Wishful Prayer

-Chapter 7-

"How lovely today is."

"Indeed. The clouds are so beautiful. How I wish Yoruko could see this." Yumeko stares at the window, complementing it's beauty along with the others.

"He has examinations today. And I don't think he'll be able to go here later. He said before leaving that he'll wait for me in the library." Fujiko claimed, giving alibi to the missing person in the room.

"How about you, Fujiko-san? I thought you we're teaching piano to someone?" Yuki said as he continues to much the bag of chips in his hand.

"She has exams today as well. So I won't be able to teach her for a while."

"I see." Yuki finished the remaining crumbs of the bag before throwing it to the bin. "Can't Yoru come here today? He can study later at your house." He had already missed his dear friend even though he knew the other doesn't feel the same way.

"Yoruko is the type of person to indulge in studying. If you bother him I don't think it'll end well." Fujiko explained. Yuki had no choice but to wait for Yoruko after the exams. But when he realized that he won't be coming in the hospital until Friday, he quickly stood up and walked towards the door.

"Are you gonna sneak up again, Yuki?" Yumeko asked the boy.

"Nope." Yuki answered. "Just heading somewhere important."

When he left the room, the two women eyed each other and laughed in sync.

"I do hope he doesn't bother Yoruko in his exams." Yumeko started.

"Oh, let them be. It's nice to see Yoruko hanging out with Yuki. It builds up his confidence to socialize." Fujiko said, proud of the small process Yoruko has been achieving throughout the days.

"That's unlike you. Back then, you used to not care about these things."

"Well, things change." Fujiko pours the drink from the container, one for her and one for Yumeko. "Also, I want to see how that boy will grow."



"Yo!" Again?! What is this man doing here? Did grandma told him I wasn't coming? Gosh, what now?! I have to study for the next exam. "Don't worry, I didn't come here to pick you up."

"And?" Seriously, I have to go now. I need to reserve my seat or else I'll have to sit by the floor again.

"Nothing. Just want to see how you're doing."

I continued to walk away from the schools gates, using my usual route to to library. It was still early but a lot of students also go there to study. There are limited seats so if you didn't hurry, you'll end up standing or on the floor.

"Oy! You're ignoring me again!" He continues to follow me no matter how fast I try to get away. Why is this guy trying to bother me? Can't he just go anywhere else like back then?

"Shi-kun is looking for you, you know. He kept asking me if you're coming or not. Did you know I almost wasn't able to come here? It's because Shi-kun didn't let go of my hand until one of the nurses took him away and you wasted all my effort by ignoring me. Really, Yoru, you're hurting my feelings..."

First of all, I didn't ask you to come here. I don't know what your intention is but it's really chaotic when your next to me. Second of all, why don't you just hang out with Shigeo so that he won't stop asking about me. Play with the kid, you were playing with them last week. And third of all, I have things to do, so don't bother me and just go back to the hospital.

But what's the use of saying all of this to him? He won't even listen and will just do what he wants.

I made it to the library with this person still behind me and I was lucky enough to see that there still a lot of seats vacant. I went to the seat on the last row and started studying. As I got too focused on the lectures, I didn't notice that there was someone seating in front of me until a hand reached out to one of my textbooks.

"Social Studies? I don't really listen to this subject back then..." He's a student as well? Or maybe a bit older? Come to think of it, I never knew how old is he.

I wonder why he doesn't go to school...I mean, patients can also attend school, unless their illness is that dreadful that they have to abandon their education. So what is this guy's illness?

"Yoru? Yoru? Earth to Yoru, are you there?" I snapped back when someone's hand were snapping at my face. Yuki was calling over to me and I didn't noticed it from all that thinking. "You're daydreaming again. You have to stop that habit you know, People will see you as weird."

I glared back at him and continued studying. It's your fault for making me overthink.

The atmosphere became quiet not long and soon, it was time for me to wait for grandma. As I stood in front of the library, Yuki stood next.

"Fujiko-san is coming soon, I suppose?" He said while moving his head side to side. "Oh right! I forgot." He said and began searching for something in his clothes. When he finally got it, he turns to me and reached for my hand. He dropped something to my hand and let it go.

"For you." It was an omamori charm. Where did he get this?

"I got it from the shrine. When Fujiko-san reminded me about your exams, I quickly rushed out from the hospital to get one. It's a good luck charm by the way so don't lose it." It was indeed a good luck charm. Since when does he have money? Does that mean I've only wasted half of my allowance just for this guy to get treats for free? What a scheme.

"Put it on your bag okay? I'll be looking out for it." Ugh, so demanding...

He said goodbye and quickly run off the to direction of the hospital. How unusual, he would often not leave but this time he left. What's he up to this time? Does this charm have some sort of spell on it? Was he threatened to give this to me, then if I went closer, it'll explode?

Calm down, that's unlikely to happen...unless you're in a tv drama or something, then it's expected to see them.

"Yoruko! Have you been waiting for a long time?" Grandma asked. I shake my head and we walked together till we head to the train station.

"That's a cute omamori. Did you went to the shrine?" Grandma asked after she saw the charm I was holding. I shook my head no and saw grandma staring at the charm.

"I'm guessing someone gave you it, correct?" I looked at my grandma and faintly nod my head. She smiled at me and stopped talking until we finally made it to our destination.

Like usual, we both ate dinner and waved goodbye as grandma doze to sleep first. I went to my textbook and proceeded to study the next subject.

While reviewing, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the charm Yuki gave to me. It was a black charm with sakura patterns scattered abound the fabric. It was attached to a white lace and a silver writing in front and back of the omamori.

I must say, he knows how to pick good designs. I don't really get omamori's. I think this is the first time I had one. To be honest, I don't like these things, I just feel they get in the way. Like when you're in an elevator and it accidentally gets stuck by the door, that's really annoying.

So what should I do with this?


Exams are finally over, thank goodness. It was a long week of studying and I think my head is gonna explode. Good thing I've pass through that. However,

"Yoru!"...Guess I have to pass through another thing first. "Let's go."

Why does this guy keep picking me up? Can't he just wait at the hospital? Not like I'm gonna leave grandma there even though I really don't want to see this guy's face.

"How's the exams?" Yuki asked. I looked at him as he kept talking about his experiences when he took them. Just how old is this guy? From the way he talks, it's like it's been 70 years since he went back to school. Mentioning the 'good old days' and saying how he misses the past, is this some sort of an old man stuck in a kid's body?

Before we could turn to the hospital, Yuki quickly held my hand and run in the opposite direction. What is it this time? Where are we going?!

"Let's stop by somewhere first." I had no choice but to go with the flow. To be honest, I'm actually getting used to it. I'm starting to think that this is just a normal routine everyday. I just hope this won't happen on weekends. I need my rest.

We went to the street market and went inside a cake shop. Yuki walked to the cashier and got into a short conversation with her before waving at me to come closer.

"What flavor do you like?" Yuki asked, moving aside so I can see the whole menu. Why is he asking me all of a sudden? Is he treating me or something?

I looked by the cake section and started looking at the options one by one.

I don't really like cakes, there very sweet. Although there is one flavor that caught my attention. But should I say it? What if this guy's bribing me or something? What should I do?

"Have you find one, Yoru?" He asked behind me. I really can't say, but what can I do? I don't really have the courage to say anything in this situation. Maybe I'll just keep staring at something and wait till he notices it.

"...Coffee?" He said. So quick! There something inside me that says that what I picked is too, old fashioned...I mean what kind of teenager likes coffee-flavored cake? I doubt only adults like those. But that's the only flavor I can eat in this store. I might get a sugar rush if I picked something else.

"Coffee it is then!" But he doesn't seem to be worried about that. This person is weird. But then again, he is the kind of person to do this so I guess it's normal.

"That will be **** yen." Oh yeah, the payment. I doubt this guy has any money in his hands. As I rummaged through my school bag, looking for my wallet, Yuki surprisingly handed out a card to the cashier.

"Here." He said as he gave the card. Since when did this guy have a card like that? Judging by how it looked like, it seemed to be a black card. Is this guy an okanemochi*? Then why is he staying at a public hospital and not a private one?

"Do you want another one?" I flinched when Yuki was already standing in front of me. How long was he standing here? "You seem to be looking at somewhere. We could get another one if you like."

I quickly shook my head and turned around. I left the shop first and started walking to the hospital. Yuki was behind me, silent as we both walk by the road.

When we reached the hospital, we were welcomed by balloons and lots of decorations on the wall. I was taken aback when I saw grandma and Shigeo so close by the door as if they've been waiting for me for a while.

"What's this?" I asked grandma in confusion. It's not my birthday of whatever, so what's the occasion?

"It's today." Grandma whispered in my ear as she pulled me inside.

"Fujiko-san won't tell me what's the special day today. I'm guessing it's the day you finally finished the exams. So congratulations, Yoru! You're out of exam prison!" Yuki said as he walked inside the room, placing the cake in a table and opening it.

"Is it your birthday, Yoru?" Shigeo asked while pulling my pants. Ever since we got close, this kid has been visiting this room regularly. He always sits by me and would join in our little reading session while the others have their conversation. Sometimes, the other one would join but neither of us pay attention, although Shigeo would tell him to get lost.

I shook my head no and he just nodded.

"Here." Shigeo said, giving me a panda origami. "I don't know what Yoru likes so I asked mommy. She said if there's something that Yoru likes, then that's the one I should make. I saw Yoru hugging a panda so I thought Yoru likes pandas."

It's small...But I don't hate it.

"T-Tha—" Right when I was about to respond back, Yuki interrupted me.

"Yoru! Time to blow the candle!" He had lightened up the candles as he slowly made his way to me. It's not my birthday so why is there a need for a candle? "Come on, blow it!"

I looked down on the cake and sighed heavily before moving my lips to blow the candle.

It's already today. How unbelievable.