
Piper's POV

Alex, gave me a really good orgasm like, out of this world orgasm.

She kept her hand inside me until I calm down and when she pulled her hand out of my jeans it is soaking wet from my orgasm. She stare at me and a smirk appear on her face then she slowly put her fingers inside her mouth.

"Hmmmmm, you taste so good". She murmured as she closed her eyes.

Fuck! She's teasing me. Okay, game on.

I lean closer to her.

"I am going to fuck you so good". I whispered in her ear.

"And we're not going to our bedroom, I'll make you cum right here". I said looking at her and biting my lower lip.

She stare at me in disbelief.

"No! that is not going to happen. We just got lucky we didn't get caught". She protested.

"Piper stop it! I am not comfortable with this". She said when she realized I was not playing around and she turn her head automatically at Nicky's bedroom.

I don't really care if Nicky caught us, she told me before she doesn't mind catching us having sex in the living room.

Alex squirm under me and she was about to stand up but I pin her down and straddle her with my legs. I grab her shirt and with one quick motion I swiftly pull her shirt off.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Give me back my shirt!". She was about to snatch her shirt from me but I throw it outside Nicky's bedroom. Her eyes widen with shock and I grab this opportunity while she's still distracted to reach my hand behind her and unhook her bra. She immediately cover her boobs with her arms.

"Piper, we are not doing it here. Get off of me!". She said furiously but still manage to keep her voice down.

I look down at her chest, she missed a spot covering her breast and I can see one of her pink nipple poking out.

"God! You are so hot". I groaned and kissed her hard. I force her mouth open and I bit her lip. I move her hands away from her chest and grab her breasts and massage them in my hands.

"Piper, I swear if we get caught I'm going to be so pissed off!". She threatened.

"We won't, trust me". I assured her.

"Yeah right, I've heard that a thousand times and as far as I can remember it doesn't end well".

"Just shut up, you're ruining the mood". I said and kiss her mouth to stop her from talking.

Alex's breasts are one of my favorite parts of her body next to her well... pussy.

I move my hands down and unbutton her jeans. I was expecting her to protest but she didn't.

I slip a hand inside her jeans and I felt her underwear already soaking wet.

I hold her arm and shift her body carefully so she's laying with her back on the sofa. She is panting already and I like how her breast move everytime she breath deeply.

"Fuck!". I hissed. I am getting so turned on again and I wasted no time pulling her jeans down her perfect long legs. I scoot lower and I lean down and bury my face on her underwear and deeply inhale her scent. Alex's smell is intoxicating. The warmth radiating between her thighs is inviting and making me crazy. I so badly wanted to taste her and feel her warm pussy against my tongue.

I lightly brush the tip of my nose on her leg and she shuddered. I bite and suck the skin on her legs. I can see red started forming on her pale skin and I like what I'm seeing.

I move her panties to the side and lick her folds gently. I know it's driving her crazy everytime I do this.

"Oh shit". She groaned and I reach up to play with her breast and pinch her nipples.

Alex tugged my hair so I spread her pussy lips apart and suck on her clit. I can feel her clitoris throbbing against my tongue. She buckled her hips and grind her pussy on my face.

"Please, fuck me!". Alex said demanding and I willingly oblige so I insert two fingers and started thrusting inside her in and out.

"Harder". She whimpered. "Please".

I shoved another finger inside and she gasped loudly, she arched her back and she squeezed her thighs together.

I keep thrusting and thrusting inside Alex while I continue sucking her clit. I look up at her face and she has her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open. Damn she look so hot!.

"Piper, please. Harder". She said breathing heavily and then throw head back.

"Fuck Piper, I'm cumming!". She announced and just exploded in my mouth. Her thighs closed around my head and I felt her pussy tightening up and I thrust inside her even harder. She bucked up again and again until she was shaking and gasping for air.

I then gently pumped her to help her ride out her orgasm. I keep fucking her until she completely calm down.

I felt her body relaxed so I pulled my fingers out and lick her pussy once more to clean her up. Alex tastes so good.

"That was awesome, Pipes". She said smiling. She might've totally forgotten about Nicky and the thought of getting caught.

"Glad you liked it". I replied.

Alex, is almost naked except in her underwear. I lean down and kissed her pussy one more time.

Then we heard Nicky's door open. My head snapped up and I can see half her body out the door.

"Oh fuck!". I said in surprise.

I saw the look of horror on Alex's face, her eyes widen and like all her blood drained from her face. She's as pale as a ghost.

I automatically lay on top of Alex to cover her naked body.

"Shit!". I heard Alex cussed.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be quick, I'm just going to grab something to eat". Nicky said holding her hands up and she just casually walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge and grab some bottled water and some snacks. She was definitely awake the whole time.

She's probably waiting for us to finish before coming out her room. The thought of it is making me laugh and Alex caught me smiling.

"I told you this was a bad idea!". Alex whispered furiously at me.

"I thought she was asleep". I said defensively, but actually I really don't care. I find this very amusing.

Nicky, walk back to her room but stop near her door and pick up Alex's shirt that I threw off the floor and toss it in our direction.

"Ooh, thanks". I call out and smile at Nicky.

I heard Alex huff and she's probably boiling right now.

"Carry on ladies and good night". She said casually and close her door.

"This is embarrassing!". Alex snapped and I just laughed.

"You think this is funny?". She hissed at me.

Alex, pushed me off of her and she bent down to pick up her clothes that scatter on the floor.

"I told you we would get caught! But no, you won't listen to me!". I can sense her temper rising.

She walk briskly to our bedroom.

I watch her retreating back and I heard her murmuring something about being thoughtless and stupid.

"Nice ass, babe!". I shout after her and giggle.

"Enjoy it now, because you won't be sleeping with this ass tonight. You're going to sleep in that fucking couch!".

"Wait! Seriously?". I groan and throw my head back.

She enter our bedroom and I heard the door lock.

"Shit!". This is going to be an exciting night.

I was very exhausted that I fell asleep on the couch that night with no problem but I woke up in the middle of the night with my back aching.

"Damn this stupid couch!". I murmured under my breath. I got up slowly and hoping that Alex, unlock our bedroom door.

I was glad when I turn the door knob and it opened. I gave my eyes time to adjust in the dark room and I found Alex, sleeping. Her pale skin shine in the dark.

I walk slowly to my side of the bed and lay beside her.

She's facing me and I notice her mouth slightly open and I can hear her breathing. I can't help myself and I move my head closer and kissed her lightly on the lips careful not to wake her up. She stirred and her eyes barely open.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up". I whispered.

She smiled sleepily and move closer to me. She wrap her arm around my waist and bury her face on my neck. She sigh in contentment and after a moment I can hear her even breathing again.

We fell asleep like that, Alex snuggled beside me.


I woke up the next day with my arm still tucked under Alex. My arm is numb and I think my blood stopped pumping on my arm.

I slowly pull my arm away, careful not to wake her up.

Her eyes snap open. Shit!

"I'm sorry, my arm is a little bit numb". I explained and Alex move away from me.

I can feel my blood rushing to my arm and fingers. I stretched my arm and massage it.

"What's that smell?". Alex exclaimed and sniff the air.

I never noticed the strange smell before, not until she mentioned it. I sniff and it smells like something burning.

We both look at each other confused.

"I'm gonna go check on it". Alex got up and walk to the door. She's only wearing a shirt and underwear and her ass looks lovely. What a nice treat to see early in the morning.

She open the door and walk outside. I got up as well but stayed inside our bedroom. I stood hidden near the door.

I notice Nicky is in the kitchen wearing an apron. There's a pot on the stove and that's clearly where the smell is coming from.

"What the hell are you doing?". Alex blurted.

Nicky, turn around and smile at Alex.

"Good morning to you too, Vause! As you can see I am cooking".

"I can clearly see that but what's that supposed to be?". Alex point to the pot on the stove.

"I'm making pasta. I figure we should have spaghetti and meatballs for breakfast". Nicky said proudly.

Alex grab a kitchen gloves and a wooden spoon, she lift the lid cover and look inside.

"You have to stir it. Stirring helps so it won't stick on the bottom". She told Nicky, patiently.

Nicky was standing beside her and watching her carefully, she seem very eager to learn.

I wonder what's going on with Nicky trying to learn how to cook.

Alex, put the lid back and lower the fire.

"Is that a hickey on your leg?". Nicky asked casually.

Alex look down at her leg and I watch her face turns red. That was the hickey I gave her last night.

"No, it's just a mosquito bite". Alex said lamely.

I chuckled and walk towards them.

Nicky saw me laughing and she smile widely at me.

"And... here comes the mosquito". Nicky said playfully and I just laughed harder.
