Chapter 17.

Ming'er sighed as she thought of what her wanted to do by telling her about that person."Is the person really as good as master said. "

"Forget it if I try to understand I will go Insane. But the way master praised that person He should have a decent aptitude right?"Ming'er talked with herself

As Ming'er was talking to herself she suddenly sensed something in her surrounding."Someone is Breaking Through!"

"But it has a little strange aura than a normal break through."Ming'er said uncounciously."What is happening here am I just thinking too much?"

Inside Zhao Long's room. Zhao Long was sitting crosslegged as he was in the process of breaking through. This was his second break through of the day.

If he succeeded in breaking through he would reach the fifth layer of the Innate Fusion Realm and will be a step closer in reaching The Separation and Union realm.

This break through was strangely different than his previous one. He did not feel pain in his muscles or bones that he would feel nornally. Instead it was filled with a warm and comfortable feeling but a sence of opression as well.

[What is going on? This is not how I normally feel when breaking through. Have i mistaken something else for a break through?]

[Reporting to the host..... This is indeed a break through. The feeling that the host is getting has something to do with an unidentified energy inside the Host's body]The system reported to Zhao Long.

[An unidentified energy inside my body! Is it harmful to me. System analyse the energy and find out.]

[Beep..... Reporting to the Host The energy does not seem to harm the host. It's exact purpose is unknown.]

[If it's not harming me than it should be fine But keep a closer look at it and report any changes.]

[Roger..... ]

Zhao Long instructed his system as he continued in the process of breaking through.Kach..... Kach.... Zhao Long broke through to the fifth layer of The Innate Fusion Realm.

But.... Even after his break through he was still immiting the bright light from his body. Kach.... Kach... He broke through again to the sixth layer but the light did not disperse.

After an hour Zhao Long was still immiting the light. He was on the verge of breaking through again to the Seventh Layer of the Innate Fusion Realm.

This was the first time someone had broken through three realms in a matter of a day or so. Zhao Long was about to break through. But his body was too weak due to the consecutive break throughs.

Eventhough Zhao Long was not feeling any pain due to the mysterious energy. His body was still weakened alot. Without Zhao Long knowing his body subconsciously started to become unstable.

Zhao Long started to feek that something was not right. Eventhough he did not know what was going on he felt danger.Zhao Long was in a crisis that he was not aware about.

Swoosh..... A figure appeared infront of Zhao Long's body. "Looks like we meet sooner than I though although you can't see me in your current situation. "

The figure lift his hand and placed it in Zhao Long's head. He than started circulating a type of energy inside Zhao Long. "That should be enough for now."

"Hey now I know you are inside this kid. Won't you greet me or something?"The figure spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"You are as cheeky as ever aren't you old hag!"A voice came inside from Zhao Long."Hey hey now why so serious!"The figure smiled as he looked at Zhao Long.

Suddenly a golden ball of energy came out of Zhao Long's body and started floating mid air."So what are you doing here?"The Golden Orb asked the mysterious man.

"Just Looking for interesting things"The mysterious man spoke in a cheerful way."And what about you. It Looks like you didn't have a good time in these past few years hahaha..."The mysterious man laughed.

"Do you think I would be here in this state if I had a good time!"The Golden Orb shouted in an annoyed tune."Your mortal body is destroyed and you had to ascend to the lower world. Who did it?"The mysterious man asked seriously.

"Who do you think could do this to me?"The Golden orb answered."So Its them?"The mysterious man asked."Yes they are the ones"The Golden Orb Said.

"Don't worry I will get revenge for you."The mysterious man said."It's fine. They will meet there end eventually. Besides what have you been doing now a days?"The Golden Orb asked.

"Just watching over. Nothing much has changed till now but one thing has changed..."The mysterious man said."What..? Did something serious occure?"The Golden Orb asked.

"Yes.... I have a disciple now!"The mysterious man said with happiness in his voice."Hehe.... I am sure that your disciple is suffering a lot after having someone like you as his master"

"No no you are mistaken my friend my disciple is a girl.And I am a really good master. I have been guiding her in her cultivation and her performance has inproved a lot."The mysterious man said proudly.

"Hum... I bet it's all because of her own aptitude and hardwork. It should have nothing to do with a lazy and careless person like you"The Golden Orb said in a mocking tune.

"Hey thats rude you know.."The mysterious man said."Haha... so what's her name?"The orb asked."Her name is Ming'er. She has a great aptitude although she is a little shot tempered she is pretty kind."

The mysterious man reveals his identity as the master of the Young lady Ming'er.At the same time in Ming'ers room"Achoo... who is talking behind my back. Is it Master? "Ming'er talks to herself.

"Hooo..."The Golden Orb said."Lets end this conversation of her for now.This man you are inside looks quite promising"he said.

"Indeed he is quite promising and he has a great faith thats the reason why I have chosen him to become my successor in the future. That is if he can prove that he is worthy of this Old Master's Legacy."

"Ho.. ho... I am looking forward to seeing him reach that level."He said to the Golden Level."I will take my leave to look after those bastards matters"He said as he disappead.

"Hmmn..... Zhao Long don't disappoint me."The Golden Orb again went inside Zhao Long's body.