Chapter 16. Someone Interesting?

"Sigh.. Miss. Ling'er I am not someone special like you think I am."Zhao Long Looked at Li Ling'er."I do not have any ill intentions towards Blue Rain City. As for the Alchemist Association I just want them to provide me with high quality pills."

"Than are you an enemy or an ally?"Li Ling'er asked."I am neither an enemy nor an ally. I don't intend to stay in Blue Rain City for too long. I am just a passerby."Zhao Long explained with a calm look.

"Than are you a Soul Grade Alchemist?"Li Ling'er asked Zhao Long.Li Ling'er felt awakward asking such a question. How could such a young man possibly be a Soul Grade Alchemist."Forget it thats not possible."Li Ling'er said again.

"Haha... miss. Ling'er is right how can I be a Soul Grade Alchemist!'Zhao Long laughed loudly. Li Ling'er pouted as she saw Zhao Long laughing at what she had said.

"But what you said is not entirely wrong. I may not be a Soul Grade Alchemist but that does not mean I have not seen a Soul Grade Alchemist before."Zhao Long smirked.

"Does that mean you know a Soul Grade Alchemist other than elder Dong?"Li Ling'er asked to Zhao Long."Indeed I have seen a Soul Grade Alchemist other than Elder Dong. I have even seen refine Soul Grade Pills."Zhao Long said proudly.

"So you have a Soul Grade Alchemist as a Master."Li Ling'er said as she continued listening."No he is not my master, I was just there when he was refining the pill."Zhao Long Laughed.

Zhao Long was obviously talking about the Soul Grade Alchemist who was recruited by the the Royal Family. Zhao Long was the prince of the Zhao Empire so he had received many Alchemic pills from the Soul Grade Alchemist Grandmaster.

"You seem to be quite the luckey one Mr.Shen to be able to See a Soul Grade Alchemist Grandmaster refine a Soul Grade Pill."Li Ling'er said to Zhao Long.

"Hehehe.... I guess you could say that."Zhao Long tried to ease the atmosphere around.Li Ling'er giggled "Perhaps Mr. Shen is true hehe~.."

[Even if he says that I still think he is hiding something. Is he someone from a great background?]Li Ling'er thought.

"Mr. Shen todays day has been full of surprises I am exhausted. I will take you to the other parts of tge city tomorrow Is that fine with you?"Li Ling'er asked Zhao Long.

"Its fine Miss.Ling'er you should rest."Zhao Long smiled lightly."Then I shall be taking my leave."Li Ling'er Cupped her fists as she left her room.

Zhao Long too went outside the room anf headed towards his.As he reached inside his room he took out some yuan crystals and started to cultivate.

"Lets try to reach the forth layer of Innate Fusion Realm today."Zhao Long started absorbing Qi from the Yuan Crystals.

Zhao Long kept on cultivating for hours. His Consumption of Yuan Crystals was much more than usual. He had absorbed more than two thousand Yuan Crystals in just a few hours.

Zhao Long completely finished absorbing the Yuan Crystals that he had layed around him. Zhao Long took out more Yuan Crystals and started cultivating again.

After another two hours. Bright light started coming out of his body. The light engulfed his whole body. Kach.... Zhao Long broke through to the fourth layer of the Innate Fusion Realm.

"Finally I have broke through to the fourth layer. Now what should I do. Should I refine some pills or somethi...."As Zhao Long was deciding what he should do his aura became unstable.

Qi Started leaking out of his body. His body was immiting blue radiant lights. The blue lights engulfed his entire body. Zhao Long's body was totally engulfed inside the blue light not revealing his figure.

Outside Zhao Long's room in the Moonlight Inn's another room. A young lady was sitting in a chair with a cup of tea in her hands.

"The tea is quite good considering its from such a small city."The lady spoke.She took another sip of her tea.The young lady finished drinking her tea and looked outside her window.

"The moon is really beautiful today. The Great Zhao Empire this empire is really interesting. But the people here are too weak."

"Indeed the people are too weak for us that is. Haha...."a mysterious voice spoke. The young lady looked at the source of the mysterious voice.

The voice belonged to a tall man. The man was wearing purple robe and looked like someone who had a lot of life experience despite his young appearance.

The mysterious man smiled at the woman"Yo how have you been?"The Young lady was shocked to see this Mysterious man but she quickly adjusted herself "Disciple greets master!"

"It seems like you are doing well ming'er.."The man looked at the young lady."Yes disciple is doing well master!May I ask Master why he is in The Great Zhao Empire?"

"Why you are here so why can't I be here.."The man laughed."Forgive disciple for being rude master"Ming'er bowed down to the Man."Haha there is no need for that. I am here because I have seen something interesting."The man laughed.

"What does master mean by something interesting. What could something in this small world possibly peak master's interest?"Ming'er was confused by what here master said.

"Haha... to be precise it's not something but someone."The man said."Someone master is interested in?"Ming'er was more confused.

"Yes I have discovered someone really interesting hehe..."The man spoke."Why is someone as strong as you interested in a person from such a place master?"

"Do you wanna know? UwU..."The man teased his disciple."Master please be serious and tell this disciple."Ming'er also pouted."If I tell you everything It will be less interesting.Hmmmm... lets just say the person might become as strong as me if that person cultivate properly."

"Someone who can be as strong as you in the future....."Ming'er was shocked to hear what her master said. According to her her master was one of the strongest in existance and he just said that there is a person here who might reach his level.

"Master are you serious? Someone like that is in such a place?"She asked in disbelief."Hehe... indeed that person is in this Zhao Empire. That person might be closer than you think."

"Help him if you meet him. I want to see that person reach my level."As he finished saying his figure disappeared."Master you are always so annoying and hard to understand sigh..."Ming'er took a long breath.