Chapter 49: The changes that are taking place

  Patrill heard the knock on the door and dragged his weak body to stand up. After opening them, he was surprised to see the figure in front of him.

   "Rekel, are you okay?"

   Lekker grinned, and the tall figure walked into the room and left a little dark.

   "Uncle Pat, I am very good. The Lord Kachar hired me to cook food for free to the residents of the town.

   Now that the wheat porridge and bread have been cooked in the square, you can bring Pat to pick it up later."

   "By the way, you must bring your ID certificate. Everyone can only get it once. You can't get it without ID certificate. Remember."

   Patrill looked at Reker with surprise.

   "Are you hired by a vampire?"

   Ollie retorted uncomfortably behind Reker.

   "Uncle Pat, they are not vampires, they are the Holy Light blood clan.

   City Lord Cachar asked Brother Reker to manage the logistics department to help cook food, and there are 10 silver pukes every month. "

   Patrill's face was startled, he almost thought he was deaf at this moment.

   Vampires hire humans to work, and have 10 silver pukes every month?

   The goddess of life is here, this is the most exaggerated thing he has ever heard in his life.

   Ollie looked at Pat's expression very uncomfortable and took out the cloth bag full of Silver Puke from behind and shook it off a few times.

   A crisp metal crash sounded.

  "Uncle Pat, have you seen it? This was personally given to us by the Lord Kachar, saying it was paid in advance.

   As long as you help cook food for everyone to eat, everyone can advance 5 silver puke first, and give the rest one month later. "

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Pat proudly, "How about, Uncle Pat, I didn't lie to you, right?"

   Patrill took a breath.

   "Hiss...The city lord not only distributes food for free, but also gives you salary, this, this..."

   He doesn't know how to describe it anymore.

   If this is a conspiracy of vampires, then it is impossible to explain it. They have no resistance at all. Who would use a conspiracy against a group of pigs waiting to be slaughtered?

  Fate is in the hands of the opponent.

   Reker looked at Patril's expression in his heart, and he was no less surprised when he heard this.

  "Uncle Pat, we have nothing to watch from the Holy Light in the City of Dawn. If they take it away, can we still resist?

   But the actions of Kachar City Lord have shown that they are really different from the evil blood.

   The goddess of life is here, and God's Mansion once said that even large conspiracies will reveal their true colors in time.

  Since we can't resist, it's better to join them. If they are really bad for us, then we can also notify others as soon as possible.

   Uncle Pat, I know that you are a very respected warrior in Eric Township. I hope you can take on this task with me.

   Accept the employment of the Lord Kachar and become one of us, not only for us, but also for the residents of Eric's town. "

   Patril looked at Reker's sincere eyes, and he was moved by these words.

   Yes, since they can't resist the opponent, and these holy light blood races haven't done anything to harm humans, why not try to understand them?

   If there is a conspiracy, it can be discovered more quickly.

   turned his head and glanced at the sleeping little Patril behind him, nodded fiercely

   For the child, he is willing to take this risk.

  The central square of the city of dawn.

   Although it was only 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was blocked by the towering mountains on both sides.

The design of   The City of Breaking Dawn is very ingenious. In the center of the two mountain peaks, except for the southern part, the central area and the city wall area receive no more than three hours of sunshine per day, which greatly meets the physiological characteristics of the blood race's preference for darkness.

   In the middle of the square, a huge fire was set up under the five cauldrons, and the wheat was tumbling in the boiling water.

   The oven for baking bread has also been placed on the fire.

   The refugees who were notified to come out for food all had excited expressions.

  Most people have great doubts about the promise of the blood race, but they didn't expect that the other party is really fulfilling their promises one by one.

   Do not harm them, protect their property, provide clean houses, and distribute free food.

   This change surprises everyone.

   If it is really like these vampires say, will the land promised to them really be given?

   Quietly, many people's ideas have undergone tremendous changes, especially the distribution of land, which makes their hearts beat faster, has firmly held their hearts.

   Although they know that dealing with vampires that are more terrifying than demons is a very unwise thing, they can't control their thoughts.

   What if it is true?

   If it is really like what they said, they are the holy light blood clan, will not harm humans?

   People are never desperate, especially these civilians living on the border of Norland Empire, they are forgotten people.

  Without his own land, he may be attacked by monsters at any time. Every year he has to worry about the orcs launching wars, and the nobles will not shelter them.

   These civilians never live in a stable environment, so the desire for peace and safe life is unimaginable.

   As long as there is a little hope, even if they live with vampires, they are fearless.

   This is also the reason why Reed must choose border Only those who have experienced turmoil and war will desire a stable life, and the City of Breaking Dawn can give them such a life.

   He believes that under his management, this place will be the holy land that humans yearn for sooner or later, and of course it will also be the holy land of the blood race by then.

   "Line up and show your ID. Each person is only allowed to receive one piece of food. Anyone who violates the rules will be deprived of today's food distribution."

   Patrill had a red armband hanging on his shoulder, and a few people were loudly maintaining order.

   "Uncle Pat, are these foods really free?"

  Walking to the end of the line, a half-old child in a tattered linen clothes looked up expectantly and asked, his eyes full of longing.

   Patrill was taken aback and then showed a gentle smile, and reached out his hand to touch the little boy's head.

   "It's free, Rick, I'll let them bring you an extra piece of bread later. The young guy can grow taller by eating more."

   "Uncle Pat, didn't the priest of the temple say that vampires are cannibals? Why do they give us food?"

  Rick's small eyes were deeply puzzled.

   "Because vampires are good and bad, just like thieves and robbers in our town"

   Patrell patted him on the shoulder, "Rick, what you have seen is true. Don't just believe other people's words, even if they are priests."

   After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the small town residents who left the square happily after receiving the bread and wheat porridge. He also said this to himself.

  Perhaps, the City of Dawn is really the kingdom of the inhabitants of Eric Town...If the Lord Kachar did not deceive them.