Chapter 15.

"I will be waiting for the pills elder Dong"Zhao Long grinned."Little brat are you even Listening to what I am saying"Elder Dong Snorted.

Zhao Long just Smiled at him."Sigh... just go brat the Pills will be prepared in a few months. I will send someone to Moonlight Inn at that time."Elder Dong Looked at Zhao Long and said.

"Thank you Eldet Dong."Zhao Long smiled."Miss. Ling'er shall we go"He looked at Li Ling'er. Li Ling'er was startled as she hurriedly replied"Yes of course."

"Elders we will be taking our leave."Zhao Long cupped his fists Li Ling'er also did the same as they bid farewell to the Seven Alchemists. They also returned the Farewell by cupping their fists.

Zhao Long and Li Ling'er than Left the room."Brother Dong that brart is quite good don't you think?"One of the Alchemists who were present in the room said as he looked at Elder Dong.

"You are right brother Ning Bo. That brat is indeed quite good. Although he said that he had just seen a Soul Grade Pill closely and is not an Alchemist. I believe that he is definitely an Alchemist and might be from a great force."Elder Dong said as he twisted his beard.

"So What does Brother Dong Intend to do with him?"The Lady who was speaking with Zhao Long cheerfully moments ago asked with a serious look. A look which was completely different from before.

"Ohh is sister Tao Interested in this boy abd wants to bring him in as a disciple?"Elder Dong raised his brow as he looked at the woman named Tao.

"Hehe.. aren't you interested as well brother Dong?"the woman named Tao giggled."I am indeed interested in him and I think all of us want to know what that boy is capable of isn't it?"Elder Dong Looked at the others.

The other Alchemists present laughed in a low voice in agreement to Elder Dong."Yes Brother Mo Fan, Mo Li, Sister Hu Mi, Sister Chi Nan and I are also interested in this boy Just like Brother Dong Zi Hai and Sister Tao Lin."Ning Bo said.

"Although that boy is quite Interesting don't you think there is a much important thing to discuss about."

Everyone looked at the source of the voice and asked"What does Sister Hu mean by more important thing to discuss?"

"To discusses about a way to find out if that boy is a friend or a foe for us!"Hu Mi said with a serious look.

The others also had a serious look on their faces."What Sister Hu says makes sence. We should be not let our guards down infront of him until we know his true intentions."Dong Zi said the others including Hu Mi nodded in agreement.

"Let's keep a closer look at that boy. Didn't he say that he was staying in Moonlight Inn."Tao Lin suggested.

"Yes let's send some people to Moonlight Inn to keep an eye on him."Hu Mi also suggested."Yes let's do that!"All of then came to this conclusion.

Outside the room.Zhao Long and Li Ling'er were going outside of the Alchemist Association.Zhao Long was walking calmly while Li Ling'er on tge other hand was in a rush to get out.

"Miss.Ling'er why are you in such a hurry?"Zhao Long asked as he saw how much hurry Li Ling'er was in."Mr. Shen I have to ask you alot of questions about what just happened so lets to to Moonlight Inn quickly."Li Ling'er said in a panicked manner.

They soon arrived infront of Moonlight Inn.Li Ling'er rushed inside the Inn while holding Zhao Longs hands as he dragged him inside. She than took him inside a room.

After entering the room Li Ling'er finally calmed down. Zhao Long was a little confused but he did not say anything and just sat down on the table in his side.

"Miss. Ling'er have you calmed down?Why were you in such a hurry?"Zhao Long asked Li Ling'er with a concerned look.

"Yes I am fine now Mr. Shen you don't have to worry about me."Li Ling'er replied as she drank a glass of water from the table.

"So what did you want to ask me about Miss. Ling'er?"Zhao Long looked at Li Ling'er. As soon as Zhao Long said that Li Ling'er had a serious Look on her face"Mr. Shen Yu!Who exactly are you and what are your origins?"

Zhao Long was shocked to hear Li Ling'er's question. [Does she suspect me of something?]Zhao Long thought."What does Miss. Ling'er mean? "Zhao Long asked Li Ling'er.

"It's just as You heard Mr. Shen who are you and what are your origins."Li Ling'er still had the serious look on her face.

"I am just a Lone Cultivator who is travels around to persue the Martial Dao."Zhao Long replied to Li Ling'er.

"Are you really just a Lone Cultivator Mr. Shen?"Li Ling'er did not believe what Zhao Long said."Yes I am a Lone Cultivator who has been Travelling for years leaving his home."Zhao Long replied.

"If you are a lone Cultivator as you say than why do you have so much gold as much as to buy ten bottles of Soul Grade Pills that are worth millions of gold. How did you discover the Soul Grade Alchemist in the Alchemist Association?"Li Ling'er continued questioning.

"Miss. Ling'er why do you think that Lone Cultivators cannot have Money. I have come across many hardships aswell as opportunities so I have got that money through my fortunate encounters."

"As for the second question I have already explained it to everyone in the Alchemist Association just a while ago didn't I?"Zhao Long looked at Li Ling'er and Smiled.

"Do you think I would believe that Mr.Shen how can you say that someone who is not an Alchemist like you discribe yourself as can tell the Grade of a Pill just through its fragrance when you have come across a Single High Grade Pill."

"How exactly did you discover the Soul Grade Alchemist and what are you going to do from now on. What exactly do you want from the Alchemist Association and Blue Rain City"Li Ling'er asked as she had been looking at Zhao Long.