~Chapter 10~

~Chapter 10 James' POV~

When we left the office we headed to the CPS supply closet, the designated spot for children's donations. I saw Alex scanning the shelves looking to see if there was anything else he needed. Alex did not seem to need much from the closet though since he had some supplies at his apartment. He picked up some onesies, binkies, and bibs. I hope I will be able to help Alex with the babies since I don't want him to get stressed over them and school. Plus I will try working on his case after talking to the captain.

"I think I am ready to head out if that is okay with you James," Alex told me.

"Yes it's fine with me I just have to talk to my police captain real quick. I'll show you where my desk is so you can sit down. I can take Amber with me since she is well-behaved right now." I said to Alex.

We headed down to the area where the police officers and the captain were currently. I led Alex back to my desk and pulled out the chair so he could sit down. As soon as Alex was comfortably situated I left him and took Amber to the police captain's office. I got stares from some of my fellow officers since I was carrying a baby into the captain's office. I knocked on the office door. The door was wide open but it is common courtesy and professional to knock on the door before entering.

"You may enter." Captain Green said.

When I entered the office he was sitting at his desk with a pile of cases on it. He looked up from the stack to see who had just entered his office.

"James, have you come to accept the promotion?" Captain Green said with a smile.

"Wait. Why do you have a baby in your arms?"

"She and her brother are the reason I am accepting the promotion. I was hoping you could approve me working on her and her brother's case as my first official case." I told Captain Green.

Captain Green had been like a father to me ever since I started working as an intern. He is an amazing police Captain. He treats the officers well and is great at his job.

"Having you work their case is no problem with me. I know you have a soft spot for children and are a good person. There are just a few things I need to complete paperwork wise and then you will be able to work their case."

"Thank you, sir."

Captain Green stood up and came out from behind his desk. He extended his hand for a handshake.

"Congratulations Officer on your promotion to Detective." Captain Green said with a smile.

I took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Thank you for this opportunity," I said.

"So James, what are her and her brother's names?" Captain Green asked me.

"This one right here is named Amber and her brother's name is Christan. My close friend and neighbor Alex is fostering them for the time being."

"Well it is such a sad situation for the children but I am grateful you are working to help them. Plus anyone who is your friend is a good person in my book."

"Thank you for helping me with them. I appreciate the help I can get."I said.

"Well, James, why don't you take an early day by my recommendation? So you can get to work helping the babies start a new chapter." Captain Green told me.

"Thank you, sir. If there is anything urgent feel free to call me. I am just a call away." I told Captain Green before leaving his office.

Amber was sound asleep in my arms when I arrived at my desk. I wanted to tell James the good news immediately since he is one of my closest friends.

"Captain Green said I could have this case as a new police detective," I told him.

"Congratulations on your promotion James! One of these days I'll have to treat you to a meal for helping me with this." Alex said smiling.

"Thank you for the offer," I said smiling.

I am so happy right now I feel like I could conquer anything at this moment.

"Let's head out now if that is okay with your boss," Alex said.

"Yes. I got an early day approved due to the situation so I can help you out with the babies."

"Great. I have the perfect task for you to help me with once we get back." Alex said with a grin.

I am nervous but excited at the same time. I grabbed anything I needed to bring home off my desk and we started the trip home,

On our way to leave, we were stopped by Max and Anthony because they wanted to say goodbye and see the babies. I can understand them wanting to see the babies since who wouldn't? Babies are adorable. After they were finished we left the police station and headed back to the apartment complex.

When we arrived at the apartment complex the babies had woken up and started crying. We rushed up the stairs and got to the apartment as quickly as we could. As soon as we entered the apartment I took off my shoes and waited for Alex's instructions.

"James, could you get some warm water for me so I can make up their formula," Alex told me.

"Sure, where are the bottles?" I asked him

"The bottles and formula are on my bed. I need to change Christan's diaper real quick so I can help you in a minute."

I walked into Alex's room and picked up the formula package and bottles off his bed.

I quickly headed out to the kitchen. I turned on the tap and got the water to a temperature that is not too hot and not too cold. I filled up the bottles with water and then took a scoop of formula. I screwed on the top of the bottle and shook it up. After a little bit of time, the formula was mixed completely. I put the bottle down and repeated the steps with the second bottle.

"The bottles are done," I yelled across the apartment.

"Okay, I will be out in a second," Alex said.

When Alex came out of his room I walked over to him and handed him a bottle. I wanted to sit down to bottle-feed Amber so I walked over to the sofa and took a seat. I put the bottle in Amber's mouth and she started suckling on the bottle.

"I wonder how old the babies are?" Alex asked me.

"Well, they are probably a few months old from their size and behavior," I said.

I was wondering if Alex wanted me to help with anything else while I am here when he said.

"I was wondering if you could help me set up the cribs since I can only build a marshmallow and toothpick house with my skills."

"I can help you with that since the babies do need a place to sleep," I said, smiling at him.

Amber finished her bottle and was happy. I started slowly rocking my arms back and forth. I looked at Christan in Alex's arms. He seemed happy, suckling on the bottle. Once Christan was finished with his bottle he let out a burp. How can something be so cute? I just want to squeeze his cheeks. He's just so cute. I think it is called cuteness aggression. That is what I heard it was called from Anthony when he showed me a picture of his sister's new puppy.

Christian started drooling on Alex's shoulder and he quickly noticed saying "Look at you, mister. Causing me some trouble and smiling and giggling happily. You're just too cute, I can't be mad at you."

I felt a smile forming on my face. Children always know how to turn something random into a funny joke. The twins started giggling at their antics. Once they both finished their bottles they quickly fell asleep.

"Well, let's get to work on making this crib," I said to Alex.

He replied with a simple nod of his head. We went back to his room and pulled out those boxes with the crib frames and mattresses. After we finished unpacking all the parts and tools we read over the instructions. Apparently, there are no instructions in English in the packet so we went off the picture. In the end, it took us almost two hours to assemble the cribs based on the pictures. Alex leaned onto the floor and let out a sigh of relief. I leaned back and cracked my back trying to loosen up after sitting down hunched over for so long in the same spot.

"Hey, do you have any blankets that we can put into the crib?"

"Yeah. You can just take some of the extra blankets that are on my bed off so the babies have some blankets. I need to go out and get them some actual baby blankets though since that completely slipped my mind." Alex said.

I took the spare blankets off his bed and folded them up into the cribs for Christan and Amber. "Wow the sun's already set," I told Alex.

"Wow the time passed so fast I couldn't tell but I'm still exhausted from setting up these cribs."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it. You can relax and put the babies down," I told Alex.

"Okay. Thank you once again," he said.

"It's no problem," I replied

I went out of his room and opened the door.

There was a middle-aged woman with short gray hair and thick glasses in a business suit outside the door.

"Hello. How can I help you ma'am?" I said to the woman.

"You can introduce yourself and tell me if Alex is home," she said.

Just then Alex walked out of the room looking to see who was there.

He looked visibly surprised when he saw the woman.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" He asked.

~The End Of Chapter 10~