Prince charming.

Third person's

"Giovanni, not everything could be settled with money. As i told you, I wanted that woman to work for me"

"I told you she's my fiance! And those brats are like siblings to her, i wasn't planning to raid the building for satan's sake, i wasn't even aware about this child's organ sailing at all" Jarred explained calmly.

"You cannot fool me, we both know she's not your fiance. If there's one thing for certain, You're just keeping her because she exterminate like a wild amazon assassin"

"You know me too well Bora, im moved" Jarred flutters as he puts his hand on his chest for effect.

"How's she?" Bora asked dryly

"Unconscious, thanks to you" Jarred replied sarcastically

"She killed my men effortlessly! You should be grateful I didn't blow her head" Bora hissed as he lit his tobacco.

Jarred got up on his seat and began walking confidently towards Bora's desk.

"She's my fiance, you knew i never kept a woman that long beside me" he stated in a low smooth voice to emphasize his point.

"Are you saying you've grown fond of her?" Bora asked mocking him

"Wrong. She belongs to me Bora. and only those who have death wish would dare to take her away from me" Jarred

snickered in derision.

"If you don't take the money, then i'm Giving you permission to cut the ties between us" He added pertaining to their partnerships and considering Jarred is one of the most notable and major shareholders and a trusted merchant, he knew he can't have much of a choice.

Bora seems struggling to make a proper decision and he can't help it but feel infuriated with Jarred who has a victorious grin on his face.

"You know you're capable of everything you want aren't you?" Bora hissed as he took the bags of dollars.

"I do. Well then, see you next time" Jarred bid as he turned and walked out of Bora's office.

Jarred dialed on his phone and the other party answered right away.

"Is she awake?"

"Still unconscious, i just wanna inform you about Larrison, unfortunately, he got away"

"Again? Are your men that stupid? Where is he residing?" Jarred gritted as he brought out his car keys

"We can't track him at the moment, he's been-"

"No, i think i get it, your men are absolutely useless, bloody hell, I'll handle it myself" Jarred hissed as he hung up and zoomed out through the road.

It's been weeks since the incident and Khalil remained unconscious as Larrison kept sliding through their hands. He cannot wait longer to seize the life out of that guy. Larrison was causing him too much trouble to his liking. The incident at the black market is obviously planned. He knew he needed to ruin my plan and he knew Khalil too well.

"You motherfucker must be really testing my mercy" Jarred whispered grinning maniacally as he sliced through the spacious street.

"And that woman who seemed planning to keep napping all her life like a troublesome and a fucking whiny not so beautiful princess leaving all her mess to her hot as fuck prince charming. How insolent" Jarred murmured And scoffed to himself.

Not even an hour later he finally arrived at his manor and went straight towards Khalil's room who's been treated by a private doctor and nurses.

"How's she?" He straightforwardly asked the Doctor before she could even get inside the room.

"Her vitals were fine, she must be waking up soonest" the doctor replied.

Jarred swept his eyes over the doctor's physicals who once treated him a long time ago when he got in a car accident. The Doctor who's been crushing on him but consistently denying it.

"You looked different Melissa" Jarred complemented as he stepped slowly near her.

"What? Do i? I mean, you- you looked hotter than before too, i-i mean you looked great-you probably t-" the Doctor gets startled by the sudden low chuckle erupted towards Jarred.

"Been awhile, it's nice to see you again" Jarred stated as the doctor can't even hide her hard blushing.

"Yeah, you're right, how's life?" The Doctor asked shyly, averting his gaze towards the door where Khalil was lying inside.

"Tough as usual, coffee?" Jarred offer

"Uh-sure, but you see, I need to change ms. Khalil's dextrose, can you- can you wait for a bit?" The Doctor hesitantly replied holding a dextrose on her hands.

"Sure sure" Jarred chuckled as they stepped inside the room, he even checked on Melissa's bum before closing back the door

The Doctor started to settle things and suddenly as she stared towards Khalil, a thought suddenly occurred on her head.

"Gio, can I ask you something?" She asked

"Shoot" Jarred replied as he walked near the bed where Khalil lies.

"Uh, are you two together?" She asked hesitantly

Jarred contemplated if he could tell the truth towards her or insist on his fake fiance show. He observed Melissa for a sec. watching her every movement and emotion closely.

"No, we're not, but she's useful to my business matters," Jarred finally said.

Melissa could even feel the weight on her chest eased up, for those weeks she took care of Khalil, she was curious about who she might be.

"Oh, I see" Melissa breathed and noticed Khalil's eyebrow slightly frowning.

"Hey, she's waking up" Melissa stated, slightly glad about Khalil's state.

Jarred quickly looked towards Khalil and watched her flutter her eyes and wander around the place.

Her hand suddenly moved and went to her temple as if easing it up.

"Is everything alright ms. Khalil? Please Tell me if-"

"I think my head was about to explode" Khalil hoarse voice as she pressed her eyes back together tightly.

"Your body is probably exhausted since you've been out for a week now, you should eat something and rest for a while" the doctor advised.

"Weeks you say?" Khalil weakly asked as she recognized the guy standing next to her either side.

"Jarred, are they, are the kids okay? Where are they?" She added as she gazed up towards Jarred who's watching her.

"They are fine," he shortly replied.

The doctor was confused about what they were talking about.

"Um, kids? You two have-"

"No, they are my younger brothers and sisters" Khalil cut in, making the doctor nod hurriedly.

"Oh my, i'm sorry i don't mean to pry"

"It's fine" Khalil replied

"I'm asking where they are," Khalil again asked Jarred.

"I told you they're fine, isn't that enough?" Jarred asked back

" Was it too hard for you to tell me where on earth they are?" Khalil hissed as she tried to sit up yet failed miserably.

"Please don't force yourself ms. Khalil" Melissa assisted Khalil to sit up on the headboard.

"Get away from me! I can handle myself!"

Khalil unexpectedly pushed the doctor causing her to slightly lose her balance.

"The fuck is your problem?!" Jarred yelled as he walked immediately towards Melissa.

"I'm alright Gio, please don't yell at her" Melissa stated.

"I, i didn't mean to-"

"You always didn't mean anything! You just didn't mean to kill those men before you got here! You didn't mean to hurt people! Always! Right?" Jarred accused. The doctor and Khalil went stiff momentarily as they both heard the statement.

"Jarred, i think that's a bit unnecessary" Melissa spoked cautiously avoiding further trouble

"That's how you repay those days she took care of you!?" He added as he held Khalil's jaw to look straight at his furious eyes

Khalil stared at him with narrow eyes confused with Jarred's actions.

"I never asked to be taken care of, i never wished to be here either" she replied looking straight at Jarred's eyes.

Jarred clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on her.

"Gio, let her go! I didn't take care of her for you to damage her yet again!" Melissa blurted out as Jarred quickly redeem his hands off her.

"and you think you deserve to know where those brats are, you impudent and ungrateful woman" Jarred spat before pulling Melissa with him out of that room.

Khalil was left alone with a heavy chest knowing she didn't know where the kids had been.

If only she had enough strength to get out of this room and ask Harrison. After a minute passed, the door opened revealing a maid with a tray of food in her hands.

"I'm asking for a favor, please tell Harrison that I need to talk to him please" Khalil instantly ordered and the maid just nodded.

"Thank you" she added and settled herself to eat the meal properly.