

Rowen sat up in bed, body covered in sweat and her heart beating a wild rhythm.


Nasi spoke up from her side, it had knelt beside her bed and was looking at her with concern. Rowen launched herself at Nasi and wrapped her arms around its neck in a death grip.

~It's been a while since you had such an intense nightmare.~

Nasi held her until she pulled away and sat on the bed.

"I guess I talked about them too much recently."

"It's ok to allow yourself to grieve."

She could feel Gabriel's laughter and frowned.

"If I didn't know better I'd say that you and Gabriel were talking together about me."


"Gabriel is always telling me that it's ok to grieve. I understand the sentiment behind that, but I've already given myself time to grieve in the beginning."

Nasi looked up at Rowen from where it was still kneeling.

"Grief isn't something that goes away forever after you've acknowledged it. I still grieve for Seth even though it's been nearly two hundred years.

"He was a good kid who didn't deserve what happened to him. Just like you didn't deserve to lose your family like you did.

"The grief that you feel will never truly go away. It may soften over time, but it's important to acknowledge it and work through it when it comes up or it'll eat at you.

"I can go years without thinking about Seth then something happens that reminds me of him and it's like I've lost him all over again."

Rowen laid back and stared up at the ceiling. She did not want to keep reliving that day, but life once again seemed to have different plans. She was only left with the hope that it would dull over time.

"Can you lay with me the rest of the night? It'll be tight but I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep otherwise."

"If it's what you wish then I will happily comply."

Nasi grabbed his blanket and lay down next to Rowen. Within minutes both were asleep.


Rowen was her usual self by the time she entered Gailuri Magic Academy. Austin had not mentioned anything about her deal with Nazeri, though she knew he knew based on the disapproving way he looked at her.

Nazeri was waiting for her by the door when she walked in.

"Good morning."

"Morning, how are you feeling?"

Nazeri smiled and her face lit up, "I went to the practice floor and tried a few spells out this morning. It was so amazing! I've never had so much power behind my spells before."

"It'll only grow stronger as your body fully adjusts to the increase in power."

They made their way to the elevator. Rowen and Nazeri walking side by side with Nasi behind them carrying Rowen's backpack. They had almost made it to the elevator when Zidon, Lysander and Saraiva came up from the side.

"How pathetic is that, Nazeri got the scent of a strong new student and she's all over it."

Zidon snickered, "You still made a poor choice. No way some random human actually summoned a high level demon. I guess that works, though, the useless Mage and the cheating Summoner."

Rowen held up a hand to keep Nasi back, otherwise she was certain Zidon would die. Nazeri was the one who stepped forward, arms crossed.

"You don't know what you're talking about. You're blind if you can't see what Nasi is."

"No one can just summon a level four demon the same way a level two is. She cheated." Zidon stepped forward and got in Nazeri's face as he spoke. To emphasize what he was saying he pushed Nazeri and caused her to fall.

"All of that doesn't change the fact that you're a useless waste of space."

"Why don't you have a duel?"

Rowen said, finally speaking up.

Zidon turned to her with a smirk, "What, you wanna defend her honor."

"No, you and Nazeri duel."

"Nazeri wouldn't last a second in a duel."

Saraiva stepped up and glared at Rowen.

Rowen laughed, "So you're ok with your cousin getting picked on but not ok with her dueling?"

Rowen helped Nazeri up and gave her a reassuring glance.

"I'm willing to fight you in a duel if you're not too afraid to."

Saraiva shook his head, "Don't, Nazeri, you know you wouldn't last. You'll just end up embarrassing yourself."

Nazeri stood up a little taller, "I meant what I said. Zidon Sarkis, I'll fight you in a duel if you're not too afraid to."

"There's nothing to fear from a useless Mage. I'll fight you. After classes are over, twenty-seventh floor."

Zidon walked into the elevator and disappeared, Lysander followed close behind him. Saraiva tried to plead with Nazeri one last time.

"Don't be stupid, Nazeri. You don't stand a chance against Zidon and you know it."

"Fuck off, Saraiva."

Saraiva shook his head with a sigh and stepped into the elevator.

They discovered that half the school had been there to witness what happened. Whispers drifted their way as students stepped into the elevator, headed for their respective class.

"Gods, I'm so dead."

Nazeri looked like she was about to break down once they were alone.

"Don't worry, I know that you'll win, you just have to believe that you can."

When they stepped off the elevator Rowen threw an arm around Nazeri's shoulder and grinned.

"Consider the duel a full test of your strength, or at least a test. The only spell I want you to use during the duel is Redimio. It's the only one you'll need."

Nazeri's eyes widened, "That won't be able to stop Zidon or his demon."

"It'll be more than enough to take them down, at the same time. Nazeri, you've said yourself that your spells were stronger. Redimio is a basic defence spell, a spell that I'm assuming you've practiced a million times before."

Rowen stopped them just before the door to their P.E. class and put a hand on either side of Nazeri's face. She tilted Nazeri's face to look up at her.

"Remember yesterday when we talked about jobs? Nasi is my bodyguard and my personal attendant. You, Nazeri, are my Mage. You will go out there later today to duel Zidon Sarkis, you will use Redimio and you will succeed in taking both him and his demon down.

"This is an order."

Rowen smiled and released her hold on Nazeri, "Lets go to class."


When Rowen walked into class Nazeri reached up to touch her red cheeks. There was a skip to her step as she walked into class.