Chapter 18.

As the Golden orb went inside Zhao Long's body. Zhao Long opened his eyes"What kind of break through did I have just now? "Zhao Long asked himself in confusion.

"Although I did not feel any pain during the process of breaking through I felt some sort of danger throughout the process"Zhao Long murmured to himself.

Zhao Long than circulated his Qi Throughout his body. Zhao Longs face suddenly filled with surprise"The peak of the Seventh Layer of the Innate Fusion Realm!"

"Wasn't I suppose to be at the Forth Layer before that strange incident happen and my consciousness was swept away from my body?"Zhao Long could not understand what was going on.

"It must have something to do with the strange energy that the system had detected."Zhao Long came to that conclusion.

Zhao Long after coming to the conclusion started to stabalize his cultivation. This was his first time he had broken through three realm at once so his body was extremely weak and unstable.

"System show me the screen!"Zhao Long called out.A screen appeared infront of Zhao Long. Zhao Long looked at the screen.

[ Name:Zhao Long



Cultivation:Seventh Layer Innate Fusion

Points:5629 ]

Zhao Long than clicked a button on the screen. After he clicked the button another view came infront of him. This was the System's Shop.

Zhao Long slided towards the pill section of the shop and bought some Healing pills. Two Bottles containing pills appeared infront of Zhao Long. These pills were Soul Grade High Rank pills.

Soul Grade High Rank pills were not available in the Zhao Empire. So the only way for Zhao Long to obtain it was through the system using points.

[Notice... The Host has purchased two bottles of Soul Grade High Rank healing pills from the system. Three hundred points have been deducted from the Host's Account... ]

Zhao Long opened one of the bottles and took the pills out from it and stuffed it inside his mouth and started to refine it. His body started to heal. His pain slowly disappeared and his body was being filled with Vitality.

Half a day later..... Zhao Long had finally recovered. He had been refining those pills and had finished refining them completely.

Zhao Long was now at good health but he still decided to rest for some more time. He layed down on his bed and fell asleep soon after.

In another room of the inn a familiar figure was there. It was Li Ling'er. She still had doubts about Zhao Long's identity. "Should I check on what he is doing?"She murmured.

"Lets go and see what he is doing, It's not like I am going to attack him."Li Ling'er said as she went out of her room.She went towards tge direction of Zhao Long's room.

Soon she arrived infront of his room. She first tried to hear any type of sound from his room but could not hear anything. She than slowly opened the door and skowly went inside.

When Li Ling'er came Inside his room. She did not see any trace of Zhao Long. The room was empty. There was no one inside except for Li Ling'er herself.

"He is not in his room. Where is he than I did not see him go outside of the inn nor did I see him in the hallway.

Li Ling'er Looked at the empty room with confusion. She than continued to search hs room but found nothing unusual."Are you finished searching the room?"A voice said.

"Yes I finished searching but unfortunately I found nothing."Li Ling'er said with a disappointed look. Suddenly her look of disappoint turned into shock. She thought that she was the only person in the room but she realized that that was not the case.

"Who is speaking?"Li Ling'er quickly Looked at the direction of the voice but was pinned down on the bed before she could look at the person.

She fell in the bed with her two huge mountains juggling in the impact. Her clothes slightly loose.Li Ling'er was a really beautiful young lady with a curvious body to add to her face.This was a really tempting scene. Li Ling'er was embarrassed by the situation she was in.

She had been pinned down with her body vulnerable to everything. She was too embarrassed to look at the person."Hoo~... You really have a nice figure Miss. Ling'er!"The voice said again. The voice belonged to a man.

Li Ling'er finally recognized this voice. This was the voice of Shen Yu. Shen Yu was the fake name Zhao Long had given to Li Ling'er.After recognising the voice Li Ling'er quickly opened her eyes to confirm her suspicion.

When she opened her eyes she saw the man that had pinned her down. It was Zhao Long."Mr. Shen what is the meaning of this?"Li Ling'er asked in an embarrassed way.

"I can ask you the same question Miss. Ling'er?"Zhao Long replied."What were you doing in my room Miss. Ling'er?"Zhao Long raised his brow.

"Thats....."Li Ling'er was hesitating to answer Zhao Long's question."Perhaps Miss. Ling'er has a crush on me and wanted to do something to me while I was sleeping."Zhao Long grinned.

"No thats not It" Li Ling'er shouted. Her face had turned bright red because of embarrassment."Than what is the reason? Please tell me. You have such a beautiful face and tempting body If you don't tell me I might do something hehe... "Zhao Long continued to grin.

Li Ling'er blushed. Her face still bright red."Mr. Shen is a man with honour you won't do something like that right?"

"Who knows! Even a saint can be tempted by a Beauty. While I am just a normal man at the peak of his youth"Zhao Long said while smiling.

After hearing Zhao Longs words she starts to shiver."Now that you look at him he is really handsome and as much as I know although he is hiding something he does not seem to be evil at least. So maybe its fine if its him..."Li Ling'er thought.