Chapter 10

"Ahhh.. Finally my stomach is full!"Zhao Long said as he finished eating the meat of The Iron Clawed Bear.Zhao Long than sat down to cultivate.

He gathered the Qi around his surrounding inside his body and started to circulate it.He cultivated like this for many hours.

The next day...Zhao Long finally finished cultivating.He stood up and looked at the sky"It's morning!Sigh...I looks like It will still take some more time for me to Breakthrough to the next layer.lets get going to the city closest from here."He than started to move forward at the direction where there were less trees.

Zhao Long had been walking towards the direction for a few days now but there were still no trace of any city or village nearby.Zhao Long was starting to get impatient.

Zhao Long was still inside a forest when suddenly two men wearing completly black clothes appeared infront of him. They were bandits!

"Boy hand over all your belongings if you want to live." the bandit on the right said while pointing a sword towards Zhao Long."Yes Listen to what Senior brother says kid otherwise..."The other bandit said with a sinister look on his face.

"Humph... trash!"Zhao Long looked at the two of them with a piercing gaze.This made the two bandits angry."Boy watch your mouth!!"The bandit on the left who was also the junior of the other bandit with a angry tone.

"Why should I ?"Zhao Long mocked them."Because If you don't We will kill you.Arent you afraid of death?"The Bandit on the left said.

"Haha...I am scared of death but with just you two incompetent fools I don't have to worry about death."Zhao Long laughed.

This made the bandits even more angry. The two of them rushed to attack Zhao Long with their sword as they released their aura of ninth Layer of Innate Energy Realm and First Layer Innate Fusion Realm Cultivators.

Zhao Long saw the two of them rushing towards him to attack "Courting Death!"Zhao Long got really angry."Boy It is you who is Courting death"The Bandit on the right side shouted as he was rushing towards Zhao Long.

"Ohh!Is that so...!Zhao Long grinned as he released his aura of a Third Layer Innate Fusion Realm Cultivator. After seeing Zhao Long's cultivation the two of them stopped mid way.

"Impossible!The third layer of the Innate Fusion Realm at such a Young age.."The older bandit said as he found it hard to believe."Senior brother what should we do?"The younger bandit asked his senior brother with panicked look.

The Older bandit was hesitant to say anything. He thought for some time and said in hesitation"Lettts.. continue attacking him even if he is stronger than us he is still one person and by his appearance he does not look very old so he should not have proper fighting experience."

"Ok than lets attack him together"The younger bandit said as they both charged towards Zhao Long again."Humph!Fools...."Zhao Long became even more angry.

Why would he not be angry He was a Third Layer Innate Fusion Realm Cultivator but he was being underestimated by a Ninth Layer Innate Energy realm and A First Layer Innate Fusion Realm Cultivator just because they had outnumbered him they though they could Kill Him.

Zhao Long took out his sword as he infused his qi in it and prepared to fight the two. Both the bandits attacked Zhao Long with their swords.

Zhao Long dodged both of their sword strikes as he looked at the Innate Energy realm cultivator.The quickly attacked him with his sword.The Innate Energy realm bandit panicked he tried to block the sword but was completely overpowered by the sword strike.

Kachh.... The sword broke and Zhao Long's sword cut the bandits head of his body. The other bandit saw this and was horrified. In just a few seconds after the fight started his junior brother had already died in the hands of a single person.

He thought that he could kill Zhao Long if he worked together with his junior brother. But now that his junior brother was dead there was no way he could fight someone who was two layers higher than him in cultivation. Going against such an opponent was like committing Suscide.

He quickly distanced himself from Zhao Long and ran away. "Now you want to run!Too late"Zhao Long chased him. The bandit looked back and saw Zhao Long approaching him. After seeing Zhao Long getting closer to him he ran even faster.

They both had covered nearly ten kilometers of distance. The bandit started to get tired but there was no way he could slow down in situation like this where his life was on the Line.

The bandit looked back and saw that Zhao Long was still chasing him and he showed no signs of exhaustion. The bandit was horrified he ran with all his might.But as he was running a figure suddenly appeared infront of him out of thin air. It was Zhao Long!

"How did you suddenly came infront of me?"The bandit looked in disbelief. Just a few moments ago Zhao Long was chasing him bit suddenly he appeared infront of him out of thin air.

"Why should I answer the question of a man who is about to die?"Zhao Long grinned.The bandit was in horror"Sir... no young master please spare me you can take everything taut I have but please spare me"The bandit begged as he presented his space ring to Zhao Long.

"Can't I take all your belongings after I kill you?"Zhao Long sneared. The Bandits' face sank."Let me ask you a question than I would deside whether to kill you or not ."Zhao Long said. After hearing this the bandit said hurridly"Please ask me anything young master!"

"Which is the closest City from here?"Zhao Long asked."The Closest city from here is the Blue Rain City."He quickly replied."The Blue Rain City how far is it from here?"

"The Blue Rain City is only about a hundred kilometers east from here"The bandit replied."Thats all I want to ask"Zhao Long said."Then Young master will you let me go?"The Bandit asked hesitantly."No I can't let a person Like you live. You are not worthy of living"Zhao Long said as he Slashed the bandits head with his Sword. The bandit died in an instant.

"Now lets head to the Blue Rain City and see what its like"Zhao Long said as he walked towards the directon the bandit told him he City was located in.