Steel Fire Space

Roran walked into a humongous room filled with shelves. There were at least a thousand, and each filled to the brim with items. Even then, they were impeccably organized, and Roran spotted a shelf of Magic Gems. He went to look. Each of the single-elemental gems was one coin, has a radius of maybe a centimeter, and round. Roran estimated them to be around 8 carats. The dual-elemental gems were the same size, but 10 gold. Roran then had a wonderful idea.

If each of the gems could generate their own element, doesn't that mean that steel, fire, and space might make a gun?! Steel would generate the bullets while space could transport them. Then fire could launch the bullets. Roran immediately wanted to try it out, so he spent all of his gold to buy the three Magic Gems.

He went back to Azeroth and gave the gems to Higeroth. He had already drawn up a plan of the gun. It was a pistol. It was full size. Higeroth was clearly excited about the creation, even though he was a Divine Craftsman. Then he went to work on it. Roran went back to his manor.


The next day, Higeroth went rushing in to show Roran the pistol. It was sleek black, the parts glinting under the sunlight. Then Higeroth aimed towards a tree and shot. Not a single sound was heard except the whistle of the bullet, which flew at incredible speeds and thumped heavily into the side of the tree. Higeroth then commented, "This weapon can launch the projectile to up to 150 meters."

"150 meters?!" Roran exclaimed. Normally, with a skilled shooter, a pistol of that sort would only reach around 90 meters, yet it can reach 150 meters with Magic Gems. Then Roran laughed at the deadliness of the weapon. This is a tremendous advantage for Azeroth.

[Discovered full-size pistol]

[Would the Rifter like to replicate it for 100 system points?]

The system read Roran's mind.

"Make 9 more"

[Remaining points: 9]

[Created 9 full-sized pistols. Storing them in inventory]

Roran then called to his assistant, the squire. "Call five men who had experience with archery over."

A few minutes later the assistant came back with five average-looking men. Roran took out five pistols and distributed them. Then he said, "You have to practice with this every day for at least an hour. You will be our first long-ranged force. These are called pistols, and they are very expensive. Don't lose them."

The men walked away, eager to try out their new toys. Roran smiled seeing their fighting force get stronger.