At the training fields, Kevin and Mike both were impressed with Mia's powers. It seemed as if she had perfect control over her powers but they noticed she had trouble controlling her storm ability and combining elements wasn't a problem for Mia. Her hearing and vision were excellent as usual.
"I see you learnt to control your hearing as well?" Kevin said. "Clara refused to give me earplugs when I complained about the siren in fact the moment I complained about it they placed the siren almost next to me and I was not allowed to cover my ears. She said I had to learn the hard way to switch of that ability," Mia said.
Kevin looked towards the forest and said, "there are times that forcing someone to confront their own weakness works but it does not work every time." Well, let's see how you handle training in the next few weeks. Bella started to bark and Mia looked around and spotted Clara hiding in the forest. "Bella it's okay, that's only Clara that's looking at us but when Mia looked at the forest she saw a familiar man.
He looked just like her father. Mia felt her heart almost standing still as she tried to focus on the image that she is seeing before her. "Daddy, is that really you?" Mia whispered out loud. Both Kevin and Mike looked in the direction Mia was looking at. Kevin looked at the forest and spotted the man Mia was looking at.
But as soon as Mia said those words the group took off. Running deep into the forest. Mia could hear her mother's words as she whispered them. "Mia becare full there are things at play that you and your uncles do not understand yet but be prepared for they will be coming for you. All of you so do not let your guard down," Zara said.
Mia could not see her mother or father but she could hear their last words as they drove off.
"Mia stay with Mike and Kevin no matter what. Zack is one of them and his organization is blind to what the elemental could be. He tends to use them as weapons and your mother's powers is what they need but there is more to the picture. Clovers past is behind this weapon, tell my brother what he feared has become a reality. He is back and this time he intends to stay," John said as his voice disappeared into the distance Mia could hear her parents tell her how much they love her.
Mia turned around and looked at Kevin but something about his facial expression told her he heard every word. "Uncle did you hear everything mom and dad said?" Mia asked.
"Your father spoke as well?" Mike asked. "Yes, he said I should tell you that what you feared Kevin has become a reality. Clover's past is behind this weapon and dad said to tell you. He is back and he intents to stay," Mia said. Kevin looked at Mike and said, "If he is back, then we do not have a lot of time."
"What is this weapon, Clover's past and this man has to do with everything?" Mia asked. "Not now Mia what is bothering me is why did they bring Zara and John over like this? It only tells us one thing, Clara and Zack are behind everything," Mike said.
"Yes, but why would they bring them. Zara is their main key if they agreed to help in return for Mia's safe return to us what are they going to help them with?" Kevin said. "Mom said everyone is a target right now, not just me so maybe they don't have use for me anymore," Mia said.
"Well, that could be a problem since Mike here gave you to them on a silver platter," Kevin said. "Can you please get over it Kevin I already told you I am sorry," Mike said?"Yes, but who knows what data they got from Mia," Kevin said.
Back at the base, Mia found Red and everyone waiting for her. "Ready to go," they asked. "Yes, let's go, what took you so long to get ready?" Devon asked. "I was at the training fields with my uncles since I was early they wanted to see how good my control was," Mia said.
"And what did they say?" Red asked. "They were impressed until Clara showed up in the forest again," Mia said. "What did that woman want now?" Devon asked. "I don't know but she had my parents with her. I was so close to them and I couldn't do anything to help them," Mia said.
Red looked at Mia and said, "were they being held against their will?" Red said. "The organization helps and protect rare bloodlines. They must have locked up my parents," Mia said as she continued to tell her friends everything that has happened. "Everyone is a target right now?" Mia finished telling her story.
"We will have to be careful from now on?" Red said. "Yea I suspect there will be rules in place from now on preventing anyone from travelling alone for a while," Devon said.
That morning during breakfast Mike and Kevin broke the news to the base. "The older members of the base will remember this but Clover was once a target for its rare elementals members. There is a possibility that we may be a target once again. So from now one travel in groups and make sure everyone knows where you are. When we train it's in a group," Mike said.
"Also Mia will be training with you as well, she has to prepare for a very important test along with Devon, Red, Luna and Amber. If they train together they have our permission but they are not allowed to train on their own. Several of their members including Mia are considered possible targets," Kevin said.
"Sir I have one question, many of the base members are wondering as well. Mia is she really Zara and John daughter and if so why are we all considered targets?" an older member asked.
"Yes, Mia is Zara and John's daughter my brother knew of the danger that might follow her. That's why they kept her a secret for so long."
Mike stood up and continued to talk, "The problem is that John and Zara are missing and Mia now has to take shelter with us. On her own, she stands no chance but Zara and John in having Mia broke a promise to the council so we have a bit of a problem getting her registered with Clover as an official member."
"So what is your plan, are we really going to have a freeloader that places the whole base in danger hanging around here?" Molly said. "Molly, please we already spoke to you about this," Mike tried to say. "I don't care she has to go, I don't want to be on the same base as that MONSTER. PEOPLE LIKE HER GETS INNOCENT PEOPLE LIKE ME KILLED. THEY HAVE MORE BLOOD ON THERE HANDS THEN ANY OTHER PERSON," Molly shouted.
Mia looked shocked at her uncles and asked, "what is she talking about uncle?" Mia asked. "Don't mind her Mia, 'll talk to you later," Mike said. "O so she does not know that her mom is a mega creator, in her days she threw the base into countless death traps. I lost my dad because of it and her mom killed our captain. She deserves to be kidnapped now she knows how it feels," Molly shouted.
Mia looked shocked and at that moment she felt overwhelmed. She realises what was going to happen and got up and ran to her room with Bella on her heels. Mia rushed into the apartment and took her medication. Kevin stood at the door of her apartment and saw Mia took her medication.
"Sorry Uncle I can't control my powers right now," Mia said. As soon as the medication took effect Mia was fast assleep on her bed. Kevin threw the covers over Mia and Bella jumped on the bed and got comfortable next to her. Kevin didn't feel right leaving Mia alone in her apartment and told the rest of her team to go to her room.
"She took her medication Red, we will talk to you later. Take your team to her apartment and wait there. Make sure Mia's okay. I don't trust that medication," Kevin said. Within seconds the rest of the team was in Mia's room. She slept for most of the day and the team discovered no amount of noise will wake Mia up but Red noticed Clara was spying on Mia's room.
"She is just waiting for Mia to lose control," Red told everyone else. "I don't think Mia should be sleeping alone then. Not if Clara is watching her?" Luna said. "Yes, but where will you sleep there is not much room for another bed in here," Red said. "True but we will have to talk to Kevin about it, I can not believe Mia didn't tell us Clara was spying on her," Amber said.
"Maybe Mia didn't notice, she always has the curtains closed," Luna said. Kevin walked into the apartment and saw Mia was still sleeping. "She is still sleeping?" Kevin asked. "Yes but you should know Clara is spying on Mia. She most likely didn't notice with the curtains that are always closed," Luna said.
Kevin looked out of the window and said, " I do not believe it, how long has she been standing there?" Kevin asked. "Since this morning, she hasn't left," Amber said. "Sir, I don't think Mia should be staying alone, what if something happens?" Red said.
"Yea and we have to move her to another part of the base. How come Clara knows where Mia's room is?" Kevin asked.