Chapter 9.Beginning of a new journey

Zhao Yang was a little disappointed. Although he could ask the royal Alchemists to refine Innate and Even Soul grade low rank Pills it would be quite expensive.

"So what are you going to do?"Zhao Yang asked Zhao Long."What does father mean?"He replied with a confused look."Are you going to pursue the Alchemic way and become an Alchemist or continue the path of the martial dao?"

Zhao Long said with a serious look"Of course I will continue the Path of thr martial dao Alchemy is just an axulary to help me in my path of cultivation."

"Is that your final decision?"Zhao Yang asked."Yes no matter how much I progress in Alchemy my main objective will always be to get stronger and to pursue the Martial Dao"Zhao Long said with a serious look.

"So thats what you have decided."Zhao Yang said."So how about you join a sect?"Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long and asked.

"Which sect does father want me to join?"Zhao Long asked Zhao Yang."The Divine Palace Sect!"Zhao Yang replied with a serious look."The Divine Palace Sect holds a selection every ten years. With your talent you have a high chance of being selected."

"The Divine Palace Sect! What is so special about this Sect?"Zhao Long asked with a curious Look."This sect is not from the Azure Dragon Continent."Zhao Yang said.

"Not from the Azure Dragon Continent!What does father mean? If it is not from the Azure Dragon Continent where id it from?"Zhao Long asked eagerly."It's from the upper world. The Azure Dragon Continent is in a Lower World amd there is a Upper world where there are stronger cultivators than us. There are even rumored to be Cultivators above the Narcissist Soul realm which is the peak of our Azure Dragon Continent."Zhao Yang replied.

"An upper world!and cultivators above The Narcissist Soul Realm. Is it true?"Zhao Long looked with an excited as well as a worried expression."Yes it is true. I myself have see one such Cultivator"Zhao Yang said with a look full of fear.

"Long'er you must reach the Separate And Union realm and join the Divine Palace Sect. If you join the Divine Palace the future of our empire will be full of opportunities."Zhao Yang said to Zhao Long With a look full of excitement.

Two years Later... In a forest in the Great Zhao Empire. A handsome young man was sitting under a tree relaxing. Suddenly a bear like monster beast appeared in front of him.

The Young man opened his eyes and saw the Monster beast. "A Second order Low stage Iron Clawed Bear it looks like I will be having a feast tonight"The Young man said with a happy look.

The Young man was non other than Zhao Long.He stood up a took a long sword out of his space ring and let out his aura. The aura was of that of a Third Layer Innate Fusion Realm Cultivator!

Zhao Long than leaped forward with his sword to attack the Iron Clawed Bear. The Iron Clawed Bear also raised his giant paw to Attack Zhao Long.

The iron clawed bear smashed his paw on the ground on near Zhao Long. But Zhao Long quickly dodged from the area. There was now a big hole the shape of a paw on the ground.

"A mere Low Stage Second order Monster dares to attack me!"Zhao Long got angry ans shouted.He infused his Qi with the Long sword and slashed it towards the Iron Clawed Bear. The Slash contained a Tremendous amount of power.

The Slash hit the Monster beast as it stopped moving. After some time the Head of The Iron Clawed Bear fell of its neck. The Monster beast had died.

Zhao Long than happily Went near the Iron Clawed Bear and stored its dead body inside his space ring."Now that today's meal has been found lets return."Zhao Long than went deeper inside the forest. Soon he reached infront of a small cave.

Inside the cave he gathered some dry wood and placed them infront. He than used his qi to light up a fire. After the fire was lit up Zhao Long took out the Iron Clawed Bears dead body and started to roast it.

After half an hour he took the roasted meat out of the fire and placed it in a large leaf.After Placing the meat on the Leaf. He took out a bottle of salt from his Space ring and sprinkled it in the meat.

"Now lets feast!"Zhao Long tore a piece of the meat and took a huge bite from the piece of meat."Its really delicious!"Zhao Long shouted. "But this foul smell coming from this meat is also unbearable."Zhao Long exclaimed as a look of disgust came on his face.He than took a second bite of the meat.

Two years ago in the emperors residence. Zhao Long looked at Zhao Yang and said"I have to reach The Separation and Union realm to have the qualification to take part in the sects selection!"

Zhao Yang replied"Yes only if you reach the Separation and Union Realm before the age of Thirty can you take part in the selection. "

[I am currently at the Fifth layer of the Innate Energy Realm and I have to reach the Separation and Union Realm in about ten years can I do it.]Zhao Long thought.

[Reporting to the Host. The Host has a seventy percent chance of reaching the mentioned realm in the duration ten years.]

Zhao Long after hearing the System's report answered"Father I will try my best to Join the Divine Palace Sect but... "

"But what.?"Zhao Yang asked with a curious look."But I can't reach the Separation and Union Realm by staying in the palace even if I receive the best cultivation resources. So I want to go out to explore the world."

"So you want to explore the world. I can let you go outside but you have to reach the Separation and Union realm within eight years amd return to the palace."Zhao Yang said after he heard Zhao Long's answer.

"I ageee to what father says. I will not disappoint you and mother"Zhao Long said with determined look.

The next day Zhao Long went outside to explore the world. He had visited many Places in the Great Zhao Empire and was currently inside the Black Feather Forest.