The Ordeal Of Being A Lone Ranger

On hearing Ellis get on ease for Jane, but his worry for his brothers, is not easing up. He knows each of them have their lives and families. He can't keep them with him forever, but letting them go without him is literally giving them a death sentence.

As Ellis enters his room, he can't stop thinking of the boys. Does he get a vampire to pose as bodyguards for each, does he tell them to tell their parents they're joining the army, so won't be home. Running his fingers through his hairs in frustration he falls with his back to the bed.

Just then he hears a knock on the door, seeing the time (01:10am) he gets up quickly to open and sees it's the boys. "Guys," says Ellis, surprised.

Smiling, the boys enter the room. Joel says, "Ellis, we've decided to stay with you round the clock. I've already called home and told, your parents had to leave for an emergency and are gonna be alone for two months, so I'll be staying over and, you know my folks, always ready to send me off so I can grow up independent."

Clive also adds saying, "Yes, me and Denver have also told the same so, from now on we're sharing the room as well."

Smiling Ellis says, "Guys, I was so damn worried on how to keep you guys here or be with you. You solved it so easily."

Replying, Denver says, "It was Clive's idea, we just gave it a shoot with our parents and, luckily they took it, so now at least for two months we don't have to go home, just a call now and then to keep them at bay from worrying."

Looking at his bed, Ellis says, "It'll be tight."

"No sweats, bro," says Denver

"Yeah, it's better this way, (standing in front of the bed). Me, Denver, you and Joel. Joel is the stronger one so he can be alone, me and Denver can be together." says Clive

The boys jump into bed and start laughing and talking but stop as they hear a knock. Looking at the clock Joel says, "It's probably someone from inside right, no outsider."

Getting up, Ellis says, "I'll check."

As he opens he says, "Jane what's the matter?"

"I was worried about you so came to check on you….

Jumping off the bed Clive says, "Hey, sis-in-law, sorry the bed's full. You'll have to wait for your wedding night."

"Clive," yells Jane

Joel comes over and pulling Clive by his collar tells Ellis, "Go and have your chat. I'll take this pestering kid away."

Joel takes Clive back to the bed and Ellis slowly closes the door behind him. Ellis takes Jane's hand in his and says, "Jane, it's odd how we both are worrying for each other though, I'm at ease cause Dorothy said she'll be with you."

" Yes, Dorothy is sleeping with me and mom. She told the same. She also told me not to worry as no one is stronger than you, but my heart is restless."

"Jane, honestly you don't have to worry about me. The boys are in my room cause of the same reason. I'm the one who should worry. Thankfully Clive thought of a way for him and the boys to stay for two months and you and your mom are also here so I'm at ease. You don't have to worry about me, I'm the strongest, no one can hurt me."

"Ellis, I know, but my heart won't listen," says Jane, "I can't sleep."

Ellis slowly takes a steps forward as Jane goes back and stops as her back is against the wall. Ellis puts his right hand on the wall and leans forward (Jane closes her eyes) and softly kisses her on her forehead. Jane says, "What?"

Smiling Ellis says, "Were you expecting something else..(Jane hits Ellis softly on his chest and says, "You like teasing a lot, don't you?) Jane I just want to see you smiling not worrying. And, I can't do anything as such till the matter with Sophia is solved. (Jane looks at Ellis tensed) Don't worry I haven't kissed Sophia, ever. For us vampires our heart, and kiss are a solemn deed. We are immortal, the one we choose is for eternity. You just find a girl, say you love her and bang. It's not that simple. ("Then Sophia," asks Jane) I liked her, never loved her. It never came to that point. She betrayed me before that. ("Then how come you told you love me so soon," asks Jane) I told you we vampires are different. Our intuitions are different from yours. What I saw in you, I never found that in her. ("In me?," says Jane puzzled) Jane we can see things you humans can't. Your soul is pure, like my mother's. That's what I was looking for in the girl meant to be my wife. I didn't see that in Sophia. She was always manipulative and I knew she could never be my wife, but I was young and made the wrong choice, and regretted it."

"Ellis, I promise I'll never let you lose your trust in me. I will do all in my will to prove to your world I'm worthy to be your wife."

Hugging Jane, Ellis says "Jane, you just have to be yourself. Everyone will see what I saw, and understand why you're the one and only for me. It's getting late, you should get some rest. God knows what tomorrow holds for us."

Ellis again kisses Jane on her forehead and Jane goes to her room.

Ellis also goes back to his room. As he enters he sees the boys have a sad face. "What's with you guys," asks Ellis

"What was that," says Joel jumping out of bed, "two kisses on the forehead, were you sending off your kid to nursery." ("Guys," says Ellis)

"Yeah, and you're immortal, not Jane. You go on that pace, your parents will meet her before you get the chance to propose," says Denver

"Guys," says Clive, "Ellis is a vampire. It's different for him, and we are to blame for his condition. ("What?" Joel and Denver say together) We always knew he's on the cold side with girls, never did anything. Now we know the reason is because he's a vampire. (Putting his arms around Ellis's neck) So, it's time to teach our student Ellis how to win a human girl. And the first lesson is (Clive removes his arms and hits lightly on Ellis's head to which Ellis asks for what was that) don't lose the moment a girl willingly gives. Ellis loving Jane means you have to mix your vampire and human feelings together. You were supposed to be a human and kiss her."