
Alex's POV

3 months later...

We planned our wedding for three months and everything is running smoothly so far. Getting a wedding planner is really a must and the best decision we've ever done. Yes, they're quite expensive but it's all worth it and not having to stress about anything. Me and Piper would just show up for food tasting, dress fitting and anything else that needs our approval like the wedding cake and flower design arrangements. But other than that mostly Miranda would just call us and tell us the update.

Today we are going to go and choose our wedding rings. This is going to be exciting because me, Piper and Nicky are going out and we only have more than two weeks left before our wedding day.

Almost everything are all set, we decided to have our wedding here at home since we have a big backyard and Piper loves it the last time we had a party here for her birthday. I really like that idea, it's practical and intimate, just our close friends and Piper's family.


We arrived at the jewelry shop at around 10 in the morning. This is the very same place where I bought Piper's engagement ring and I immediately recognize the woman previously. I don't know if she still remembers me though.

We enter the shop and I was holding my wife's hand when the woman notice us.

"Hi! it's you again!". She said beaming.

"Hey! I didn't think you would recognize me". I said smiling back at her.

"How can I not? I bet my next pay check you guys are here to purchase wedding rings". She said looking at the three of us.

"Congratulations! You get to keep your money kid". Nicky blurted and Piper giggled.

"Oh, by the way this is my wife". I introduced Piper to the woman.

"Hi, my name is, Piper". She said and extend her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Piper,

I'm Amelia". She respond and shake Piper's hand.

"I'm Alex and this is Nicky".

I added and pointed at Nicky.

"Wait, I thought you know each other already?". Piper asked and a look of confusion on her face. She's always inquisitive and say whatever is on her mind.

"I've only been here once Pipes, when I bought your engagement ring and we never properly introduced ourselves before now".

"Oh, I see". Piper said smiling at her and then her eyes shifted and started scanning the contains of the glass cabinet infront of us.

"Okay, so what kind of ring are we looking for here?". Amelia asked.

"We'll just look around first". I said politely.

"Alright just call me if you need me".

Me and Piper occupy ourselves choosing our wedding rings while Nicky is talking to Amelia. It looks like they were both having a nice time and getting along pretty well.

"I think Nicky, likes her". I whispered to Piper.

She turn her head to their little spot in the corner and giggled.

"Yes, I think so too. She's very pretty". Piper said and return her attention back to the rings.

Amelia, is very charming. She's almost the same height like Nicky, straight, shoulder length hair and also a brunette. She's nice and very endearing.

I was hoping they would hit it off, they look nice together.

It took us a long time to pick our rings. Piper is usually a very dramatic person especially if she can't get her way, so after some time and a few disagreements me and my wife finally agreed on a ring.

I walk over to Nicky and Amelia. I hate myself for disturbing them but Piper need Amelia's help and she's got a lot of questions to asks her. I want to get this done so we can get the hell out of this place.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt your sweet time but Piper need Amelia's help with the ring". I said directly to Nicky. I then notice a blush spread on Amelia's face.

"Yes, ofcourse". Amelia cleared her throat and went over to Piper. I look at Nicky and raised my eyebrows at her.

"You like her". I exclaimed.

"I don't know, Vause. I'm not actually looking right now". Nicky replied and steal a glance at Amelia.

"Well, maybe you should. She seem nice and you deserve to be happy".

"I'm just not ready yet and I don't want to risk getting hurt again". She replied.

"You know, I happen to have taken a rather romantic risk recently. And I gotta say... it pays off. Maybe it's worth a shot". I want Nicky to be happy and Amelia seems a really good person.

Nicky just shrug off and walk over to Piper and look at the rings we had chosen.

We paid for the rings and said our goodbyes to our new friend.

We were already out the door when Nicky, excused herself and ran back inside.

Me and Piper just looked at each other in surprise and giggle. We can see them through the glass wall and it looks like Nicky, is asking for Amelia's phone number.

"It's about time". I murmured.

We spend the rest of our day hanging out at the mall. Piper went shopping and we were surprised when Nicky, went shopping for new clothes too. Like me she never like shopping and we bought most of the clothes that she wears.

I also did some grocery shopping and I love going to the grocery store. It's one of the few places that makes me happy.

We got home around 9 in the evening. We already had dinner before going home.

"Good night, ladies. I'm really tired after all that shopping. I'm going to hit the sack". Nicky said once we got home and retreated to her bedroom. She's probably very tired.

I sit on the sofa and watched another cooking videos on YouTube. Watching cooking shows helps me relax and I like learning new recipes to try.

I didn't notice Piper, sneak behind me and wrap her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. Shit! That feels good.

I tilt my head to the side to give her access on my neck. She rain down kisses on my neck and nibble on my earlobe.

"I want to fuck you". Piper whispered in my ear and I am already getting hot.

She walk around the sofa and sit on my lap facing me. She wrap her hands around my neck and lean closer and kissed me. I put my hands on her back and pulled her even closer to me.

A soft moan escape my lips as I kissed Piper aggressively and I force her mouth open with my tongue. I explore her mouth and

I can feel her warm breath against my face.

I move my hands to her front and slide my hands inside her clothes, I lift her shirt up just enough and pull down her bra to expose her breast. I don't want to undress her here in the middle of the living room.

I was greeted with her perky breast and I immediately dive in, I slowly licks all around her nipple and then finally closing my warm mouth over it and she moan instantly.

"Ugh Shit!". She murmured when she felt my mouth on her nipples. She arch her back and pull my head more closely.

I undo her jeans and slip my fingers inside. She's already wet so I rub her clit and she moaned louder this time.

"Shhh quiet!". I'm afraid that Nicky might hear us. I'm not sure if she's still awake or not but the thrill and anticipation is kind of arousing. Though I still prefer not to be caught making love with my wife.

"Fuck me, Alex". Piper's voice become deeper and her eyes darker with desire.

"Let's go inside". I said and I was about to stand when Piper strangle me with her legs.

"No, I want you to fuck me here, right now". She moaned and grab my face and kissed me.

I pulled away from her "What? Are you crazy? No! Nicky might walk in on us". I disagree and pull her shirt down.

"No she won't. She's asleep. Come on".

"Piper, we don't know that". I insisted.

"Just shut up and fuck me!". She groaned and pull my face back to her mouth and kissed me harder.

I don't know how we did it but she move her hips and I slip a finger inside her pussy. She whimper and deepen our kiss.

She started riding my finger and I manage to slip another one. She gasped loudly and pull her face away from me. She put her hands on my shoulders and move her hips, she's grinding herself on my fingers.

I'm so turned on just by looking at Piper. I think I'll get off just by looking at her.

I stayed alert the entire time incase Nicky decided to walk out of her room. But the anticipation is exhilarating and making me horny even more.

"Jesus fuck Alex! I think I'm about to cum". Piper announced very loudly.

"Not too loud, Piper!". I hissed at her and glance at Nicky's room.

I keep listening for any sound coming from her bedroom. I think she's asleep already or she would've already investigate about the noise.

Piper, continue moving her hips and I swear she has new sexy moves she pull out every once in a while. I wonder where she get this stunts from. I would have to ask her, I knew Piper and she's not adventurous when it comes to sex but lately she's been pulling this sexy weird moves.

She move her hands around my neck and arch her back while continue grinding her pussy on my finger. Shit! She look so fucking hot.

I rub my thumb on her clitoris while my other fingers are inside her. I can tell she's almost on the edge so I press my thumb on her clit harder.

"Ah shit, Alex!".

She scream louder so I wrap my free hand around her waist and pull her closer to me and kissed her mouth to muffle her scream.

I want her to cum but it would be a bummer if Nicky will caught us because she cant stop herself from being so fucking loud.

I don't know how I did it but I still manage to insert another finger inside Piper's pussy. She pushed my face away and grind herself faster and harder. I think she's going to break my fingers.

"Cum for me, baby" I whispered.

Fuck! She is so hot. I lift her shirt and suck on her nipple again and that made her cum.

She screamed my name followed by a profusion of swear words that I've never heard her say before.

Woah! I'm surprised.

She cum so hard that she's shaking and she became limp and fell flat on my chest. I have to hold her until she calm down completely.

"Holy shit! That was awesome". Piper said panting and kissing me on the lips.

"You always give me incredible orgasm". She said and crushing her lips to mine again.

"Now it's your turn, babe". She said and lean down to kiss my neck.