

When they stepped into the cafeteria Rowen handed her lunch card to Zidon.

"When you get to the end of the food line, show them this. They'll give you my lunch tray."

Zidon stared at the card like it was going to bite him, "You're going to make me get your food?"

"You should be grateful that I'm only enforcing this at school. I could make you come home with me and put you to work there, it would be within the parameters of the bet."

Zidon snatched the card and stomped off. Rowen found a spot to sit while everyone else went to get their lunch. The last couple of days Nasi had been getting her lunch so she was already used to skipping that process.

Nasi had also started carrying her backpack as well, so today was a lazy day for her demon.

~Soon you'll be having Nasi take care of everything.~

Rowen laughed, though not out loud. ~Nasi has stated that they prefer that. They aren't a fan of fighting, though they're willing when it's necessary. Plus, if they're taking care of all the important things I can focus more on honing my powers and fighting skills to become stronger.~

~It was not a judgment, per se. I do find it humorous. In the demon world that is how some relationships work, one partner serves the other.~


Rowen spoke aloud and choked over the word. When Zidon sat her tray on the table she had finally stopped coughing.

~I'm not sure I want to know where this conversation is going…~

Gabriel's laughter filled her mind.

~It is similar to the young dragon bloodline. Traditionally there would be one dominant and one or more submissive in a family.

~I have two younger siblings and we each share the same dominant parent while also having a different submissive parent.~

~You had four parents?~

Rowen took back her card and started to eat as the others returned.

~Abadon is the name of my dominant parent. According to human translation, their title is that of the king.

~My Kailon, or submissive parent, is named Jael. When the four of them came together Abadon decided to take on the role of child-bearer. It is a role that can be changed as desired.~

Rowen paused, fork left to sit in the air as she glanced to the side at Nasi. Before it noticed her staring she looked away and placed the meat skewered on the fork in her mouth.

~So, demons can both create a child and carry a child?~

~Yes, we are all capable of changing our bodies to match the reproductive needs of our families. Some choose to be neither and have a family without children.

~Our world is not the best place to raise a child so few have been born.~

Rowen failed to keep a conversation with Nazeri and Nasi because all of her attention was on Gabriel. They were used to that happening, Zidon was not.

Zidon was bothered by the vacant look in Rowen's eyes. The fact that Nazeri and Nasi ignored it and talked around her bothered him even more. None of that bothered him as much as the sight of Rowen and Nasi eating raw meat.

~Wait, so back to the earlier part of our conversation. The way I'm treating Nasi and Zidon right now is like how a traditional family works.~

~Nasi, Zidon and Nazeri. The humans, obviously, won't see it like that but there is a chance that Nasi does.~

~I can't suddenly change how I treat it, but I really don't need that right now.~

There was more laughter from Gabriel. ~You made it clear your stance on certain things the first day, Nasi will not cross that line until you tell it to. Unlike humans, demons will respect the boundaries you place without question.~

Rowen decided it was time to change the subject and pay attention to what was going on around her. Unfortunately, the first thing she saw was Zidon staring at her.

"Something wrong?"

"Do you always zone out like that?"

"Do you choose to be rude or is it some flaw that you were born with?"

Zidon smirked, "At least my food is properly cooked, unlike that nasty shit on your tray."

Rowen laughed, "Really? I think yours needs to be cooked a little longer."

Zidon still had over half a tray of food. Rowen reached out and covered his food with hellfire, being careful not to melt the tray. She did not stop until the food was little more than ash.

"That's better."

Rowen's smile broadened as Gabriel's laughter consumed her. She enjoyed the shocked look on Zidon's face as he stared down at his food. She imagined that no one had ever dared oppose him his whole life.

Rowen finished her food and made Zidon put it away with his. He did not say anything else as they returned to the classroom. He was quiet the rest of the class. When classes were over Rowen turned to Nazeri.

"You go ahead and return to your dorm, or whatever plans you have. I'm going to level twenty-one to get some practice in.

"Zidon will be joining me as my sparring partner."

Nazeri looked a little disappointed but did not argue. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Didn't you beat me up enough yesterday?"

They had just stepped out of the elevator and were headed for the room Rowen had reserved earlier. She put in the code that Hyacinth had given her and the door unlocked.

"I wouldn't call that beating you up, that would imply I was doing something wrong. I was simply protecting what's mine and teaching you a lesson."

Zidon snorted and walked into the room, not even sparing a glance at Nasi who was holding the door open.

"Thank you, Nasi."

Nasi smiled and bowed its head before walking into the room. The door closed behind them.

"What lesson were you teaching me? That you're stronger?"

"In a way. More specifically that you aren't the biggest and the baddest. There will always be someone stronger than you so you should treat others with respect or get your ass beat."

"Why should I play nice with someone who's weaker than me?"

Rowen walked up to Zidon and kicked her leg out, knocked his feet out from under him, and sent Zidon to the floor.

Zidon cursed as he started to stand but she placed a foot on his chest and pushed him back down.

"Because weak people don't always stay weak. Because sometimes weak people have strong people protesting him. Sometimes, like with Nazeri, it's both."

Zidon lay there and stared up at her, his demeanor defiant.

"So this is about beating me up."

Rowen rolled her eyes, "Where is your demon?"

"I had no need of it so it was sent back. Demons are tools to be used when needed and put away when not.

"Not all Summoners waste resources by having them summoned at all times. It seems to me that you just have a grudge against Summoners after being a sacrifice in a summoning."

Rowen laughed and released Zidon then stepped back.

"Nasi, would mind beating this little shit up?"

"With pleasure, master."

The grin that appeared on Nasi's face was not pleasant. It was already thinking about ways to cause pain. Just because it did not like fighting did not mean it would not obey Rowen.

Rowen could only speculate that Zidon's father was working with the police on her case, otherwise, he should not have known that. Only a few minor details were allowed to be made public.

Nasi allowed Zidon to stand before attacking. It bent its body and rushed forward, just fast enough that Zidon was unable to counter.

Nasi's shoulder made contact with Zidon's chest and kept moving until the Summoner made contact with the wall.

Zidon raised his knee up to slam it into Nasi but hit air when the demon moved. Zidon ran at Nasi, fists raised and ready to strike. Nasi, the shorter of the two, dodged to the side and threw hellfire. Zidon managed to move in time and only got a little singed.

They continued to go back and forth for a good ten minutes before Nasi came in from behind and got Zidon in a chokehold. Because of the height difference, Zidon was bent backward and struggled to fight back and maintain balance.