
(A Knight's POV)

Thinking back to that gruelling night in which I spent the entirety of that digging holes. I couldn't help but curse Trent for giving us this devilish task. My back aches like hell and my feet are numb from none stopping labour…

I took a big breath out as a consolation.

It was well worth doing such manual labour. He had a clear plan for us to do. He had a clear idea of how to defeat the other teams. He had a strong conviction for us to become victorious.

Remembering ourselves previously, We all knew that compared to the other teams individually, we are roughly equal in strength. Perhaps the yellow group is the only outlier with them being undoubtedly a powerhouse in this test.

But Trent convinced us, that a group is only as strong as the weakest member. That if we work together, progress as one collective entity, united with one purpose in mind, we can trample everything that comes our way.

He showed us the method of success, to make traps, dig holes, become adept trackers in the dense forest, to become one with nature. Together, with our spirits, We will make an impenetrable fortress that all teams fear.

A foolproof plan in which no exploitations can occur. We won't be caught out in an unexpected attack. We won't initiate the fighting, only defend, defend, and defend more.


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At the highest vantage points on the battlefield, on the mightiest tree which is located on a slanted hill, a figure stood up on the thin branches.

With his eyes focused, the figure squinted into the far distance, trying to catch any details of the people that sized no larger than tiny dots on the horizon.

His eyes never betrayed him showing him all he needs to know.

The figure exhibiting unnatural physical agility maintained his balance on the tree. With him catching the recent tactical movement by the other 3 teams, he conveyed all he knew to the man below him.

"A group of men charged to the green base. But I see no further movement now. Might have been eliminated."

"There's not a lot of activity but the green and red are engaged in battle. As for the blue team, they remained largely passive. Not moving out of their base."

The man below the tree nodded his head before running back downhill, back to the campfire of the yellow base, relaying the information to their captain Redwald.

The red-headed man nodded upon hearing this information from the lackey, all according to his calculations. Redwald grinned as he applauds himself for his ingenious.

As expected the weak have gone to fight first and foremost to show all of their worth before being brutally eliminated, against their cruel predestined fate.

Redwald flaunted his scarlet hair, scuffing up, reshaping then pulling it back to shape. He was proud of his hair, for they are red, different from the rest. It showed the other he was different, that he was 'special' in a sense compared to others that are just 'ordinary'.

Redwald commanded his men as gathered around the already burnt-out campfire.

The charismatic leader counted the available men, exactly 30 men gathered around him. This is to his expectations, with the other 20 men assigned to patrol and protection duty.

This left with that half of the remaining forces assembled around the campfire.

Redwald declared with his most enthusiastic voice, "Men you know what we do now. Strike like there's no tomorrow. For we are to become the rightful victors of this trial"

The knight drew his hand into a fist, punching into the air with intent.



"Then we begin our descent."


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30 odd men moved downhill, slow and steady. They exuded confidence in their march. The group made no effort in disguising their movement, almost as if they were tempting people to directly attack them.

Arrogantly, they progressed with no caution, heading in the direction of the blue camp.

But it's not like they needed to hide their presence from their enemies. They had the strength to back up their confidence. With Redwald leading at the front of the battalion, directing their careful movement and commanding their actions, none would act against them without long deliberation. For it is plain death to even fight them.

Not to mention the strong individuals in the group. Thormond alone requires perhaps three or four men to takedown alone. As for Redwald, he too can take on multiple enemies at once.

A march of confidence flooded inside his group as they move forward. Advancing like an ensemble of death, the midday sun shone upon the blessed warriors. With lush greenery pictured around them, it was a beautiful scene in which the group feasted their eyes.

Finally arriving at the base of the tall hill in which the blue team cowards themselves. The group organised themselves, knowing exactly what to do, the men split into three groups, each of 10 warriors.

Then Upon Redwald's signal, the tree units slowly dispersed to the 3 corners of the hill. They were preparing a pincer attack, an encirclement tactic that leaves the enemy unable to escape.

It was a basic strategy, but effective when used correctly.

But whilst the 3 units were maneuvering to battle formations, Thormond interrupted Redwald's moment of peace. The redhead only looked back with a devious smile.

"What's the purpose of this?" Thormond questioned Redwald's decision-making.

He thought it would be much more effective if the power was distributed equally among the groups. The 6ft5 giant pondered at the reason why he was in the same group as Redwald.

He hated being around him for a moment longer, so he had to bring up this flaw.

The redhead shook his head and then shredded a fake tear. "Aww, you want to get rid of me this badly?"

Invisible smoke emitted from Thormond ears.

"Is this the time for such childish jokes?" Thormond uttered in displeasure.

"I live for these jokes, Thor."

Thormond didn't reply. There's no point trying to get an answer out of someone that isn't willing to share. Especially not from a person like Redwald.