
A subtle shuffle along the far bushes of the undergrowth told all Trent needed to know. Just beneath him, enemy troops have spotted his current location.

50 meters.

Though they made a clear effort to disguise their approach, their amateurish ability in concealing their presence is comedic at best in Trent's eyes, a far cry from someone that has fully assimilated himself with nature.

It would be quite difficult to spot someone like Trent in the dense forest, but perhaps the fact that he is still playing the leaf as a musical instrument explains how Redwald, Thormond and the other troops have found him so easily.

The ranger got up from his slouched position on the tree, throwing away the long-wasted oak leaf on the moss-filled floor. With a stretch to exercise his back, he quickly scanned his surroundings, identifying every branch, every stone, and every animal in the vicinity to engrave the topography as a burning image within his head.

40 meters.

Trent could see the silhouettes of various garments worn by the approaching forces. Though the various plantation disallowed his ability to number how many people were involved, he predicted from the movements speed and sound emitted when they are travelling.

There are no less than a few dozen men involved.

And it appears they too have realised Trent has noticed their presence.


Redwald pushed aside a cluster of twigs blocking his sight. He feasted his eyes on the opposition leader of the green team. Irritation yet cautiousness overcame his instinct as he is wary of any more deceptions Trent could use.

He kept his distance, neither closing in, nor moving away from the massive oaken tree. The group separated from each other, slowly manoeuvring around the oaken tree, to surround Trent from all angles possible.

But even a bystander can see what is truly happening. Even when the group was manoeuvring around, several moments gave them the creep that they were being watched clearly. There were even moments when the soldiers locked their eyes with the stranger on the tree.

It was as if a vulture was staring down upon them, keenly observing their every moment, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Except, it wasn't a vulture, but a man in a dark green cloak that blended in with the surroundings.

Seeing their guise was already futile, having no deception working on the man in front of them. Redwald pushed himself forward, past the vines and hedges that blocked his view. With him out in the open, exposing himself to the opposition leader.

30 meters.

The man swiped his scarlet hair to one side, fixated on keeping them in its original shape.

"Well, well, well… What do we have here? A little kitty stuck on a tree?"

Redwald said in a sarcastic tone, trying to make a joke of what was happening. But his facial expressions was the exact opposite.

Redwald's troops all were shocked when their captain left their encirclement. Their eyes popped open as they glance at Redwald talking directly to the target. This was certainly not in their previously agreed plans.

Thormond gritted his teeth. If one looks closely, one might imagine a vein popping on Thormond's forehead.

"I don't know what tricks you have used, or where your army has been hiding. But I do know one thing for certain… that we have you surrounded."

Redwald claimed as he slowly stepped forward, approaching the massive oaken tree.

20 meters

The redhead darted his eyes back and forth on his surroundings, trying to discern what might be hidden from plain sight.

Is there anyone hiding behind that bush?

Are there more people on that tree?

Are there any holes beneath me?

What trickery is Trent brewing?

But even if Redwald knew all that, he is still cornered from all sides. What Trent has done is that he has laid an impenetrable spider web, that seemingly can't be escaped

Redwlad could bet his dignity that Trent was probably waiting for this to happen, it wouldn't even surprise him if he foresaw this happening.

After all, it took more than raw strength and luck to survive until now.

Redwald took a gamble, a big gamble. Every action he took when he climbed on his hill seemed to be pre-destined, predicted, foresaw would occur. And how to break that? Redwlad did something radical, he took a bet… that Trent foresaw they would surround him, that Trent predicted they would be the last team to attack him.

That he even predicted how he would be victorious.

So… Redwald did something that people wouldn't expect, something that even himself didn't expect to do.

Sun Tzu: "To fool your enemies you must first fool yourself.

"Come Kitty Cat. Fight me!"

Redwald quickened his steps. Turning his tiny steps into large strides.

"Whatever tricks you hide, let us brawl before our lord's presence."

Redwald's troops darkened their expressions.

Thormond slumberous hands formed into a fist.

Redwald cracked his neck menacingly

The lord that was observing nearby could only raise his eyes. Interesting…


Surprisingly, it was not Redwald who announced the start of the attack, but a brutish giant that was barely hidden behind a large tree trunk.

"GET DOWN HERE!" A monstrous voice bellowed

Thormond dashed directly to Trent, taking the shortest yet most direct route to the enemy leader. His large physique towered everyone near him, as he pushed aside the shrubbery.

Redwald clicked his tongue, but he nevertheless sprinted to where Trent was.

20 meters

The surrounding soldiers were a moment slower to react, partly still in a state of shock due to their easy-to-excite teammate's roar.

It seemed it was only a second, but Trent, as agile as a cat, leapt off the branch of the oaken tree with his arms spread out like a bird. He, who landed with his feet first, performed a forward roll with his downward momentum.

Everyone was half in shock, half in diligence. Jumping down that high would have certainly broken a bone or two, if not careful.

Redwald's jaw half dropped when he was that manoeuvre, but then again. Everything this man has coned up has been surprising.

The grubby bearded man had weary eyes as he glimpsed back. With his two hands, he pulled up the hoodie, hiding his facial features. A small smirk lingered on his face.

10 meters.

"Catch me if you can," Trent whispered under his breath.