
Extra Special Class

Rowen really just wanted to punch something, or maybe break something. Instead of following that urge she practiced her breathing and tried to calm herself. When she had a better handle over herself she turned to the demon.

"We didn't get to finish things properly. Do you wish to make a contract with me?"

It smiled, "I think I would. I have never found myself in such an interesting situation."

It knelt and bowed its head, the action surprised Rowen. She did not remember any mention of demons kneeling when she read about summoning.

~It can tell that we're stronger. I'm not certain if it can tell how much stronger or not. What it's doing is what a demon would do in our world when in the presence of a stronger demon.~

~It is acknowledging us as a demon?~

Rowen was excited by that thought.

~Yes. That may not have happened if the summons had been allowed to proceed normally. I told you, you are more like a demon every day.~

"What is it that you desire?"

It looked up at her with a smile, "I ask only that I be in your presence. I have this feeling that this is where I'm supposed to be, so I offer my eternal service to you."

It bowed its head once more. Rowen felt her heart suddenly start to race. She had summoned her first demon and had managed to contract it. If she did not get kicked out of school she may be able to get a deal out of Nazeri. Her first day at school was looking promising.

"I accept."

She could feel the words binding them together. It was a strange sensation that was a combination of a pull and a squeeze.

"I am curious. A demon's horns; does size denote power?"

"It does."

The demon spoke as it stood. Rowen chuckled and looked at its horns.

"I was surprised at how short yours were. I suppose that means that level one demons have no horns?"

"Ah, you wound me, master." Its lower lip was pushed out in an attempt at pouting, though it came off more like a snarl since teeth were visible. "Some level one demons have small nubs for horns, but, yes, most do not have horns."

Rowen laughed at its attempted pout and patted its arm, "I have seen horns twice as long as yours. It was simply a statement of fact. Now, do you have a name that you would prefer me to call you?"

"Master may call me Nasi. It is the name that I use when in this world."

Rowen was about to say something when the headmaster's door opened and Edwards stepped out. He glanced their way but quickly looked away and walked to the elevator.

"I wished that humans weren't so fussy about killing. I'd enjoy ripping that one to pieces."

Nasi laughed, "I'm sure I could arrange something."

"I like the way you think, Nasi."

"Ms. Nieves."

The headmaster called her name and she turned to find him standing in the doorway. She knew that it was her turn and wondered if he gave lectures like his cousin.

"I'm coming."

She walked back into his office and sat in the chair she had vacated earlier. Kelos shut the door and returned to his seat.

"Mr. Edwards was in the wrong with his behavior. Even so, your actions were unnecessary."

"Maybe so, but I feel like I should get some points for not actually killing him. I didn't like the way he spoke to me like I was an idiot. He picked me to go first because I'm new and he expected me to fail. I had already been referred to as 'useless' by a classmate."

"Who was it that said that?"

Rowen scrunched her face, "Zidon Sarkis."

Kelos sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. He was quiet for a moment, lost in thought before he spoke.

"I can't do much to help you there, his family is filthy rich and has connections that I can only dream of. Just don't try to kill him, or honestly anyone in Gailuri. I'd really appreciate that."

"It only counts for the Academy, right?"

The headmaster dropped his hand to rest on the desk. His mouth opened to answer her, but he closed it before he said anything. Instead of answering he opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle and a glass. He then proceeded to fill the glass half full with the amber liquid from the bottle and put the bottle away. Kelos emptied the glass in one go and put it away before he turned to address her question.

"Yes, it only counts for the Academy. Obviously, I'd prefer if you extended that beyond the Academy, but I'm not crazy enough to even try and enforce that. Just try to not kill anyone that doesn't try to kill you first. That's a good rule to live by no matter who you are."

Rowen shrugged, "I can agree to that."

"Now, on another topic, have the two of you made a contract?"

Rowen smiled and sat up a little straighter, "We did. Its name is Nasi. I'm sure you'll need that to register it as my demon."

Kelos nodded. He pressed a button on his phone and a second later Hyacinth opened the door and stepped in with a notepad. She barely spared a glance at Nasi and moved to stand to the side of Rowen.


"Ms. Nieves will need to register the demon that she summoned in class. Its name is Nasi. What level?"

"Four, Nasi is level four."

Hyacinth paused for a moment as she was writing it down, but that was the only sign that she was surprised.

"I will get right on that, sir, Ms. Nieves."

"Thank you. Also, Rowen will be staying with us for the duration of her classes today."

Kelos raised a hand to stop her when Rowen opened her mouth to complain. "You pushed a boundary with your teacher today that shouldn't have been touched. I'm not even certain if I can send you back to class with Mr. Edwards, or if he will even take you back.

"Most people don't like being forced to do something. It won't change the fact that you're here to learn about being a Summoner. It just means that some things may have to be adjusted. I'm honestly considering teaching you myself."

"I would be ok with that. I at least know that you won't treat me like I don't know anything. I read both the textbook from freshman year and sophomore year and have a personal teacher when it comes to demons themselves. I'm not completely clueless."

"I'll consider it. Until then, you will hang out here and do whatever homework you have."

Kelos stood and walked to the bookshelf and pulled a book out.

"I'm sure that you don't have any homework yet, so I'll give this to you to study while you're here today."

Rowen stood and took the book that he held out. It was a history of demons in their world starting with the first demon ever summoned.

"Don't worry, I'll have it memorized by the time I leave."