Chapter 7. Sparring

After a few hours Zhao Long woke up from his Sleep and again prepared to refine pills. He took out his Furnace and was about to start refining pills a servant knocked at his door.

Zhao Long opened the door and looked at the servant and said "What happened? Why are you here?"The servant quickly replied"Young Master his majesty has summoned you to his residence."

"Do you know why father has summoned me?"Zhao Long asked the Servant."Forgive me young master this servant is unaware"The Servant replied.

"It's ok you can go back now I will go there after some time"Zhao Long told the servant.The servant than Left.

[Why did father asked me to come to his residence?]Zhao Long asked to himself.[The system is unable to answer The host's question]."I wasn't asking you!"Zhao Long shouted with an annoyed look.

He then Went towards the emperors residence. He came inside the room and saw his his father and mother standing besides a tall and muscular looking man.When he saw the man he was confused what was going on.

"Father why have you summoned me here today and who is this man?"He looked at Zhao Yang and asked."I have summoned you here today so that you can sparr. I have found a sparring partner for you just as you wanted"Zhao Yang replied.

"So this man right here his my sparring partner."Zhao Long focused towards the Tall man. The tall man cupped his hands and said "Servant greets Young Master. It's this servants honour to sparr with young master ."

Zhao Long did not reply. This made the man a little upset because he too was a Fourth Layer Innate Energy realm master but he did not say anything.

"Now that you have met eachother let's go to the courtyard so that you two can start sparring."Zhao Yang said. Then they all followed Zhao Yang.

The group arrived at the courtyard. Zhao Yang than sat on a chair and so did Luo Yan."Now you can start sparring here. I want to see what my son is capable of haha..."Zhao Yang let out a laugh.

"I also want to see what Long'er is capable of"Luo Yan said while looking at Zhao Long. Zhao Long also Looked at Luo Yan and smiled.

"Don't worry father and Mother Long'er will not disappoint you to."Zhao Long said with a confident look on his face.

Zhao Long than looked at the Tall man and said"So Let's Start the fight. Don't hold back just because I am your prince.Fight me with all your strength!"

The tall man than said"This servant will obey Young Masters orders and not hold back. "He than released his aura of a Fourth layer Innate Energy Realm Cultivator.

Zhao Long too released his aura. The Two aura clashed with eachother and covered an area of a few meters. The tall man was a little shocked. He had been informed that Zhao Long was a fourth layer Innate Energy Realm Cultivator just like him but what he was seeing was the aura of a Fifth layer Innate Energy Realm Cultivator.

"The young master is really a dragon among men. You have already reached the Fifth layer of the Innate Energy Realm at such a young age. This servant truly admires. Now I can't Hold back even If I wanted to. If I hold back then young master would be bored."The man replied as he rushed towards Zhao Long While condensing Qi in his Right arm.

The man than let out a fierce Punch towards Zhao Long.Zhao Long also condensed qi in both of his hands in order to block the punch. Peng... the punch landed on his hands and Zhao Long had to take a step back.

Zhao Long grinned as he leaps forward while condensing qi into his arms.He throws a punch at the man.The man quickly tries to block the punch. Peng... the punch was blocked by him as he was sent a few steps backward. Just as he blocked the first punch Zhao Lonh sent the second punch the man quickly tried to block the second punch.

Zhao Long was leaping toward the man just as his punch was about to land on the man's hands he circuilated his qi in his right leg.Peng... the second punch was also blocked by the man but before the man realised a kick was approaching towards his lower abdomen.

Peng....The Kick landed on his abdomen before he could react and he was sent flying as he crashed fourty meters away on the ground.

After a few minutes the man came out of the Rumble as he leaped forward towards Zhao Long while throwing a punch at him. In return Zhao Long also send a punch towards him. Both their fists collided with one another causing a big explosion.

Zhao Long took a few steps backward before he adjusted himself while the man was sent about ten meters away. Before the man could adjust himself Zhao Long rushed forward to attack. He sent a punch towards the man thr man tried to dodge the punch and barely avoided it.

The punch nearly landed on hia face. The man could feal the terrifying power contained in that punch as cold sweat started running down from his face and a clill ran dowm his face.

Befoe could come out of the fear Zhao Long sent a barrage of Barrage of fists towards the man the man was completely overpowered by Zhao Long.Just as the punches were about to land the man used his qi to Form a barrier.

The punches were stopped by the barrier. Zhao Long was shocked by the qi barrier as he condensed his qi in his fists and started to punch the barrier relentlessly.But the barrier remained unshattered.

The man was relieved and he could finally rest for some time. Zhao Long continued to punch the barrier. The man was quite confident of his barrier so he knew that it could not be broken so easily.

Zhao Long had been punching the barrier for some time but nothing happened. This made him a little irrigated he condensed more of his qi in his fists and punched the barrier again. Crack.. a crack finally appeared on the barrier which made Zhao Long happy but the man became terrified as he pushed his qi to repair the barrier. Zhao Long saw this and quickly used all his power to punch the barrier.

Bang... The barrier shattered and the man was sent flying while he coughed blood. He was sent flying where Zhao Yang and Luo Yan were sitting. The both raised their hands and a barrier appeared infront of them. The man crashed in the barrier as he again coughed a mouthfull of blood.