Chapter 12. The Alchemist Association

Zhao Long went outside the room. Soon he arrived at the reception hall. In the reception he found Li Ling'er."What does honored guest Shen need"She looked at Zhao Long.

"Please just call me Shen Yu miss Ling'er"He smiled at her."How can I call you by your name we don't even know each other properly and further more you are our guest"

"Haha... even if we don't know each other it's not like we can't be on equal standings. we are from the same generation so it's a little awkward for me to be called honoured guest or young master by you. So please just call me Shen Yu."Zhao Long laughed.

"Than I would be calling you Mr. Shen."Li Ling'er giggled."That's more convenient but the Mr..."Zhao Long launched awkwardly."I can't call you by just your name so please let me call you Mr. Shen. So what does Mr. Shen want today?"Li Ling'er asked in a cheerfull way.

"I am a traveller so I am not aware of this city so I would like to look around the city."Zhao Long looked at Li Ling'er with a Calm Face."So Mr. Shen wants to look around the city!How about I take you to look around the city?"Li Ling'er winked at Zhao Long.

"I would be really greatful to Miss.Ling'er if she did that."Zhao Long said with a smile."There is no need for that."Li Ling'er giggled."Mr. Shen Let's go to look around the city shall we"Li Ling'er looked at Zhao Long and smiled.

"Sure let's go"Zhao Long Looks at her and smiles.Both Zhao Long and Li Ling'er went outside the inn to look around the city. Li Ling'er showed Zhao Long many attractions of the Blue Rain City.

The pair soon came infront of a large building. Zhao Long recognized this building. This was the auction house he had seen in his first day in Blue Rain City.

"Mr. Shen this is Blue Rain City's biggest auction house the Blue Rain Auction House."Li Ling'er looked at the auction house with excitement.

"This is the biggest auction house in Blue Rain City. What's so special about it?"Zhao Long asked curiosly."Mr. Shen this auction house is really special even people outside from Blue Rain City come to attend this auction."

"Even People from other cities come to attend the auction. Why is it so?"Zhao Long looked at Li Ling'er curiously."Whenever they hold an auction they always have atleast one Soul grade items for auction."Li Ling'er giggled.

"Atleast one Soul grade item!"Zhao Long was shocked. He did not think that the auction house was this capable. Even in the Capital City Soul Grade Item were extremely rare.

"Is Mr. Shen interested in the auction house now?"Li Ling'er chuckled."Indeed... this auction house is more interesting than I thought it was"Zhao Long said.

After observing the auction house for some time they moved forward. When they were walking on the streets the locals greeted Li Ling'er."You seem to be quite popular in the city."Zhao Long chuckled.

"Mr. Shen must be kidding. I am just familiar with them."She giggled as she looked at Zhao Long.They soon arrived at their next destination.

"Miss. Ling'er this..."Zhao Long Looked at Li Ling'er."This is the Alchemist Association."Li Ling'er said proudly."The Blue Rain City has an Alchemist Association interesting"Zhao Long looked at the Alchemist Association.

"The Alchemist Association is one of the main attractions of Blue Rain City including the Auction House."Li Ling'er looked at Zhao Long.

"It looks like Blue Rain City has many amazing things.."Zhao Long murmured.Li Ling'er smiled"Does Mr. Shen wants to go inside?"

"Yes, why not let's go inside."Zhao Long said with excitement."Looks like Mr. Shen is really excited to buy some pills."Li Ling'er looked at Zhao Long and smiled.

"Yes I am really excited."Zhao Long replied. Zhao Long was an Innate Grade High Ranking Alchemist so he was not excited to buy pills that much only of there are soul grade pills inside would he be interested. The possiblity of that happening was really low.

There were only around Fifty Soul Grade Alchemists in the entire Azure Dragon Continent so it was quite unlikely for a Soul Grade Alchemist to be present in the Alchemist Association of Blue Rain City.

Zhao Long and Li Ling'er went inside the Alchemist Association. As the went inside they were exposed to the rich medicinal fragrance of different herbs and pills.

Just Being exposed to this fragrance was really good for ones health and cultivation.Li Ling'er was happily absorbing the medicinal properties from this Fragrance.

Zhao Long on the other hand was looking around the Alchemist Associations front hall. There were many people inside the Alchemist Association who had Come to Request Pill refinement and to buy redimade pills. There were also some people who had come to learn alchemy.

"Did Mr. Shen finish absorbing the medicinal properties of the fragrance?"Li Ling'er looked at Zhao Long."Yes I have"Zhao Long replied.

"Than Let's go to the pill section to buy pills or does Mr. Shen wants to refine a special pill"Li Ling'er Looked at Zhao Long and waited for his answer.

"Let's go to buy the pills. Currently I don't have any herbs to Request for a specific pill haha..."Zhao Long launched awkwardly."Then The pill section it is..."Li Ling'er giggled as she guided Zhao Long towards a specific direction.

After some time they arrived to the pill section of the Alchemist Association. There were two section inside the Alchemist Association one was the pill section and the other was the Refinement Section.

The Pill section was were people would buy pills that were already refined by the Alchemists of the Alchemist Association and the Refinement section was where people would bring hearbs to Request the Alchemists to refine a specific pill.

In the Pill section Zhao Long and Li Ling'er saw many pills inside jade bottles being put on a shelf with their price written beneath. There were also some Alchemists to help the customers to explain what a pill was used for.