Cat and Mouse

The redhead extended his arm, half expecting himself to grab onto the opposition leader. But he grasped nothing but thin air. He had a pouting expression on his face, but one wouldn't notice it as everything happened at such a fast pace.

Trent twisted and turned as he dodged Redwald's desperate attempt to attack him. You have to remember, that Redwald is a head taller than him. The size difference is blatantly obvious when the two are standing near each other.

Thormond was fast approaching from the side, but before the excitable giant could close the distance down, Trent did 180 degrees turn, retreating.

"Bonkers, we didn't cover that part off!" A voice shouted

Trent was not fighting head-on, it was the logical choice. There was no way for Trent to take on all of them alone, not directly at least. He hopped back with great speed, yet also weary to not trip on any roots.

But Redwald wouldn't let him blatantly retreat, an enemy that turns its back on its enemy is the most vulnerable.

The redhead quickens his pace even faster, turning his steps more into a dash. Hoping to catch up. But once again, he was doing nothing more but chasing a shadow. Redwald ran at his best pace, but it seems the distance between him and Trent just keep growing.

Was Trent faster than Redwald? No. But every step Trent took, every route, every technique he used to traverse this terrain screamed on his experience in the wild. Trent was not faster than Redwald by any means, not in a proper foot race.

The minuscule figure displayed agility that was crucially dependent on their short figure. He vaulted past fallen tree trunks, he slides across the muddy swamps, and he zig-zagged past the difficult evergreen terrain with deft speed.

Redwald could barely keep up, don't even mention the foot soldiers behind him. Will that dwarf of a man just run off from the squad? Without a single scratch on his body?

Redwald gritted his teeth, breathing fast as he tried to catch his breath whilst still chasing. But then out of nowhere, a brisk wind flew by followed by a large figure overtaking him.

Thormond caught up to Redwald, even overtaking him in their pursuit. Thormond's large figure wasn't just for show, whilst Trent's short study body certainly helped him to have an uncanny, even deftly agility in such difficult-to-navigate terrain.

Thormond, with his giant physique, has huge strides with every step he took. Every 2 steps Trent took is equivalent to 1 step from Thormond.

But his large body did come with a. downfall, he couldn't navigate through the terrain as fast, but instead of travelling around it, dodging bushes, trenches, and ever-fallen branches, Thormond took the most direct route.

From Redwald's perspective, Thormond made no effort to deviate his route, only chasing without thought. He pushed into the hedges like they weren't there, he crashed and pushed aside the vines like they weren't even there.

Compared to Trent that was navigating around the obstacles, Thormond ignored them all, except the immovable ones like rocks and trees.

"Keep up for heaven's sake." the giant berated his mate.

"Silence you mongrel." Redwald hit back.

The redhead followed closely behind Thormond, using him as a bulldozer of sorts. The giant flinched as a couple of branches scratched his skin. One of the many downfalls of not bothering to dodge these obstacles.

"He's too fast!" Thormond screeched as he lifted his broad arms, covering his face.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious!" Redwald rolled his eyes as he hopped over a tree root.

"Comon, you always boast about your genius. Do something!"

"Shut it. I'm thinking"

Redwald's mind raced into overdrive as he thought of anything, anything that could help their cause. Any laymen could see that Trent is getting further and further away.

Though Thormond and himself are keeping up barely, Thormond can't keep up this pace for long. And neither can himself.

They must close the distance. 'Think Redwald. Think!'

It was soon before they knew it, but they chased Trent to a small creek. Slow-flowing water with its momentum went downward. Nearby the creek, small pebbles littered the place.

The slushing of water muffled the two men's hurried breaths. The ranger, with a deft execution, traversed through the stream through several stepping rocks. With each step he took, he landed on a large rock in the creek.

2, 3, 4 steps and Trent was across, on the other side of the creek.

AThormond displayed no hesitation, he knew he didn't have the movement to match Trent's pace. Let alone ensuring his steps are perfectly placed on those creek rocks.

The giant straight up ignored the path Trent has shown, instead he dashed across the creek, placing his foot straight into the moving water.

A splash appeared as Thormond's foot plummeted into the creek. A slight awkwardness came over him as the clumsy fellow tried to rebalance himself, due to placing his foot down at an uncomfortable angle.

But the giant kept his pace, even with his body threatening to fall over, he kept the strides the same. Going at the same speed that he was before.

The redhead clicked his tongue as a grin appeared on his face. Redwald leaned forward with his arms outstretched behind them. And when he was passing through the shallow water, both his hands scooped into the water, almost as if he just trying to find something.


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'This certainly brings back the memories, how long was it since I last enjoyed myself like this?'

The gentle forest wind carried a floral scent as it please the man's nostrils. Refreshing and wild. His feet almost moved on their own as he traversed to nowhere in particular.

It was almost instinctive as he continued this game of cat and mouse, he almost didn't want this to end.

When was the last time he played a game of catch? Trent tried to remember, the scenes flew by like it was just yesterday. But his lips trembled as he thought back.

Weary, Trent took a small peak from the corner of his hoodie. Taking a quick glimpse back, he could see the unmistakable figure of Thormond ungracefully trying to cross the river.

And about a foot or two behind, there was the figure of Redwald, as shown by his bright scarlet hair that was visible from miles away.

The chasers humoured him much.

'Yes, yes. Keep up those expressions of frustration. Yes, keep trying. Chase me, compatriots, chase me!'

It wouldn't be fun if this ends so soon…