant a lot to Aksa. Until unconsciously, Aksa's tears flowed by itself, leaving a trail of lines on her cheeks. Ah really an old memory.

Aska turned back to Aletta who was startled when a red creature appeared on the screen and shocked the audience. Aletta was also surprised, until Aletta's mouth opened slightly to take a quick breath. In Aksa's eyes, Aletta actually looks so err... Aksa has a hard time understanding.

Aksa's feelings are mixed between past memories, with Aletta's presence in the present.

Aksa shook his head to get rid of the thoughts that were getting more and more crazy.

In an instant, Aksa took out his handphone from her suit pocket to distract and then looked at the latest message that came into her email to distract him and focus from his wandering thoughts.

And there happened to be a pile of work on this Tuesday, and he left it for Aletta.

"Dad... Come on...!" called Aletta, awakening Aksa who was busy with his handphone.

"Ah... Yes..." answered Aksa understanding.

Aksa put his handphone back into his pocket, then took Aletta out of the cinema. Then they headed to the place that Aletta had determined before watching the film.

Now they were sitting on one of the benches by the window, overlooking the fish pond and wet ornamental plants.-"Is it raining?" Aletta asked when she saw a puddle of water on one of the granola plants.

"I think yes.." Aksa replied, then waving at the waiter to write their order.

" Nasi uduk 2, drink it?" asked the waiter after taking note of the food that Aletta mentioned.

"2 coffee latte, one full cream, yes, with 2 warm water!" said Aletta, conveying her next wish.

The waiter left, leaving Aletta and Aksa sitting opposite each other with the table as their barrier.

"Dad, I saw you playing on your phone while we were watching, why?" Aletta asked while looking at Aksa.

"I'm not focused baby, dad is just checking incoming emails," Aksa explained while holding Aletta's hand which was on the table.

Aksa looks like a man who coaxes his pouting girlfriend because ignored.

"It's okay, I don't mind it, because I only need your presence. As long as you are there for me, then that's enough," replied Aletta with a soft smile to Aksa. Don't forget the girl's hand returned Aksa's hand.

"By the way, we're like lovers on a date," Aletta chuckled while glancing at their clasped hands.

"Excuse me!" Said the waiter putting down the dish that Aletta ordered.

Aletta is not the type to keep her image when she is with Aksa, if she is hungry she will order something that can fill her stomach without being embarrassed. That's why she prefers to order rice attack, or white rice and fried chicken.

"Beautiful, but greedy," joked Aksa, pinching Aletta's nose.

"Because it's so delicious!" Aletta said washed her hands with the water that had been provided.

The hand washing basin resembles a kettle and has a bowl to hold dirty water.

"At home, you use a spoon, but here you use your hands," Aksa said, taking turns washing his hands.

"The sensation of eating nasi uduk when we use our hands! At home we eat normally. After all, we eat with our hands every now and then," Aletta laughed ending her random answer.

"Whatever it is, as long as you're happy, dad will be happy!" Finally Aksa gave up arguing with his little girl.

"Love you dad!" Aletta whispered, her body slightly forward on the table so that Aksa could hear.

"Love you more!" Aksa replied following Aletta's actions until their faces were only a few millimeters apart.

Aletta's face immediately turned red when she accidentally looked at Aksa's lower lip. 'Those lips that almost stole my first kiss'_ thought Aletta immediately raising her gaze, she accidentally met Aksa's jet black eyes.

It was so black, that he was sure he could get lost in there if he stared at it for too long.

Aletta blinked for a moment, then immediately sat back properly. Just a moment ago, he had almost thought strangely about his father.

'What was I just thinking? '_ Aletta cursed herself while sipping her coffee latte.

"You are 17 years old and almost 18 years old, still a mess!" Aksa said while chuckling and then rubbed Aletta's nose and the area around Aletta's mouth which was covered in cream foam.

Aletta pursed her lips in annoyance, she was annoyed when her father thought of her as a child. Even though it was her fault for her own carelessness.

But did her father realize that in 2 or 3 years he would have entered the productive age to get married.

Married, two years earlier than the productive age is also not a problem, as long as they love each other, and can be responsible like his father. The best man she has ever known, a person who is always there and always understands without having to explain.

"Let's eat," Aksa invites Aletta to wake up from her thoughts that are increasingly wandering around and increasingly uncompromising.

"hem.. okay,"

