~Chapter 9~

~Chapter 9 Alex's POV~

After the meeting, James led me down to a supply closet they had for baby supplies. Since I already had things like carriers, diapers, and bottles there isn't much I can get from the closet other than a couple of onesies and a few bibs and binkies. Now the only problem I have is when I am at college who will take care of the babies? I will have to call my parents to help since I am not familiar with children. My mom will not be thrilled that I am taking care of children while going to college because it is a distraction. Dad will be thrilled to see Christan and Amber since he loves kids. He always wanted to work as a preschool teacher but his parents wanted him to be an engineer so he gave in and became an engineer. It never was his passion but he did not want to go against his parents.

My mom on the other hand was independent and did not care what her parents thought of her choices as long as she succeeded. She loves her parents deeply but she will do what she wants.

"I think I am ready to head out if that is okay with you James."

"Yes it's fine with me I just have to talk to my police captain real quick. I'll show you where my desk is so you can sit down. I can take Amber with me since she is well-behaved right now." James said. We headed down to the police portion of the building where James showed me his desk. He pulled out the rolling chair and let me sit down at his desk. "I will be back in a few I just have to talk to my Captain about the case. I looked around at his desk and it did not have many things on it. Almost like there was no one there. There were a few folders and some stationary but no photographs or memos hanging on the corkscrew board.

I looked down at Christan and he was sound asleep. After a few minutes, James came back with a smile on his face and was holding Amber.

"Captian Green said I could have this case as a new police detective."

"Congratulations on your promotion James! One of these days I'll have to treat you to a meal for helping me with this." I told him.

"Thank you for the offer," James said with a smile.

"Let's head out now if that is okay with your boss," I said.

"Yes. I got an early day approved due to the situation so I can help you out with the babies."

"Great. I have the perfect task for you to help me with once we get back."

We started to leave the police station then Max and Anthony stopped us to say goodbye. To be honest I think they just wanted to see the babies but it was fine either way. I can understand wanting to see the babies since they are adorable. After they were finished saying goodbye they left and headed back to work. Then we started our walk back to my apartment.

When we arrived the babies were awake and crying. When I walked into the apartment I took off my shoes and put my backpack down. I hoisted Christan over my shoulder and started gently patting his back. I started to smell something when he was on my shoulder.

"James, could you get some warm water for me so I can make up their formula," I told him.

"Sure, where are the bottles at?"

"The bottles and formula are on my bed. I need to change Christan's diaper real quick so I can help you in a minute."

James went into my room quickly and grabbed the bottles and formula before heading into the kitchen. I headed into my bathroom and grabbed a towel to lay on my bed. Christan was crying and I was trying to console him but it wasn't working. I went into the bags from the store and found the diapers. I laid down the towel and gently placed Christan on it. I opened the package of diapers and took one out. I unwrapped it and I was hoping it would fit him. Thankfully today was trash collection day so the apartment won't smell that bad. I took off Christan's onesie and unwrapped his diaper. I was hit with the awful smell and I gagged a little. I lifted him a little and placed the back of the diaper under him and wrapped the wings around the front. They did teach things that are important in that one class on early life development. Christan seemed content now that he is wearing a clean diaper. Now all he and Amber need is a fresh bottle and some love and they should be able to sleep soundly.

"The bottles are done," James called from the kitchen.

"Okay, I will be out in a second."

I picked up Christan and took him out into the kitchen to get a fresh bottle.

James handed me a bottle and went to sit on the sofa. I took the bottle from him and followed him to the sofa. I put the bottle up to Christan's mouth and he started suckling.

"I wonder how old the babies are?" I asked James

"Well, they are probably a few months old from their size and how they behave," James told me.

"I was wondering if you could help me set up the cribs since I can only build a marshmallow and toothpick house with my skills."

"I can help you with that since the babies do need a place to sleep." He said with a smile.

Now, all we have to do is wait for the babies to fall asleep so we can start building the cribs. Once Christan was done with the bottle he let out a little burp. I put him up to my shoulder and tapped his back lightly. Meanwhile Amber was in James's arms content after finishing her bottle. He was rocking her back and forth in his arms. James is such a caring person I'm jealous of whoever he ends up with. All of my dating success has ended in the cliche breakup because he doesn't feel a spark anymore or he met someone better. Well, it's their loss because if they don't like me for me then they are not the one I want to be with. While I was lost in my thoughts Christan drooled on my shoulder and was giggling.

"Look at you, mister. Causing me some trouble and smiling and giggling happily. You're just too cute I can't be mad at you." I said.

His cute face and giggling were so cute how can anyone not like babies. James was smiling. Amber just had a blank look on her face but it quickly changed to a smile when James brought out the rattle. She took the rattle out of his hands and tried to shake it. Both she and Christan were giggling from the rattle and were happy. Soon enough they tired out and we laid them on the bed. I quickly disposed of the diaper because I just left it there.

"Well let's get to work on making this crib," James said with a smile.

I smiled and nodded. That person who ends up with him is lucky.

~The End Of Chapter 9~