Chapter 53

Kevin learned the next morning that Mia's truck would not be done untill the next day. "So what do we do today then?" one asked Leo. "Well since we will be hard at work when we get to the clover base i suggest you take the day off and do what you need to do and get it done. Mia you and Kevin will have to spend the day together," Leo said.

Kevin and Mia spend most of the morning in the hotel room. It was the afternoon when Mia went to Kevin and asked, "can we go and get something to eat. I also need to buy some food for Bella since i am all out," Mia siad. Kevin looked at Mia and siad, "okay lets go then." But the truth was Kevin didn't want to leave the hotel room at all. He felt like hiding just incase Zack told his father where he was.

Bella went with Mia into the petshop and Mia found a big bag of Bella's dog food. She also found some of Bella's favorite treats. She was about to pay for everyting when Bella started growling. Mia's attention was on Bella imediatly and so she looked threw the shop window into the direction that Bella was looking.

There on the corner on the warmest day of the year stood a pair of men in all black suites. "They are going to die in this heat, wearing those all black suites," Mia said out loud. Kevin looked to see what Mia was talking about and all though he wasn't surprised to see the men. He was shocked to see his fathers men was here already.

Mia looked to see her uncles reaction and asked, "what's wrong uncle?" Mia asked. Kevin looked at Mia and siad, "whatever you do Mia do not talk to them in any way and Mia keep Bella undercontrol," Kevin siad.

"But why Uncle?" Mia asked. "I will exsplian later Mia but those men are trouble," Kevin wispered. Mia paid the lady at the register and took everything to Kevin's truck. A lady touched Mia's shoulder and Bella started barking. Mia knew Bella was telling her she couldn't trust these people. Mia touched Bella and showed her to quite down. "Kevin i see we finally found you?" said the lady.

"How can i help you?" Kevin politly asked. "You can tell me if John had any children?" the lady asked. "Come again, i havent seen my brother in years. How would i know if he had a child," Kevin asked. "Please Kevin we do not mean you any harm but as you know this is how these things work," the lady siad.

Kevin looked at the lady and asked, "how do you exspect me to trust you when the last time i remeber seeing your kind. I nearly lost my life. Why do you think John and i came here?" Kevin asked.

"I know its hard Kevin and i know you came here to start fresh. But your also royalty and as you know your powers makes you possible targets," the lady siad. "What do you mean?" Kevin asked. "The mega elements you and your brohter has are special. Just like that of your elder brother who is now the new king of the country. A new threat has him worried and so he asked that we check on you and John. But for some reason we can not find John," the lady said.

"If my brother send you, he would have given you a sign as proof that he does not intend to harm me or my brother," Kevin siad.

Mia watched as the lady opened a box revealing a golden medel inside. "Come we can not talk here, as you suspected there is trouble but spies can be anywhere," Kevin replied. Kevin looked at Mia and siad, "I will have to exsplain a lot more things to her then i originally planned.

Once they were in a save location Kevin told the lady what had happen. "John took of with a woman named Zara a few years ago. Then about four years ago she showed up. John and his wife has been kidnapped but for some reason there daugter survived. The only problem is, they didn't tell her anything. I do know John trained her but she has inherited a few of John's habits that isn't so good," Kevin siad.

The group looked at Mai and the lady asked, "what is your name?" Mia looked at Kevin who showed her it was okay to talk. "Mia, this is my partner and best fried Bella," she repleid. "Your father gave you a beautifull name, tell me are you a mega?" the lady asked. "Yes, i have two mega elements but my dad things its more. The problme is that a test doesn't show them," Mia said.

The lady looked at Kevin and asked, "anything you can confirm?" Kevin looked at Mia and said, "No i havent really taken the time to train with her but i can tell she might be strong. The problem is that Zack who is one of Zara's brohter's. Somehow got involved in the organization my father started," Kevin siad.

Mia noticed the lady going really stiff and asked, "are you sure?" Kevin looked at the lady and siad, "yes, but i dont know much only that he has contacts almost everywhere," Kevin siad. Mia looked at Kevin and asked, "what is going on?" Kevin took a deep breath and siad, "your father and i have an older brother. He is the curent king of a country when we were young they discovered the two of us and since they could not legally take us away from your grandfather's care. Since he was after all a king. We were send to live with Clover under a new name. Your grandfather died protecting your father and i," Kevin siad.

"Dad never told me any of this?" Mia siad. "Its a part of our past that we both prefer not to talk about. Its also why Jasmine didn't support your mother and fahter realtionship. But when your grandfather died. There wasn't anything to fear anymore so Clover broke up into smaller branches and everyone went there seperate ways. Untill one elmental user after the other started to disapear," Kevin siad.

"Why was it that after my grandfathers death no one had anything to fear anymore?" Mia asked. Kevin took a deep breath and said, "this is why your father didn't want to tell you and its also why your mother felt you needed to know," Kevin replied.

"Dad said he would tell me but they disappeared the next day. Do you think this secret is what caused them to disapear?" Mia asked. "Yes and no, the truth is both your grandfathers died that day but some say my father still survived the fight. If the rumors are true it would exsplain why they needed your father?" Kevin siad.

"Yes but didn't the evidence say that they needed my mother?" Mia asked. "There is that information as well, the truth is we are not sure why they needed your father or mother but if they needed your mother its not good," Kevin siad.

"I do not understand?" Mai siad. "You do not have to understand right now Mia. But know this if it were to ever happen that both Kevin and Mike were to disappeared. Please phone us right away," the lady said.

"I dont even know you?" Mai siad. "Its okay Mai, do as she says. The truth is when your grandfahter took us in he knew what we were. The problem is we didn't know he had a family of megas in hiding. If Mike and i were ever to disapear. Go to my elder brother and ask him for help but i will warn you. If he agrees to help you, you will have to understand that there is a posiblily that he will keep you locked up or under gaurd for a while," Kevin siad.

Mai took a step back and asked, "why is it that everyone wants to lock me up?" Mia asked. "Becasue you have both your fahter and mothers powers Mia. There are things about this case that is very dark and very dangerous. If we can keep you out of it, it would be a good idea," Kevin siad.

"I dont understand?" Mia said. "Just enjoy every minute of freedom you get and dont brake the rules for any reason Mia. This was the last time you go off on your own," Kevin warned.

The lady looked at Mia and asked, "do you enjoy traveling?" Kevin looked at her and said, "John moved the family a lot, its why she isn't use to staying in any place to long. John had a skil for seeing trouble coming and i suspect she has it two. I can only hope they never find her," Kevin siad.

"If you want we can put someone undercover on clover. If something happens that they can get her out as fast as posible?" the woman sugested. "I don't know but i also do not know how she will react on her own. It might be a good idea but it can also be a bad idea," Kevin siad.

"So clover still does not take kindly to straingers?" the lady asked. "Yes and even more so now that Mike is the only one of the family left. Mia isn't always welcome you know," Kevin siad.

"Then maybe it would be a good idea to move her to another location as a ranger before things go south," the woman sugested. "I know what you are saying is a good idea," Kevin siad. Mia looked at Kevin and asked, "Mom said i need to contact one of her brothers for help, if she and dad were married. Which one of you is that?" Mia asked.