Chapter 50: Excited people

Reed was surprised by Harrison's learning ability.

   As soon as the residents on the square dispersed in the afternoon, Harrison found him with a more detailed plan.

   "In other words, you plan to select the first city hall officials from among humans?"

   Harrison nodded excitedly.

  " Patriarch, you said that the number of blood races is too small, and human power must be used in the future.

   Since it can be so, why not make it in place all at once.

   The officials of the city hall are humans, but they are more acceptable to these refugees. "

   Reed pondered for a moment and nodded, approving the other party's thoughts.

   It is an inevitable trend to allow humans to participate in management. The number of blood races determines that it is impossible to hold everything in their hands.

   He has no plans to expand the number of blood races for the time being, and he will expand the blood races when the orcs retreat to the barren wasteland and the city of dawn is on the right track when the spring of the coming year and the winter months pass.

   Blood races will fall into a period of weakness after they develop blood races. At this critical moment of plundering the population, each blood race is an important force.

   Loss of power means a great increase in danger, and the probability of encountering an orc at the border is definitely not low.

  "But it's not anxious yet, the road has to be taken step by step,

   The officials of the city hall let them go first. Most of these civilians are farmers, and most of them are illiterate. The chances of finding suitable talents are too small.

   We can now recruit a team of humans as a security team to participate in daytime patrols. The selection of officials is not in a hurry. "

   Although this idea is feasible, it is not necessary to do it now. He still has a complete set of plans in the future, so there is no need to rush for this matter.

   Harrison nodded after a moment of contemplation, knowing that he was thinking ahead.

   From the statistical data, no more than 30 of these 700 people are literate. Most of these literate people can only do simple tasks. It is a bit reluctant for these people to go to the city hall to serve as managers.

   "Patriarch, I will perfect the plan for the security team as soon as possible"

   "Well, the security team temporarily recruits 30 people, assigns 6 blood clan management, let the blood clan and humans patrol together"

   Although there are few people now, the population of the city of Dawn will continue to increase for a long time to come.

   It is very necessary to form a security team.

   Reed entrusted this task to Harrison to complete. Sooner or later, these trivial matters have to be completed by the people below. What he has to do is to control the general direction instead of spending time on these trivial matters.

   He has a lot to do now.

   The security team is just one of them, and more importantly-allocating land.

   Reed deeply understands what the land represents to the common people. If the city of Dawn fulfills its promise to let this group of people own their own land, this means that humanity will truly integrate in.

  The significance of land is too great for the common people. How many people participated in the great man's slogan of beating the landlord to divide the fields.

   So the distribution of land is also the killer of Reed.

  No one would object to this.

  The blood race owns a huge land, but they regard it as nothing.

  The kinsmen who can't cultivate the land value the land close to zero, so the plan of Reed will not hinder internally. If it is placed in the human kingdom, the nobles will explode.

  The monopoly of land is the strongest weapon of the nobles in this world.

   The plan has already been written, Reed decided to let the blood race to implement the whole process, this is the best opportunity to promote the relationship between the two sides.

  " The notice of recruiting the security team is posted in a prominent place in the square, and a wall will be used to post the notice in the future.

   Let Reker's team find a few literate humans to explain the announcement"

   "It's best to find all the security team members today, start measuring the land tomorrow, and start allocating after the measurement.

  When recruiting the security team, you can add a condition, and the security team will give priority to the allocation of land."

   Harrison nodded, "Patriarch, I understand"

   In the afternoon, the crowd after eating the free food obviously felt that the atmosphere was much more active.

   Compared with the fears and worries of last night, many humans have dared to secretly look at the blood races in the dark.

   After watching a lot, many people found that the legendary vampire is nothing terrible, and the other party is like a noble master, paying great attention to etiquette, and all of them are personable.

   There are even two female vampires who make many young men keep turning their heads and peeking.

   Many people started to wander around the city of Dawn curiously. They were a little worried at first, but they became more courageous after discovering that these vampires did not drive him away.

   At its most glorious time, the City of Dawn was home to more than 20,000 humans and 3,000 blood races, so the scale is not bad, and hundreds of people appear empty in it.

   Not long, the notice posted on the square attracted the attention of many people.

   "What is this? Who knows?"

   "Recruitment of the security team?"

   "Read it quickly"

   Soon, the message of recruiting the security team was spread.

  The high salary of the security team attracts many people, but the most exciting thing for the residents is the above message-the security team can give priority to land allocation.

  Goddess is here, Lord City Lord is really the angel sent by the Creation God to save them, and he really wants to start allocating land.

   "Praise the Lord of Kachar, praise the Holy Blood Clan..."

   "Don't squeeze. This is not allocating land. It is just recruiting the security team. It will start measuring the land tomorrow. It is too early to allocate!"

   "Block, let me in, sire, I am a hunter, I am very strong, I can be a member of the security team, I want to sign up..."

   The crowd is boiling.

   Ollie, as Reker's follower, UU Reading took the lead to tell Reker the news.

   "Brother Reker, the kinsmen posted a notice, they said that they would form a security team, and they are paid 12 silver puke every month"

   Ollie couldn't keep up with his breath, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

   Reker shook his head: "We did a good job in the logistics team, and this is about the food of the entire town, there is no need to go to the security team to make fun."

   Now he can barely see the plan of the blood race, which is to use humans to manage humans.

   But this made him breathe a sigh of relief. The behavior of the Holy Light Blood Race was really the same as they said, not the same as the evil vampire.

   He also hopes that the other party can really keep doing this.

   "No, Brother Reker, the above also stated that the land will be measured on the day, and after the land is measured, it will be allocated to everyone, and the security team will give priority to the allocation."


   Thinking of the words of City Lord Kachar, Reker's heart jerked.

   He has a hunch, this time it won't be fake, he believes in that handsome Lord Lord.

   "Brother Reker, you must not go to the security team anymore in managing the logistics team, I think..."

   Reker patted Ollie on the head and smiled

   "Oli, go with peace of mind, work hard, don't lose my face"

   Ollie was surprised, "Brother Reckel, did you agree?"

  "Of course, why not? Since the Holy Light Blood Clan has not shown malicious intent towards us, what reason do we have to refuse?

   Besides, this is 12 silver Puke's work. It's hard to find such a good thing in Grimm"

   Ollie was relieved and ran to the registration point not far away with excitement.