
Kelos Ravae

The next morning Detective Austin came to pick Rowen up and found her sitting on the couch in the living room, tv on the local news channel, laptop open, and browsing. She did not look up when Brooke let him in.

"Just give me a moment, I'm almost done."

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Brooke who shook her head.

"She's showing it how to use the laptop, and they are apparently catching up on the news at the same time."

Brooke walked to the kitchen and picked up the coffee mug on the counter. The mug was black with white lettering, a sarcastic statement about not talking to the person before they had finished their coffee.

"How was she last night?"

Brooke shrugged, "As far as I know she slept all night. Oh, I won't be here when you get back, I go in at nine."

"She should be ok here by herself, so long as she stays inside. I'll be in later myself. I've taken enough of a break from my cases."

The sound of a laptop closing drew their attention, "All right, I'm done."

Rowen was wearing the jeans from the day before with a blue shirt that had the graphic of a humanoid shark standing with a surfboard. They said their farewells and left. When they arrived at Guilari Magic Academy Austin parked the car and turned to Rowen.

"Don't forget to behave yourself here."

Rowen rolled her eyes, "You act like I'm some kind of barbarian."

"You did tell a priest to jump out a window."

"It's not like it would have killed him, we were only two floors up. He would have gotten away with a few broken bones."

Rowen smiled and got out of the car, careful not to slam the door. Austin got out as well, the look on his face was a mix of annoyance and frustration.

"I told you before that I would be good. I promise to be on my best behavior."

He did not look convinced and Rowen was not able to change that. She could not completely guarantee what her best behavior looked like. There was a wildfire of anger within her that never seemed to go away. It affected her actions in ways she had never expected an emotion to do.

The Academy was an impressive piece of architecture. It was a literal mages tower that boasted fifty levels. Within the Academy's walls were dorms, classrooms, gyms, obstacle courses, and training facilities. All of that as well as the usual administration offices.

The first floor was half devoted to the welcome center where students went to learn about activities, clubs, festivals, and anything of importance. The second half was the school's bookshop where students went for class textbooks. The second and third levels were the dorms, girls and boys dorms respectively.

Levels four through forty-five were where the various classes and other student-related rooms were to be found. Levels forty-six through forty-nine were where the teachers stayed, with one level more of a place where teachers went to relax.

The top level, level fifty, was where the headmaster resided. Not only was his office there, complete with a secretary, but it also doubled as his living quarters. This was the destination of the pair.

Rowen felt her excitement build as she walked across the threshold and took in everything before her. There were a handful of students in Gailuri uniforms busy with various tasks. The uniform was a dark blue suit, complete with a white shirt and matching blue tie, and a dark blue plaid skirt with a dark blue jacket and matching tie with a white undershirt.

She was not sure how she felt about wearing a uniform but knew that it was an even trade considering the things she would learn. She would be going in as a Summoner, even though she was technically part-demon, and would be taking classes related to being a Summoner.

They made their way to one of the elevators to the side. Rowen found herself gasping in shock as they ascended. She had never used an elevator before and it was both disorienting and awe-inspiring at the same time as magic lifted her off the ground and rushed her up to the top floor.

The elevator was a combination of movement and teleportation. The spell that was set on the floor of the elevator could safely detect, and move, up to seven individuals. It also had the ability to register up to three different levels and separate each individual to their chosen floor.

When they reached the top floor there was a large desk that greeted them. Sitting behind the desk was a woman in her mid-forties with purple hair, brown eyes, and a pink tint to her skin. She was wearing business casual with a black skirt and light blue shirt.

"Just go right in, Mr. Austin."

"Thanks, Hyacinth."

Rowen was pretty sure she caught the slightest hint of a blush on Hyacinth as they walked by. There was no marker on the office door to denote that the headmaster was behind its door. What Rowen had seen so far was immaculate and professional in appearance. There was a surprising amount of blue everywhere.

There was a painting of an ocean in the middle of the day; lots of blue from the sky and sea. The secretary's shirt, the dark blue of the carpet, and how every visible binder on the secretary's desk was a shade of blue.

Austin opened the door without knocking and walked in, Rowen followed close behind him. The amount of blue inside the headmasters' office was headache inducing. Pale blue walls, deep blue shelves, all blue office supplies of various shades.

The headmaster himself was wearing a powder blue suit jacket with a dark blue tie and white shirt. When he stood and walked around the desk she found that he was wearing dark blue pants to match the tie. The headmaster's black hair was short and combed back in a professional manner. His eyes were dark blue, almost as dark as his tie.

"Kelos Ravae, Headmaster of Guilari. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Nieves."

The headmaster walked up to Rowen and offered his hand. She took it and they shook hands. She felt like she had to strain her neck to make eye contact, the headmaster was even taller than Austin.

"It's seriously cool here. I've never used an elevator before today and I'm still not certain if I'm keeping my breakfast or not."

Rowen said the last part with a chuckle. Austin looked at her as if she had grown a second head, but the headmaster just laughed.

"Come, take a seat. Tell me, what are your plans for the future? Do you have any goals at the moment?"

Rowen took one of two seats across from the headmaster, Austin took the other one.

"Well, I had honestly considered world domination, but the council seems to have things in hand. I feel like trying my hand at being a mercenary might be fun. I could see the world and help people all while making lots of money."

"I see," the headmaster leaned forward to rest his elbows on the desk, fingers touching. "You seem to have thought it out a little. We actually have quite a few graduates who have gone on to become mercenaries. It's not something I remember any student ever saying they wanted to do going into the Academy, though.

"It's usually a job they fall into."

Rowen smiled, "I don't really see myself fitting into any other type of work. Too many rules and limiters on you at most places."

"Not a fan of rules?"

"Eh, I'm capable of following them, I would just rather not. Which is why being a mercenary would work for me. I'd get to make my own rules."

It would also raise the chances of her being placed in life or death situations where no one would think twice if she killed someone. When she had discussed their future plans earlier that morning both she and Gabriel had decided that being free to kill was an important factor. It had only been a few days since she had killed for the first time, but the part of her that had started to become more demon than human desired more blood and death.