CHAPTER 4: The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

He jumped down and dived downwards, creating a crater and a shockwave which killed the nearby weak infected zombies.

'These little guys won't do. I have to think bigger'. As he was thinking about this he saw a huge monster some metered away.

'So this is what they call a hunter ' He dashed away towards the hunter while sweeping away the civilians in front of him.

The hunter seemed to notice him as it screeched, drawing the attention of other hunters.

"Yeah, come at me in packs, all the more fun. More evolution points for me!!", he said as he ran towards the hunter and gave it an uppercut which sent it flying upwards. Alex quickly jumped up and delivered a flying kick to its head. Immediately, the hunter landed, he consumed it. The remaining hunter stared at him for a while before they madly dashed towards him.

Alex smirked before he also dashed towards them.

"Arrgh", he was sent backwards from the combination attacks of the hunters.

"I got too cocky, tsk"

He pulled himself out of the wall and jumped forward, delivering a two kick combo to the hunter closest to him. He used the recoil of the kick to distance himself from the hunters.

"They seem to work better in packs. I don't have any powers yet unless static symbiosis and its pretty much... Wait!! That's it!!"

He quickly moved towards an electrical pole nearby and grabbed it, tearing it away from the wire. He used the pole to bash the hunters that were giving pursuit to prevent them from getting close to him before he held the wires and activated Static Symbiosis. Electricity began to course through his body to the wires, powering up some appliances, bulbs and street light. He grinned at the hunters that were coming before wrapping the wires around his fist like a knuckleduster.

"Arrgh!" he lunged forward and punched an hunter in the face, sending it reeling backwards with scorch marks on its face. Using static symbiosis, Alex gained control of all electronics and electricals within a hundred meter radius. He'll control the cars around to hit the hunters while he attacked them one by one until he took care of them.

**BOOM*CRACKLE** This power is so fucking awesome, he said after he took care of the four hunters. He was about to leave when he heard an ear-piercing screech. A pack leader jumped out of the hive and set it's sight on him and started dashing madly towards him. It was at least two times as fast as the average hunter with a slightly bigger build.

"Bad luck seems to love me, uhn? It'll take it roughly ten secs for it to reach me. Lemme upgrade before then. I hope it's enough though"

He assessed his system and quickly scrolled down his lists of powers

EP > 110,000ep

Unlock hammer fists now

HAMMERFIST > Two powerful fists which are capable of breaking through the toughest of defence.

The 10,000ep goes to agility

*Agility +2*

Tendrils swirled around in his arm, forming two huge rock-hard arms. The hunter was already in front of him throwing it's fist forward.

*BOOM* A sonic wave was created when both their fists connected, forcing Alex to retreat two steps.

'So strong!', he thought as he dodged the second fists, retorting with his own fists, the pack leader was sent flying dozens of meters back. Alex charged up his powers in his feet and dashed to meet the air-borne pack leader. When he was on top of the pack leader, he charged up his symbiotic power and infused it in his fists, hitting down hard on the pack-leader. The pack leader shot down like a missile creating a large crater. The pack leader screeched as it was wounded. Two hunters immediately came to his aid.

"So you're not playing fair? Okay then. Activate Static Symbiosis!"