Chapter 1

"John you can not do this to her, she needs to know," my mother yelled at my father. "It's part of our past, she doesn't need to know," my father yelled back at my mother. This was what I called one of their legendary fights but sadly this is also the last time I remember them fighting. It usually happend when my mom knew she was right and my father was too proud to admit it.

Usually, they wouldn't fight so seeing them not agreeing on something was really troublesome but somehow this time felt different. "You're assuming they won't come for us but without the team, we can not protect her on our own," my mother yelled.

"Our protection is all she needs," my father shouted at my mother. "Your stupid to believe we will be saved here forever. They have found countless of us in hiding and they can find us too," my mother yelled.

My father's expression was unreadable for a moment. I knew right there and then my mom had won this fight but if my father admitted it, is a whole different question. I finally fell assleep only to be awoken by my mother a hours later. "Mia come with me, I need to show you something," my mother said. I got up and followed her but to my surprise, my stuff was moved out of the house.

"Mom, what is going on?" I asked. "Nothing was just moving you to a safe location for a small period of time. Someone is coming to visit your father today and I do not trust him," her mother said. Mia's mom took her to a safehouse deep within the mountain. My mom showed me a box with a weird thing in it.

"This is called a cellphone Mia and if I do not come for you in a month I want you to switch on the phone and called the number on it," mother said. "Mom what do you mean, is something going to happen?" Mia asked.

"Mia the world out there is really big and dangerous. It evolved to a point where everyone has a superpower but people like you and your father are very rare. There are men that want to use your power for their own selfish needs and recently some of your father's friends disappeared," mother said. "Fathers friends are they like us?" Mia asked.

"Yes, now listen very carefully. I bought you here to this shelter for a reason. The men will find it very hard to find you but if after a month I have not come for you please phone the number. The number belongs to your uncle and I am going to warn you, your uncle does not know about you but I suspect he won't be surprised," her mother said.

"Mom, who are these men?" Mia asked. "It does not matter just promise me you will not open the door or go out for any reason. When you phone the number tell my brother that I love him and do what he says," her mother said as she hugged Mia one last time and closed the door behind her.

I was sitting on the couch drawing a picture of a mountain when I heard voices outside the shelter door. Af first I couldn't hear what they said but as they got closer I heard exactly what they said. "There was a girl with them a few months ago. She couldn't just disappear into thin air," a man shouted.

"Sir I am sorry but she isn't here, her mother might have sent her away to another safe location. She did know we were coming," the man said. Mia drew a deep breath and looked at the box her mother told her about but then she heard the men speak again.

"If the girl gets to her uncle he will bring her into the organization. Then we will never have them all," the man shouted again. Mia wondered what the man was talking about but decided to keep quiet. She kept drawing her picture of the trees when she noticed it got really quiet outside.

She took the box and opened it, she wasn't sure if she should phone her uncle but she didn't know if the men really left or if they are just waiting to break into the shelter. She switched on the phone and soon found the number her mother told her to phone.

She pressed the green button and heard a ringing sound in her ear. It wasn't a sound she liked but she tried to wait it out. Then a man answered the phone. "Tia it's about time you phone me, I have been worried sick about you and John," the voice said.

Mia drew a deep breath and said, "hello are you the uncle my mom told me about," Mia asked. "Wait uncle, did something happen to Tia and John?" he asked. "I don't know my mom took me to a shelter and told me to wait until she came for me but she never came. Then I heard voices outside the shelter that I dont recognised and thought I should phone you before they find me. Mom said there are bad people after people like my father and me," Mia said.

"Stay on the line, what is your name my dear?" the man asked. "Mom called me Mia, she said I am not registered and that you need the documents in the box. She also said to tell you she loves you," Mia said.

I could hear the voice on the other side of the phone cursing. "You know mom said cursing is a terrible habit," Mia said. The man took a deep breath and said, "I will be there soon just stay in the shelter until I phone you okay," the man said.

The line went dead and for some reason knowing he was coming to my rescue didn't make me feel any calmer about my situation. A few hours later the phone rang and I opened the door to see a man that looked almost like my mother. "Hello you must be my uncle," I said.

"Yes, and I believe you are Mia and you look just like my sister. You did a good thing phoning me when you did, honestly what was your parents thinking staying here of all places," her uncle asked.

"Mom lost that fight but won the fight to hide me," I told my uncle. "What did they fight about?" he asked. Mia looked at her uncle and said, "I think my mom felt the danger that was coming and tried to warn my father about it but he wasn't having any of it until that evening. Early the next morning when it was still dark outside mom brought me here. I was told to phone you after a month if she hasn't come for me but she never came back," Mia said.

Her uncle looked at her and into the shelter and asked, "you have night vision?" he asked. "Yes and superhearing along with several other abilities dad trained me but I think mom wanted things to be different," I told my uncle. "What do you mean Mia?" he asked.

"Mom wanted to send me to a school to learn how to make friends but dad he was stuck in his way and said that it was saver if the world didn't know I was born," Mia siad. "Your father was always a stubborn man. Why my sister chose him as her husband I do not know," he said.

"There was one thing I heard the men say before I phoned you," Mia said. "What did they say?" he asked. "They said that if you found me before they did, you would bring me into the organization and then they would never have them all," Mia said.

"Sir that must mean they knew something right?" a man asked. "Yes it seems so but all is well you are save now Mia," he siad. Mia went inside to gather her things but as soon as she came out of the shelter she heard a voice in the distance telling another man.

"There she is, we walked right past the shelter. I thought you knew where all the shelters were," the man said. Mia looked in the direction of the men and narrowed her eyes and spotted the men even though they were miles away. Her uncle found her behaviour strainge until he saw the men.

"Don't show them any more skills they don't need to know what you can do," he said. "You can see them too?" Mia asked. The man smiled and said, "like your father, I have more than one power and I believe you have more than one as well," he asked.

"Mom said I was what they called us the rainbow user's since I can hear well, see well and also use the five basic elements. I do combine them from time to time mom and dad was really surprised," Mia said.

"It is rare but some of us can combine elements like that," her uncle said. Mia picked up her bag and asked her uncle, "when will I see my mom and dad again," she asked.

He looked at Mia and said, "Mia I am not going to lie to you but the chance that we will ever see them again is very low. If your father doesn't give the men what they want they will force him to give it to them by any means," he said. Mia walked with her uncle to the car but looked back one last time.

"Don't worry Mia, if it's possible you will see them again," her uncle said. Mia got into the car and felt safe in her uncle's presence but as they drove past their home she was shocked to see it burned down. "Mom, Dad I hope you're okay as the tears started to fall down her cheeks. Her uncle placed his arm around her shoulders and hugged her.

"They are strong people Mia if anyone can make it out it's them," he said.