
Second Day of School

The next morning, when it was time to leave for school, Rowen was greeted by a frowning Austin.

"Should I take that look to mean that you talked to the headmaster?"

"It's a safe assumption. It didn't take you long to cause trouble."

Rowen rolled her eyes and headed outside. Nasi was with her, dressed in the black uniform, and was opening doors for her.

"The teacher started it first. It could have all been avoided if he had simply acted like a teacher and answered my question."

Austin started the car and pulled out. He glanced at the demon in the back seat before he turned his attention to the road.

"The only reason I'm not lecturing you is that I know how Edwards is. He comes from a long line of Summoners and firmly believes that only such families, and bloodlines, should be allowed to be Summoners.

"I never had to worry about him because he graduated right before I started Gailuri. I heard enough stories about him from Kelos. They went to school together, though they were never friends."

"Well, I no longer have to worry about him because the headmaster will be teaching me himself."

Austin parked the car where he had the first day and turned toward Rowen.

"I'm actually happy about that. He and I may have our differences, but Kelos is a great Summoner. He will be able to teach you a lot."

Rowen's door opened and she stepped out.

"Have a good day, and behave yourself."

Rowen laughed, "I make no promises on my behavior. Have fun at work."

She waved, then turned away and made her way toward Gailuri, Nasi followed close behind. The first person to greet her was Nazeri, Ewen was not far behind her.

"Good morning."

Nazeri looked between Rowen and Ewen and noted that he did not have a demon with him.


"Good morning."

Rowen and Ewen greeted each other and Nazeri.

"How come you don't have a demon, Ewen?"

Nazeri looked at him, eyebrows raised.

Ewen rubbed the back of his neck and gave a half-smile.

"I only managed to summon a level one demon. They're too wild to leave out. I won't be able to do what Rowen is doing until I can summon a level two demon.

"I'm not too worried about it. I plan on becoming a cop, so if I never summon any stronger than the level one it's all good."

"Cops don't require Summoners with demons?"

Rowen shook her head, answering Nazeri's question before Ewen could.

"No, the knowledge and training are enough. I know a detective who is a licensed Summoner with no demon. What's in his head is more of an asset than any demon he could summon."

"Oh, wow, you know a detective? I've honestly never met one. I decided to be a cop because of a show I watched a few years ago.

"It was about a veteran cop who was a witch getting partnered with a rookie who was a Summoner. It only aired for two seasons. I loved it."

When they reached the elevator Rowen let Nasi know the floor they were headed to and the four of them stepped onto the elevator.

The first class of the day was language arts. The seating there was similar to the first class in that everyone got to sit wherever they wanted.

The teacher was in his mid-forties with short brown hair and brown eyes. He was human and his sense of humor was off.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Peyton Silva. You can call me Mr. Silva.

"I know that the subject we are covering will be difficult. Not only will we be learning the ins and outs of Lunista, the language spoken by all, but we will also be learning Demonica.

"Whether you are a Mage or a Summoner it is important to know the basics of Demonica."

Mr. Silva went through his student list and did a roll call.

"My first day of class the language arts teacher pointed at me and asked me to name two pronouns. I answered him by saying, 'who me?'"

Mr. Silva laughed at his own joke. When no one else laughed he cleared his throat and began the lesson. By the time class ended they had been subjected to half a dozen bad grammar jokes.

"Gods, I didn't think the class would ever end."

Rowen laughed, "I don't know, I rather enjoyed the jokes, as bad as they were. It made the lesson interesting."

Nazeri shook her head, "I don't know, the jokes were bad enough I feel like I lost what little I learned."

The trio separated in the cafeteria, Ewen went to eat with friends while Rowen and Nazeri got their food and found a place to sit, with Nasi trailing close behind.

"I was talking with Ewen after school yesterday. He told me about what happened in your Summoner class. I'm not sure I'd survive having Mr. Edwards as a teacher. The magic teacher, Mr. Khan is pretty cool."

Nazeri stared down at her tray while she stabbed at the food with a fork, "I don't know what to do. I enjoy being a Mage, but I'm weak and struggle with anything but basic spells."

"What if there was a way to get stronger and remain a Mage?"

"What do you mean?"

Rowen leaned forward, "I mean a deal. I can make a deal with you to become stronger."

"But, I thought only demons can make deals."

Nazeri's eyes flickered to Nasi where it sat next to Rowen. "Who are you? I asked around and no one in the history of Gailuri has ever been given an exemption to live outside of the dorms.

"You summon a level four demon your first day in class and the headmaster basically gives you a pass after you talk back to a teacher. They wouldn't do any of that for just anybody."

Rowen sat back in the chair with a smile, "I'm just someone who had something really terrible happen to and got a pretty good deal for it afterward."

Rowen knew that it was not an answer. She was trying hard to keep what she was a secret without lying. What she had said skirted the line.

"I guess it really doesn't matter."

Lunch over, they cleaned up their space and put the tray away then made their way to the elevator.

"What would I have to offer for a deal like that?"

"You. I want to start a mercenary group after school and need members. I could use a strong Mage."

They took the elevator up and were almost at their class when Nazeri stopped.

"Ok. How do we do this?"

"Meet me at the headmaster's office after school. He will be our witness."


All through class Rowen was so excited she could barely sit still. She kept glancing up at the digital clock on the wall and talking to Gabriel.

~This isn't your first time making a deal.~

~Brooke doesn't count because she didn't realize and Austin doesn't count because he's too careful and only makes small deals. I actually went and asked her to make a deal. It's a deal that I hold most of the control over because I'm offering her something no one else can, other than another demon.~

That was where her excitement lay. She had put down the groundwork, she had solicited the deal and closed it. She had not used Gabriel's powers, she had not used its knowledge. The win had been all hers.

~You've done well in such a short time.~