A Thousand Cranes

-Chapter 6-

"Mommy? Where are you going?"


"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Mommy! MOMMY!"


He felt so alone, but what can he do in this situation. He pushed away everyone who tries to get closer to him. He hates it every time they show compassion. A tiny memory that created a huge impact on him strikes every time. he wished it was a dream but alas it's not.

"...I hate him." He murmured, unaware of a presence in front of him. Just then, a cold object brushed through his hair, making him shiver. He caressed his hair and there he saw a tall man looking down on him.

His light hair blends with the lights, making it look like it was glowing. His eyes stared coldly at him, the feeling like that cold surface from his head. Speaking of cold, he searched for where it was from and saw a bottle from the man's hands.

"What's...that?" He asked but the man only handed the juice and walked away. He stared at the bottle then back to the tall man. Then realizes, it was the man who was with Yuki. The man was Yuki's friend.

When Yoruko's fingers pressed on the elevator button, a small figure run towards him and held his leg.

"T-too...fast." The boy immediately run the moment the tall man turned. He was very lucky to catch, however, Yoruko's steps were too big for the little boy, making him run at a pace faster than normal.

They sat next to each other at the same place where Yoruko took a break. They were quiet for a few moments but the little boy soon took the courage to speak. "Why did you give me this?" He said, pointing to the bottle.

Yoruko answered without looking at the boy. "Don't like it."

The little boy was stunned by his attitude. He thought about how rude was the guy for not looking at him while he answered, but he only kept quiet about it and drank the juice.

"It's sour." The little boy said. The little boy truthfully likes foods that are anything but sweet and bitter. He wanted to thank the man next to him but he felt a bit uneasy with him. Remembering his tantrum earlier, he feels embarrassed knowing that this man next to him saw that side of him.

"Y-You..." He called the man next to him. "...aren't you gonna lecture me?"

Yoruko turned his head to the young boy who was playing with the bottle cap. "You came here to lecture me, right?"

The little boy was expecting for a yes, but his thoughts were reversed when he heard the man's answer. "No."

He looked at the man in hints of surprise and confusion. His words came very unexpected. He knew he was like the others, he knew he's the same. But why? Why did he say that to him? Is he being plastic about it? What's wrong with him?—the little boy's head echoed with questions.

"Why? Didn't I just shouted at that guy earlier?! Shouldn't you scold me for being rude to him?! WHY ARE BEING SO QUIET?!" The young boy's tantrums started once more.

He was angry at the man for not telling him how bad he had become. For how annoying he has been to him. He hated that he was not saying anything other than small sentences to him. He hated him for not shouting back at him. He hated it the most.

"I won't do that." The little boy was shock to hear him again. He was too stunned that he couldn't speak afterwards. This guy must be a joke he said.

"I don't like forcing things to someone." Yoruko said looking at the boy. "Things they don't like." Somehow his actions surprise him. It was unusual how courageous he had become to talk like this to someone. As his eyes completely focus on the boy, it was as if he was seeing someone familiar. Someone...missing.

The little boy could only stare at him in awe. How is it possible that there is a person like him?


"Yoru! You're bac—oh!" Yuki truned and was surprised on Yoruko's arrival.

He was holding the young boy in his arms. The young boy seemed to be holding tightly to him leaving with no choice but to carry him all the way to the children's room.

"He must really like you, Yoru." Yuki said, patting the young boy's head. "He's never that clingy to anyone. I guess you'll have to get used to it by now." What do you mean by now? As if I'll come here tomorrow. My arms are getting numb. I've never carried someone before, I have to admit, the boy is a bit heavy.

"Shi-kun, Yoru seems to be having a hard carrying you, why don't you go down for a while so he can re—" As he was about to reach for him, the boy's grasp tightened around my neck. Can someone please let him out of me? I'm starting to suffocate.

"Shi-kun, Yoru can't breathe." Shigeo, the little boy, was still restrained upon my neck. It was as if he did not want to leave me at all. God, I can't handle it, I can feel my legs shaking.

I looked at Yuki who seems to be apologizing in his head. He must have notice that my arms were shaking. I can't deny it, my stamina wasn't build for carrying children. He sighs and pat Shigeo's back. "Shi-kun..."

Shigeo wasn't moving but Yuki still continued. "Yoru won't leave. I promise."

What he said made the kid turn his head. He looks at me as if he'll be distressed if I don't answer him correctly. "You won't leave?"

I slowly shake my head, giving him reassurance. It worked and soon, he moved to Yuki who was now the one carrying him.

"If you want you can sit next to Yoru, how's that sound?" Yuki asked. Shigeo faintly nods, burying his face on his neck.

Somehow...I felt relieved.

He was the first to ask that to me. I've always hated when people try to meddle with me, but with this guy...it's like I don't mind at all. Is it because I...felt the same?

What do you call this feeling again?

"Thank you, Yoru." I turned my head to Yuki. "I thought that Shigeo will stay lonely. He never really liked it when I try to get close to him. I'm glad you've befriended each other."

Not like we've befriended each other, it's more like we understood each other.

"Although, I wish Shi-kun would say sorry to Ryus—Ow! Don't hit me Shi-kun!" Shigeo punch his shoulder before Yuki could finish. It had yet caused another lecture between the two but soon there were noises coming from the other children.

"OY! Yuki's carrying Shi-kun!"

"No fair! I want Yuki to carry me too!"

"Yuki! Yuki! Carry me!"

"No! I want to be first!"

"I saw it first so it's me!"

The children were scattered all over Yuki. Yuki who was carrying Shigeo, was having a hard time to balance because of the kids. "Y-Yoru...HEY! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!"

I walked away from him as soon as the kids started compiling to him. I didn't want to get involved in their mess so I let them be. It'll be hard to get caught by these kids. A while back then, I was used as a dress-up doll by the little girls because they said I look like one. How could a guy like me look like a girl? That's irrational...

When I sat down from the mini stage, someone sat in next to me. It was Shigeo. He must have gotten annoyed by the commotion that he let go of Yuki and walked away. We both watched as Yuki got demolished by the kids. Seriously, he's squished below.

"Why didn't you join them?" I should ask the same to you.

"Don't wanna."

He became quiet after that. As Yuki kept getting beat up by the others, the two of us only stare at him. He's strong enough to get away from there, why isn't he doing anything? He's so—

"Weak." I hear Shigeo speak. "Yuki's so weak."

Did we connect telepathically or am I just delusional? It's like we share the same brain...

Are people evolving into mind reader or am I that obvious?

I didn't want to get expose to others but maybe I should try to examine them more. Not in a creepy way I suppose.

"Hey Yoru..." Shigeo called me once more.


"Ugh my back hurts~~" Yuki grunts as grandma massages his back. We arrived in Yumeko-san's room not long. It was hard saying goodbye to the children, especially Shigeo who wouldn't let go of my leg.

"You shouldn't carry all of them you know, Of course your back will hurt." Yumeko-san said.

"But they all run towards me. Plus, Yoru didn't help me. He went out and play with Shi-kun alone!" He complained but I ignored him and continued reading.

"I'm glad you joined Yuki. I was hoping you'd run off if he invites you." That was the original plan, but the guy was too persistent to go. Also, he was gripping on me from school to the hospital so what choice do I get?

"There you go. Make sure to not overdo it again. I won't be gentle next time."

"It wasn't really gentle you kno—OKAY! OKAY! I won't!" Grandma was about to hit Yuki but he quickly got away from her and sprinted across Yumeko-san. "Yumeko-san, Fujiko-san is at it again..."

"Hahaha, don't scare the kid, Fujiko." Yumeko-san luaghed it off but Yuki was still on guard as he stares at grandma.

"We'll get going now. See you guys tomorrow." Grandma waved goodbye with the two and both waved back.

"See you."

"Yoru! We're going again tomorrow okay?! I'll pick you up at 5!" I ignored the guy and dashed off to the elevator. Heck no! I am not going there again!

"Looks like you two are really close." Grandma said but I turned away. No, we're not. "Don't try to deny it. It is true." I slowly moved my head to grandma who was smiling all the way. Does hanging out with someone a big deal? Is that worth being happy about?

"I'm glad though..." She said. "You always pushed people away that sometimes, I wonder if you'll be alright being alone forever. I must thank Yuki for this."


'I'm glad you've befriended each other.'

They almost said the same thing...

"So, what would you like for diner, Yoruko?"

"...T-teriyaki." Gosh, I just said what comes in mind. This is humiliating.

"Speak louder Yoruko. We're the only ones here." Grandma moved closer to me. Please stay away, this is too much for me. I don't want to repeat what I said. "Yoruko."

"I-I said...t-teriyak-ki..." I lowered my head in embarrassment. I can't do it, I feel like I'll melt inside. The door soon opens and I quickly made my way out. Sorry grandma...

Throughout the whole walk, none of us said anything. I was moving too fast that I knew for sure I was leaving grandma behind. I slowed down my pace until grandma finally reached me.

"I-I'm..." God, why is it so hard to say something?!

"I apologize Yoruko." I looked at grandma who was rather sad. "I must have pushed you to say it."

"No I... It's alright." I replied to her. "I don't really mind it...I'm the one who should...apologize."

Grandma pats my head which surprised me. That was a sudden move from her, I wasn't prepared. "You don't have to. What matters is that you're starting to be open. If you continue that, you won't have a problem talking to people other than me and Yuki."

"He's not..." I don't think I'm ever open to him. He's too weird for me...and also very cheery.

"Stop trying to deny everything, Yoruko. How about we go have that Teriyaki you want for dinner?"

"I-I Don't!" Please don't provoke me like that. It's still embarrassing for me.


The phone rang exactly and hour after. Study time is over and I want to go to sleep already. I thought my brain was gonna explode after studying math, good thing my skull was strong.

I cleaned everything in the table and placed my textbooks on my bag. I stretched out a few muscles before going to bed. I bumped into a paper the moment I go to search for the switch. I took and and saw the crane Shigeo made for me.


Shigeo and I left the mini stage and went to a table where he went and play with the paper. As soon as he finished to what he was doing, He walked to me and gave me the paper. I looked at him confused but was amazed on what he made.

"For you." He made a crane out of the paper. Who knew this guy would be skilled in origami.

"Mommy said that if you give someone paper cranes, they will have a good day." He said, proud of what he had given to me. I stared at the well-built crane and went back him.

I nodded and saw his delighted face. He went back to his seat to make more.


A paper crane...

I gave this to someone back then, will things change?