Money Money Money


"You didn't hear wrong. 1 bronze. You see, these are supposed to be for the nobles. If you got this many, it has to be from the excursion yesterday. If someone finds out, I'm dead. So, I can take them, but you know, I'll pay only 1 bronze for the trouble."


Roran went to the Lugia Chamber of Commerce

"One bronze."


Silverstein Chamber of Commerce

"One Bronze."


They were all trying to scam him using the nobles' power as an excuse. Roran knew that they had the influence to escape punishment as some of the country's biggest organizations. This sort of robbing in daylight was unacceptable. Then Roran found one. This was the Emertist Chamber of Commerce. They were willing to pay up.

"3 gold for the 186 corpses. For our Chamber of Commerce, any customer that has sold or bought anything worth more than 1 gold in one go would have a membership. You can have access to level two of the storage rooms, given that you have to pay 1 silver every entry." The haughty clerk said.

"Sure, I'll take it."

The clerk snapped and three gold coins flew from the back of the shop. The coins glinted under the light, and looked extremely valuable. On them was the face of Emperor Shirjun, the three thousand and ninety-fourth ruler of the Dragon Empire. The coins flew onto the counter and Roran took them, instantly willing them into his inventory. Then the clerk snapped again, with a card flying towards Roran. Roran caught it and then kept it in his hand, surprised at the intricacy of this small card. It was a sheet of steel, engravings of what seems like runes all over it. He presumed that this was to open the rumored unbreakable door of the second storage room.

[Discovered Magical Artifact. Does the Rifter wish to extract the power of opening doors?]

"Will the card lose the ability?"

[No. It will still function, while you will be able to open any door]

"I'll do it."

[Extracting ability. Estimate time: 1 day]

Then Roran exited time freeze and walked with the card to the second floor. The door looked pretty normal, except the one glowing grey stone in the middle. Roran asked the system.

[That is a Magic Gem. It is quite rare, and has the capability to generate its own element. This one is a steel one, together with life. This one is dual elemental, and thus should cost something around 20 gold coins]

Roran drew in a breath. He only received 3 gold coins from 186 monster carcasses. How much would it be to get 20 coins?


Roran was speechless. 1240 monster carcasses. "These major Chambers of Commerce are really rich," Roran sighed.

Then Roran walked into the storage room.