Chapter 8.

The man coughed a mouthfull of blood as he crashed into the barrier. Zhao Long did not wait and quickly rushed forward to attack him. The man was horrified to see that Zhao Long was not giving him anytime to even stand still.

The man tried to dodge the attack but his body was injured to move fast enough. All he could do now was take the attack head on.He circulated his qi in his arms as he intended to block the strike.

Zhao Long was about the hit the man but suddenly he felt that his speed was decreasing and that it was difficult for him ti get closer to the man. Zhao Long was confused what was going on but he continued to rush towards the man. He let out a punch at the man his punch was stopped by person.

The person was Zhao Yang. "Let's stop this fight now. You have won he can't fight you anymore."Zhao Yang said to Zhao Long.Zhao Long stopped circulating his Qi as he stepped back.

The man feeled releived the thought that he was about to die just now.The looked at Zhao Yang with a look of gratitude and respect. If he had not stopped Zhao Long just now he would have died if not severely injured and even crippled.

Zhao Long than took out a jade bottle from his space ring and gave it the man. The jade bottle contained the Qi Grade low rank healing pills that he had refined.

The man took the jade bottle and looked inside it.He saw ten bright yellow pills inside.The man quickly looked at Zhao Long with a look full of gratitude.Although they were just Qi grade low rank pills it was quite difficult to get for common people like him and there were ten pills inside the jade bottle.He could use all the pills in the future or sell them to get a good amount of gold.

"This is your reward for sparring with me aswell as the compensation for hurting you."Zhao Long looked at the man and gave a kind smile.The man quickly bowed down and said" Thank you young master for your kindness.This Xu Quin will forever be loyal to young master."

"Haha...there is no need for that just use these pills to heal yourself."Zhao Long laughed.Xu Quin than took a pill out of the jade bottle and stuffed it inside his mouth and started refining it.

After about ten minutes he finished refining the medicinal properties of the pill.He did not fully recover but was in a lot better condition than before.

"Brat you are quite the skilled one.You completely overpowered him throughout the fight."Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long and said."That's my son.He really is the future of our empire."Luo Yan said with a proud look on her face.

Zhao Long smiled and said"Father and Mother are exaggerating.This child is not that good."Zhao Yang and Luo Yan Looked at each other and Laughed.

"Little brat you are much better than you think you are don't underestimate your self."Zhao Yang said to Zhao Long."Yes Long'er your father is right.This was your first fight and although your were one layer higher than your opponent he had been fighting for many years and had alot of battle experience but you completely overwhelmed him"Luo Yan chuckled as she looked at Zhao Long with her beautiful eyes.

"Yes young master you are much better than you think you are.You will be the future of this nation you are our hope."Xu Quin said with an honest look.

Zhao Long felt a little awkward to be praised by everyone but he did not show it a smiled."Haha..maybe I am maybe I am not who knows."Zhao Long Said With a laugh.

"Moreover Long'er that Qi Grade Low rank healing pill did you refine it?"Luo Yan asked Zhao Long with a curious look."I am indeed the one who refined the pill mother."

Zhao Yang and Luo Yan had a surprised look on their face."Little brat did you really!"Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long.Zhao Long nodded his head.This made Zhao Yang even more surprised.He order Xu Quin to leave the residence and tell the guards outside to not let anyone inside no matter what.

Xu Quin followed the orders and went out of the residence.After he left Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long and said"Little brat you just started learning Alchemy yesterday.How did you already refine those pills or were you learning Alchemy before?"

"Have only started learning Alchemy from yesterday as for how I am able to refine those pills I have no idea maybe I am really a genius Alchemist."Zhao Long said with a proud Look.

"Maybe who knows or you were just lucky this time"Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long as he mocked him."Were those the only pills you refined or do you have more?"Zhao Yang asked Zhao Long.

Zhao Long took out one hundred jade bottles out of his space ring and showed it to them.Zhao Yang and Luo Yan were shocked.There were one hundred bottles in front of them and each bottle contained ten pills.

The both examined these pills and found that these pills were all Qi grade low rank.Just as the were examining the remaining bottles their focus went towards a particular jade bottle.The took the jade bottle and opened it.

What they saw inside the bottle shocked them.Inside the bottle were ten blue colored pills.These pills were much different than the other pills they were Qi Grade Mid Rank pills used for cultivation.

Both Zhao Yang and Luo Yan looked at Zhao Long in disbelief."Zhao Long were these pills also refined by you?"Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long in shock.

"Yes these pills were also refined by me"Zhao Long replied with a serious look.Zhao Long and Luo yan were shocked.It was already hard to believe that he had refined Qi Grade Low Rank pills after learning alchemy for just one day but now they found that he could also refine Qi grade mid rank pills which made them speachless.

"Little brat if you have refined these pills than doesn't that mean you are a Qi Grade Mid Rank Alchemist?"Zhao Yang asked Zhao Long."Yes I am a Qi Grade Mid Rank Alchemist."Zhao Long replied.

"Did you refine anymore mid rank pills?"Zhao Yang asked Zhao Long."No these are the only mid rank pills that I have refined"Zhao Long replied.