Chaptet 11. The Blue Rain City

Zhao Long was walking towards the Blue Rain City.Which was about a hundred kilometers away.He had been inside the Black Feather forest for quite some time now and wanted to find a city to rest for some time.

"It Looks like it will still take a few hours to reach the city."Zhao Long continued to move forward.As he was moving forward he saw a group of people all wearing similar clothings infront of him.

There were ten people six men and four women.They were discussing about something. Zhao Long did not go towards them and hid his presence as he avoided them and went towards the city.

After walking four hours Zhao Long arrived infront of Large gate. On top of the gate it was written 'Blue Rain City'. It was the entrance of Blur Rain City!

The city gate was guarded by two guards holding spears who were in The ninth Layer of the Innate Fusion Realm. There was also a middle aged looking man sitting besides them infront of a table.

"So this is The Blue Rain City it Looks quite decent."Zhao Long Looked at the City gate. He than proceded to enter inside the city. As Zhao Long was proceding to enter the city the two guards blocked his way.

"Excuse me sir. How much is the entry fee?"Zhao Long asked politely to the man sitting besides the guards."It's two gold coins."The man replied with an indifferent look.

"Here you go sir."Zhao Long took out two gold coins and put it on the table. After Zhao Long put the gold coins on the table the man jestured to the guards as they let Zhao Long enter the City.

Apparently you have to pay a certain amount of money if you want to enter the city. The prince varies from city to city. The price the Blue Rain City took as entry fee was considered quite low.

After Zhao Long Entered inside the gate he came infront of a beautiful city. The city was filled with many different buildings of different size and colours. The roads were also crowded. There were people everywhere on the street.

There were people from the Qi Gathering Realm to people in the peak of Separation and Union Realm. They varied from Men to women. Child to adult, Tall to short. There were different types of people on the street of this city.

"It looks like quite a peaceful city"Zhao Long mumbled. He than proceded to go further Inside the city to look for an inn to stay in.While searching for an Inn Zhao Long came across many different shops selling different items. He also came across a huge auction hall.

After walking for about half an hour Zhao Long finally found an Inn. The Inn looked really Magnificent from the Outside . Their was a big board on the top of the inn with 'Moonlight Inn' written on it in bold golden letters.

Zhao Long went inside the inn. As Zhao Long went inside the inn he saw a big hall. The hall was decorated really beautifully.Just as Zhao Long was looking at his surrounding a young lady wearing red clothes came infront of Zhao Long.

"Welcome honoured guest to our Moonlight Inn. What can we do for you?"The young lady said in an alluring voice."I would like to get a room please."Zhao Long replied.

"Please follow me honoured guest"She said as she walked towards the stairs. After some time the both of them came across a door. She went inside the door."This is one of the best rooms that is currently available. Would you like to stay in this room although it may be a little expensive I guarantee that it is worth the prince."

"So how much is the cost of this room?"Zhao Long asked."Its one hundred gold coins for one day"She replied. Zhao Long took out seven hundred gold coins and gave it to the young lady."I would be taking this room for a week please"Zhao Long said politely.

The young lady counted the gold coins and kept them inside his space ring."Thank You honoured guest. My name is Li Ling'er. Please call me if you need anything. How should I address honoured guest"

"Please Call me Shen Yu."Zhao Long cupped his hands and smiled."Honoured guest Shen please enjoy your stay in our Inn. If you don't have anything else I shall take my leave."Li Ling'er also cupped her hands and walked away.

Zhao Long did not tell her his real name and instead told a fake name because If he told her his real name than she would find out that he was from the Imperial Family.It's not like he thought she would harm him but he did not want anyone to know about his identity.

Zhao Long went inside the room and closed the door. The room was really big and well decorated. The lightings made the atmosphere of the room really calming. There was a big bed,a table and chair and a small carpet for sitting in the room.

Zhao Long was satisfied with the room.Although it was not as luxurious as the Palace but it was still quite luxurious for a inn which was available for the public.

Zhao Long jumped in the bed as he could finally rest in a proper bed after travelling in the forest for many days. After half and hour of resting Zhao Long took out his Alchemic Furnace.

"Now that I have rested enough Let's refine some pills."Zhao Long sat on the carpet and placed the Furnace infront of him.

In the last two years Zhao Long's Alcheny also improved along with his cultivation.At the age of sixteen he was already a Third Layer Innate Fusion Realm Cultivator and a Innate Grade High Rank Alchemist.He was a genius in both Alchemy and Martial Arts.

Zhao Long refined refined pills for a few hours before he finally stopped refining pills and put the Alchemic Furnace inside his ring. After that he went outside the room.