Chapter 14. The Head Alchemist

Zhao Long and Li Ling'er followed the middle aged Alchemist. The three soon arrived at the door of the Head Alchemist's Room.

"Senior I have brought them."The middle aged Alchemist knocked at the door."Bring them In"A Voice came from inside the door.

The middle aged Alchemist than opened the door and looked at Zhao Long and Li Ling'er "Please go inside."Zhao Long and Li Ling'er went inside the room.

After the both of them went inside the middle aged Alchemist closed the door and returned to the pill section now that his job here was done.

Inside the room six people were sitting facing each other. All of them were wearing Black Robes. They were all Innate Grade High Ranking Alchemists. The best Alchemists in the Alchemist Association of Blue Rain City.

There was also a man who looked as if he was around the age of sixty sitting in the middle of the six people. The man was the head Alchemist of the Alchemist Association.

"Are you the one who wants to buy a bottle of Soul Grade low rank pill?"The man spoke in a imposing tone. The other six Alchemists also looked at Zhao Long.

Being stared at by seven people at a time made him feel quite uncomfortable. Li Ling'er on the other hand was quite excited. This was the first time she had seen so many high level Alchemists together.

"Yes I am The one who wants to Buy the Soul Grade Pills."Zhao Long replied."Is there a problem seniors?"

"Yes there is a problem.But before that let me ask you a question."The Head Alchemist looked at the other six Alchemists and nodded.

"What does senior want to ask?'Zhao Long Looked at the group suspiciously."Little brother don't worry we won't ask something personal~.."One of the six senior Alchemists spoke.

The one who spoke was a seemingly beautiful woman who looked like she was in her early twenties.But a Cultivator's actual age could not be determined by their looks.

Even a Cultivator who is more than hundreds of years old can look like as if they are in their youth. The Woman in front of Zhao Long was also like that.

"So what does senior want to ask than?"Zhao Long raised his brow and looked at the woman.

"Boy don't be on edge.We just want to ask some questions to you about the Soul Grade Pills that you want"The Head Alchemist spoke.

"If that's the case than please go head Seniors"Zhao Long looked at the Group of Alchemists and said.

"So let me ask you this why do you think that we can provide you Soul Grade Low rank pills. You should know how rare a Soul Grade pill is right"The Head Alchemist looked at Zhao Long. The other Alchemists also looked at Zhao Long and waited for him to reply.

"Why wouldn't I ask to buy Soul Grade Pills. It's not everyday that you get to see a Soul Grade Alchemist."Zhao Long replied.

All the people inside the room were shocked to hear what Zhao Long said."A Soul Grade Alchemist!Mr. Shen what do you mean by that?"Li Ling'er who was standing besides Zhao Long looked at Zhao Long.

"It's what you think it is Miss. Ling'er. There is a Soul Grade Alchemist in the Alchemist Association."Zhao Long replied to Li Ling'er with a Smile."Isn't that right seniors?"Zhao Long looked at the Alchemists.

"How did you know? No one except the seven of us know about this."The Head Alchemist looked at Zhao Long with confusion and curiosity.

"It's not something strange anyone who has seen a Soul Grade Pill would know that there is a Soul Grade Alchemist in the Alchemist Association the moment they step inside."Zhao Long Replied.

"The medicinal fragrance that you get the moment you step inside the Alchemist Association has a faint fragrance of Soul Grade herbs. More specifically there is the Smell of Soul Grade pills."

The Alchemists were shocked to hear the reason. "You mean you knew there was a Soul Grade Alchemist here because you got the faint smell of Soul Grade herbs."

"Yes, It's one of the reasons."Zhao Long grinned."Than whats the other reason?"The Head Alchemist asked.

"The other reason is the reaction you showed when you heard that I want to buy Soul Grade Pills."

"What do you mean by our reaction "All seven of them asked at the same time.

"To tell you the truth I just had a suspicion that there is a Soul Grade Alchemist here when I got the smell of Soul Grade herbs. After all they could just be herbs brought for practice by a Innate Grade High Ranking Alchemist."

"But when you immediately asked me to come here was when I was sure that there is a Soul Grade Alchemist here"Zhao Long explained.

"Why are you so sure that there is a Soul Grade Alchemist here. We might have called you just to know why you asked for a Soul Grade pill out of curiosity.You should know that there are only ten Soul Grade Alchemists in the entire Azure Dragon Continent."

"About that I did it because I was curious. Just because there were only Ten Soul Grade Alchemists in The Azure Dragon Continent few years ago. That doesn't mean there would always be Just ten. Who knows how many Innate Grade High Ranking Alchemists have been promoted to Soul Grade In the recent years. Even one day can change ones faith. Let alone years. Don't you think senior."

"What you said makes sense brat. You are quite the smart one brat."The head Alchemist agreed with him."Indeed little brother is really cunning~"The Woman spoke again.

"Yes that's indeed just as Senior Brother Dong and Sister Tao says"The other Alchemists said.

"So what do you want by proving the existence of a Soul Grade Alchemist here little brat and how did you recognize the fragrance of Soul Grade herbs"

"Are you perhaps the disciple of some Soul Grade Alchemist Grandmaster?"The Head Alchemist who was surnamed Dong asked.

"Haha.. how can I be a disciple of such an Alchemist Grandmaster master.I just had the honour of seeing a Soul Grade Pill when I was travelling"Zhao Long Laughed.

"And about what I want I just want some Soul Grade Pills nothing much. Ten Bottles should me enough. Of course I would pay for the pills and refinement."Zhao Long Grinned.

"Ten bottles do you think that refining Ten Bottles of Soul Grade Pills is child's play little brat!"The Man Surnamed Dong said angrily.

"Haha.. Don't get angry Senior i don't want the pills right away I can wait for a few Weeks. By the way who among you is the Soul Grade Alchemist?"

"I am the Soul Grade Alchemist.Sigh... even If you say that it's still quite difficult for me to refine them."The Man Surnamed Dong took a long breath.