Vigilant Manoeuvre

When the war cry sounded, platoons of knights flooded the blue team's base. Stomping the enemy territory with intent and conviction as they invaded enemy territory.

Before long, a battle ended with the clear victor coming out mostly unscathed from the assault.

Redwald stomped on the body of a fallen soldier, gleeful as he held a blue flag in his grasp. Like a fallen chess piece, only with sacrifices can one trample above another, and then one victor would emerge.

Not all things are created equal. Chances are not given but are made by those worthy.

Redwald observed the scene around him. Fallen comrades, defeated enemies, victorious fighters, demoralised combatants. They all scattered around the nearby small clearing, a rare open field that lay upon this lonely hill.

It was a glorious sight, a flawless victory in which few casualties occurred. Granted, no harmful weaponry was allowed under lord Alfhard's intent, but it only served to further the physical differences the two teams exhibited. It served a great deal to lower the only team's ability to fight back.

Not to mention Thormond and Redwald's already exceptional physical fighting ability.

The charismatic redhead raised the lone blue flag like a crown jewel in his collection, flaunting it in the air for others to see, a motivation tactic to inspire his allies.

An excited and motivated cheer resounded from this group, driven by their recent success in defeating an opposing team. A wave of confidence sweeps through the soldier's minds, satisfied by their achievements yet still hungry for more.

Redwald, with his keen eyes, discerned their intentions easily. Playing their morale with the tip of his palm, he gazed towards yet another distant hill.

With a proud declaration, Redwald guided his group further into the path of victory.


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Stomp stomp stomp.

Two dozens of men led by Redwald arrived at the base of yet another victim to their next assault.

Tith men in arms eager, overconfident, and encouraged by the achievements they grinned as they stared at the daunting mountain, much larger than any hills they have encountered.

These men are to bring down Trent's subordinates and find the invaluable green flag.

They will come off as the victors of this trial, it is inevitable as long as they defeat the last enemy.

With a steady rhythm, they marched up the hill as a collective unit. Leading at the front of the unit was Redwald. The leader knew what he heard from his watchmen. He was informed of the event in which an attacking group split up yet disappeared on the green mountain.

He was very of what might be on this group's sleeves. What secrets is this enemy hiding?

Redwald was eager and dominating in their approach, yet he was also cautious, being concerned with splitting up his forces into even smaller units. He didn't know what brought down the assault conducted by another team. But he was certain that splitting up would be the worst choice he could make given the circumstances.

Redwald led his group in his ever-confident walk of his. A smile carried on his face. No matter the occasion, he always showed a smile. Rarely had anyone seen this man in a sully mood.

As the group pondered further into the enemy camp, Redwald with his discerning eyes noticed an anomaly near the path he was heading.

In the blades of grass nearby, a place where the greenery hid the earthen floor. There laid a massive hole; a man-made trap for the intruder of this territory. It was something constructed to defend the base.

It occurred to Redwald that he was lucky that he was not the first to attack this location. For he might be one fallen prey in this booby trap.

The leader walked closer to the edge. Glancing down at the bottom of the pit, he saw soldiers no more than five fumbling around doing nothing.

Alerted by a shift of shadows on the ground that the fallen knights stared at forever, the five soldiers who had fallen victim to the trap also noticed the presence of a figure staring down upon them. The trapped knight looked up not with hope, but out of sheer frustration.

The exchange was silent but Redwald knew all he needed to know. So this was the reason why the green team survived till now. Traps are planted all over the base.

They must proceed with much more caution than before.

Redwald led his team away, back on course to his original goals. Albeit at a much slower pace as he became wary of any such traps.

But thinking back something just doesn't quite add up. Sure, Redwald is sure that there are traps made for them to fall victim to.

But even going astray from the main path, there seem to be holes every few meters. How could they have so much time to make this surreal amount of traps.

This is surely overkill.

This amount of holes dug in the space of a single night is simply, well..., literally impossible. But Redwald had to accept it, whether he doubt it or not, he had to accept it for it is right in front of his eyes.

A misplaced step followed as yet another knight within Redwald's command fell into a trap. They had barely progressed since the start of the ascend, yet there were several close calls when men stepped on disguised trapping pits.

By the rate at which his men are discovering the traps, there must have been hundreds, if not, thousands of holes dug. Just how did Trent make this happen?

But more importantly, Redwald has another question he had no answer for: Just where is the enemy?

By now, they've ventured far too deep into the mountain, yet not a single soul has been spotted. Where are the people stationed on this base?

Redwald assumes he missed something, but he wasn't sure what. No matter what it was he has forgotten. he couldn't do anything different. Redwald couldn't retreat as far as he is concerned. It would destroy the high morale he accumulated with the previous victory. More importantly, he will lose the power he holds in this group.

"Something's off" Redwald stated to no one in particular.

He wished perhaps one of his members noticed what he has not discovered yet. But it appears none has detected the oddity in the situation.

Thormond approached Redwald from the side. "What's wrong."

"I detect no foes. Suspicious"

Thormond examined their surroundings, squinting his eyes in hopes to see something out of the ordinary.

It also arose to the giant's attention that they have yet to encounter enemy forces.

"Focus men. Focus!" Redwald shouted with his charismatic aura, yet in his heart. A tingle of doubt remained.