Chapter 19.

Just as that thought came into Li Ling'ers mind her already bright red face turned even brighter. "Wha.... what was I thinking there is no way I could do that!"She said to herself.

She looked at Zhao Long with her beautiful emerald like eyes "Mr. Shen please let me go~"She requested with a pleading look in her face.

"Hehe... ok"Zhao Long laughed. He than released Li Ling'ers hands as he helped her get up. "So can you tell me what were you doing here in my room?"

"First tell me where were you when I came inside?"Li Ling'er pouted as she looked at Zhao Long."I senced you coming towards my room so I hid myself hehe"Zhao Long laughed.

"Humph... bullying the weak"Li Ling'er got angry."But I only protected my privacy or Is that wrong?"Zhao Long laughed."If you were protecting your privacy than you could have prevented me from entering your room Did you let me enter your room so that you could do those kinds of things to me?"Li Ling'er said as she pointed at Zhao Long.

"What kinds of things is Miss. Ling'er talking about?"Zhao Long asked with a confused look.Zhao Long had no idea of what Li Ling'er was talking about.

Li Ling'er realized what she had just said which made her even more embarrassed in this already embarrassing situation.

"Aahhh.. does miss Ling'er mean...!" "Forget It it's nothing!"As Zhao Long was saying Li Ling'er interrupted him in the middle. She looked extremely embarrassed as well was angry."Ok as you wish."Zhao Long said with sweat falling down from his head.

[Why did I feel like if I had continued any further I would have died?]Zhao Long thought."Why exactly were you looking inside my room?"Zhao Long looked at Li Ling'er and asked.

Li Ling'er stared at Zhao Long without saying a word and left. Zhao Long looked at her as she left the room in anger.Still confused what had happened just now he decided to continue to focus on alchemy.


Li Ling'er slammed the door and entered her room her face full of embarrassment and anger. A figure who was peacefully drinking tea was frightened at the door slamming.

"My dear Ming'er why are you so angry all of a sudden." The figure asked in a confused tone. The figure was the same man who had helped Zhou Long during his breakthrough

Li Ling'er who was actually Ming'er looked at the figure and was able to say something but got embarrassed and didn't.

"It's nothing I am going to cultivate so please let me be master."

She said as she sat down in a corner and started meditating.

Her master was still confused of why his precious disciple was angry.

[ Haa Is she already in her rebellious stage.Kids grow so fast.]

He thought to himself as he wiped a single drop of tear that flowed from his eye.

On the other side Zhou Long had finally finished refining all of the pills.All that was left now was to sell them at the alchemist association.Although Innate grade pills were not that rare as compared to Soul grade ones they could still fetch quite alot of money depending on the quality.

"Well lets just wait until they have finished refining my ordered pills.I can just sell these pills all at once then.As for now.."

Zhou Long though of something before he opened the system.He scrolled through the item shop but couldn't find anything worth his interest.

Finally after gowing through the item shop he finally found something worth his interest.

'Soul grade high rank' sword : Calamity Queller.
Price:4000 points.
Special attribute: Can store qi from the weilder that can be used to amplify users attack by 30 percent.

After giving some though Zhou Long purchased the sword.

[Beep... Calamity Queller has been purchased from the shop.
4000 points has been deducted from the user.
Current balance:1560 points.]

Zhou Long looked at the sword in his ands and swong it a few times.The sword felt really nice it was perfectly made and it was as if he was not swinging a sword but was just swinging his own hands.

"Hmm.... it's quite good.A Soul grade weapon lives up to its reputation."

Zhou Long was satisfied. He than went outside of the inn and into the black feather forest again.He wanted to test this sword in a real fight.

Inside the forest he came across many monsters but they were too weak for him to try out his sword.

While looking for a strong monster he came across a small lake. Near the lake he saw a 30 meter long snake like monster.

"Third rank low grade monster Blood Viper!" He exclaimed in excitement. A third rank monster was comparable to a low level Seperation and Union level cultivator.

His blood started to boil as his body started to tremble with excitement. After tirelessly wandering the forest for so long he had finally found something to test his weapon on.

He gripped his sword tightly which he had supplied with his qi for quite some time.The Blood Viper noticed him approaching as got alerted.

The Blood viper raised its head and leaped towards him at a frightening speed. Its sharp fangs approached him. If those fangs were to bite him it would be the end of him.

The Venom would dissolve his skin and even his bones. As the Monster was nearing him he raised his sword and he too leaped towards the monster.

Clank...the sword clashed with the Monsters fangs creating a spark.As soon as his swords clashed with the Monsters fangs He was sent flying for a few meters until he crashed into a tree spewing blood from his mouth.

He coughed some blood from his mouth before standing up. Even though he was sent flying by the Blood viper there was a grin on his face.

"It looks like a Third rank monster isn't that strong as they say." He said with the same grin on his face.

Even though the monster could not understand human language. It knew just from his face that he was mocking it. Now enraged the monster leaped at him even more furiously.

He wiped the blood from his face as he too leaped towards th monster. But this time his body and sword were shining brightly.After the first encounter he knew that in terms of raw strength he was no match for the monster so to avoid getting injured like that again he covered his whole body in qi.

This time he did not face the monsters strike head on. He dodged the monsters attacks as he slowly got closer and closer to the monster.Its whole body was covered in hard scales which could be difficult to cut so he was targeting the weakest part of the Monsters body the neck.

Clank...his sword striked straight down the monsters neck.But it was tougher than he had thought it to be.He clicked his tongue as he went for another strike but the monster repelled him away.

The monster was even more enraged as it went completely breserk. Even a Seperation and Union master would find it difficult to deal with this monster in its breserk state.

"Its time to end it i guess. Playtimes over now." With a sudden burst of qi he released his Seventh layer innate fusion realm aura and charged at the Blood Viper with all his strength. In an instant he appeared near the viper.

Dimond Body art! He shouted as his muscles hardened like steel he then unleashed the swor's special attribute which would amplify his attacks. With a blood thirsty look he sent a single sword wave towards the snake in point blank range.

This time before the snake would even react the sword slash which contained all of Zhao Long's strength slashed the snake's neck as it's head fell down on the ground. Blood gushed out of the monster's body as it collapsed.

He than looked at the dead monster and than at the sword in his hand and started to laugh uncontrollably.

" Haha...good sword good sword....."