The mystery of the egg

Since Gaofeng had no clue about the purpose of this egg, he could only seek advice from the Blood God, hoping that this ancient being could provide some insight into the identity of the egg. However, when Gaofeng asked, the Blood God simply answered "I have never seen or heard about such an egg before, but it seems like a great being is incubating inside. Perhaps you could form a bond with it and make it your soul slave, or maybe even truly nurture it."

The story of this egg was actually quite profound. Eons ago, this egg fell into the higher realm from somewhere unknown, and finding it to be a divine treasure containing a heavenly being even greater than those Great Ancient Gods a massive war which involved the entirety of the Warm Springs realm was initiated. In this war, Ancient Gods fell in the thousands, old forces and dynasties were destroyed, and new powers grew in their ashes.

However, after the war had ended and the new great rising power, Decadence Dominion, with an incredibly powerful Great Ancient God called Divine Decadence at its helm, had claimed their victory, the egg mysteriously disappeared. This disappearance was the greatest shame Divine Decadence ever experienced, as he had risen and won the egg, but it vanished straight out of his grasp without giving him even the slightest opportunity to stop it.

Somehow the egg had ended up in this sealed valley, bobbing slowly in the center of the Blood Ocean. The rumor closest to the truth during the war now commonly known as the War of Decadence, was that this egg contained a great being who was wounded and that if one were able to form a bond with it, they would get unimaginable benefits. Naturally, Gaofeng had no clue about this egg's backstory nor what it truly was, and although he was a divine genius his insight still couldn't be compared to that of a Great Ancient God.

Even if Gaofeng knew with certainty that he would be able to raise a great being if he nurtured the egg, would he truly care? The answer was no. Gaofeng only cared about his own personal power. He didn't even want to rely on weapons he personally wielded, much less nurture external beings to support him. If he wanted to simply rely on the support of others, he would have stayed in the Shangsheng clan and relied on the massive power of his elders rather than create his own cultivation path.

To Gaofeng there was only one thing that interested him, and that was if it would strengthen his personal power and foundation. If it couldn't do so, then Gaofeng was not interested. Having the support of great experts would be good from time to time, as a way to ensure personal protection and to receive resources, but he would never want to have an elder hanging around him to resolve whatever difficulty he came across. In that way he would never grow as an individual or as a cultivator.

This kind of mindset was wildly different from how the Blood God viewed matters, as he considered any kind of additional strength to be welcome, while Gaofeng couldn't care less about any strength that didn't personally belong to him. The only reason Gaofeng wanted to rule the Shangsheng clan in the first-place was to use the clan for its resources and conquer the Atamura continent as a way to gather more resources. If he could help his clan in the process then that was good, but he never truly cared about anyone in the Shangsheng clan except for his parents.

While the Blood God was considering how to simultaneously grow Gaofeng's powers and the egg, Gaofeng didn't want to bother spending time and resources on raising a pet, no matter how powerful it would be. When Gaofeng considered different options while utilizing the Divine Myriad Changes, he also noticed that the light of the egg was a similar golden hue to what he had seen inside the Crimson Arena, and so he noticed a pattern.

Although this wasn't enough to make definite conclusions, Gaofeng felt that he could reasonably believe that a golden light represented some sort of fundamental change to his own being or future path, and that it was something which would greatly help him in carving out his own Grand Dao. This was different from simply good fortune, but was instead a transformation so large that it would alter his fate altogether.

This pattern reinforced Gaofeng's belief that it would be better to personally consume or absorb the egg rather than nurturing it. Gaofeng was never one to hesitate, and he didn't sense any danger or warnings coming from his senses which had been continuously improved with the Divine Myriad Changes, so he took the egg into his hand, opened his mouth, and casually threw it in akin to any of the less valuable pills he had consumed.

At this sight, the Blood God was absolutely dumbfounded. How could anyone possible just consume a random egg without doing their due diligence and thorough research? Also, in the Blood God's mind, Gaofeng was simply wasting the fruits of heaven by directly consuming it rather than nurturing it and seeing the new being which would emerge from the egg.

The reason the Blood God remained in the dark about the egg and the speculations which had happened in the Warm Springs Realm, was that even though his home world had received news about this war, he had perished long before the egg fell from the sky.

What neither Gaofeng nor the Blood God knew, however, was that the being inside the egg, the Primordial Yin-Yang Destroyer, a beast which had roamed through galaxies in space using purely its own physical body, a being which had destroyed worlds, solar systems and even entire galaxies, a being which had been born with incredible talent and boundless power, was actually entirely conscious.